1.Madelyn Faith Mcflair

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Warning: the start is quite harsh, so if you don't want to read it just skip to my sign

I opened my eyes and instantly shut them. There was Nick standing besides me with a furious look on his face. I felt his arms picking me up. No, not gently but by my hair. I screamed instantly opening my eyes. He brought me to my feet and grabbed me by my neck pushing me to the wall.

"Where have you been?" He screamed to my face, he was smelling like alcohol again.

"Talk" He smacked me to the wall.

"I...I was sleeping" I said while looking down at the floor. I didnt want to meet his eyes because he hates when I look at his. Heck, he once even beat me for that. But that's what I was used to. Not loking at his eyes? No, I was used to being beaten up.

How did I end up with him? Well... long story short I didn't have a home to live in and he needed money for beer. Yep, just like that he adopted me when I was 6. Since then I lived in a small closet which had a pillow and a blanket. Do you think that's bad? Well I was even in more bad situations then this one.

"Sleeping? You live here, but you can't just sleep around! There will be no sleeping while I'm hungry or I need you. Got it?"He gritthed his teeth, but slowly he released my neck and got out of the room.

*****Safe to read from here****

I was so sick of living like this. Just being a servant and being abused all the time. I just hate it. I always had a plan to get out of this place. Go to California. When I think about it... maybe I should? Tomorow when I will 'go to school' I will run away. Yeah, that's a good idea, isn't it? It shouldn't be hard.

Nick was out to his club or wherever he was. I ran out of my closet and to the kitchen. There was always food here. I opened the fridge and took out some canned food and put it in my backpack. Also I packed Nick's camping stuff and took his jacket which was waterproof.

I wanted to go but I remebered that I need to have money if I want to travel so I kinda stole 30 bucks, but don't get me wrong, I didn't have any choice, because Nick would always steal my money from child support. But being myself, I cleaned his house as if I'm saying sorry for all of that stuff.

I went to the nearest train station. I knew that I can't just go to the airport, it's too expensive for me, so I went for a train. I didn't pay for the ticket to be honest. It would cost me too much and I have to live with those 30 bucks for a month at least.

As soon as I saw a train I ran to the bushes. I was prepared to jump. As dangerous as it is, I had to do it. There was no other choice. I ran and...

I jumped straight and made it! But I hit my knee hard. I hope it's ok... and there's blood. A lot of it... I suddenly felt light headed and everything went black.

I heard a noise. Something really odd. It was like a mouse, or like a living thing was scratching something. I opened up my eyes and saw a rat. I screamed really loud because it was really close by.

The rat dissapeared, but I still didn't know what was happening. One thing I remember is jumping on a train, then black.

I looked through the doors and what I saw was... weird. Is it California, really? Because it looked like a homeless living place. It's a mess, honestly. I guess I had to jump, because the train started to slow down a little bit and I didn't want to be busted. So I jumped... bad choice.

I landed on my feet. But my knee was hurting so badly I couldn't walk. I looked down and saw dried blood on my pants with some fresh one too. I freaked out. I didn't like blood... in fact I would always feel sick just looking at it.

After some time the pain stoped. So I guess I have to go find a home or a place I have to live in for some time.

After walking for 2 hours the sky started to grow darker. I guess it's almost night time. For a 10 year old, I didn't fear the night so badly, the only thing I feared the most was rats, spiders and bugs and stuff. They creap me out and dont even start it with snakes.

I saw an abandoned home in front of me. It looked pretty old, but it's something. I smiled to the thought of living with no Nick and no people that could hurt me. I started to run from all that ecxitement when I saw a light from the right side of me. Then it hit me:I was in the middle of the road!

Hello! Hello! I hope you will enjoy this story! I'm really trying to make this work. I'm not from a english speaking country so i'm sorry if there will be any grammar or any kind of mistakes! Hope you will like this story and thank you for reading ❤

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