Whats Your Story? (ch.3)

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~Gerard's POV~

Victoria made her way downstairs and looked for the living room until spotting me and Frank on the couch.

"Hey." She said.

"Hi, how's your new room?"

"Oh god, I-I love it. You didn't have to do all of that thought, I would have been fine with a bed and a table." She let out an uncomfortable laugh.

"Well you lived in a crappy place so its the least we could do." I said.

Victoria slowly made her way into the actual living room and instead of standing in the big doorway she sat in a chair right in front of us. She was still wearing the outfit she had worn from the day I had met her.

"So what's your story Victoria?" Frank said.

"Frank! Don't make her feel uncomfortable! It's her first night here and we don't want to scare her away."

"Victoria?" He said again.

"Hm?" She answered back.

"Whats your story?"

"Frank Iero!"

He had that devilish smile on his face.

"Well when I was really young, too young to remember my step dad died and my mom was put through a hole of depression. I don't really ever remember my real dad but she started to drink and do drugs heavly. She would either go to parties or host parties and get even more drunk and high then she already was. She would hit me if I talked back about her health and she would encourage the people at the parties to do so too. I used to sit in my room every night and cry hope everything would become better burn it never did. Thankfully I never turned to drugs, alcohol, and or suicide. I don't really get too emotional about it though. It's just a thing in the past. And instead of suicide or heavy drugs I would steal paper and crayons from school and I would color all the time. I covered my walls in drawings and acted like they were my friends and then one day I bought a old computer at like 5 not knowing who to work it. Then my mom got sick of me and dropped me off at that dump and now I'm here living with you."

Wow she's been through a lot, more then I ever went through in 13 years.

"Whats your story Gerard?" She had asked me.


We shared stories about our past and I really got to know more about Victoria. She had been through lots but thankfully she didn't trade over her life to suicide or anything worse. She was a little jumpy for the day but I just think it was because she was still getting used to the house and all of us. They boys came over during the day to actually meet Victoria. But we also had a huge thing to tell her but we figured to wait until tomorrow. Right now we were just going to let her enjoy time at her new house.

But I had a great idea.

"Hey Victoria!"

"Yeah?" She said while coming down the stairs.

"There is something I want to show you! Follow me."

I took her down the hall to where there was a plain white door with the words Victoria's across it. She looked at me like in was crazy. Was she thinking she had another bedroom? I told her to close her eyes then i opened the door and kind of shoved her inside.

"3,2,1 OPEN!"

She opened her eyes and stood there in shock. Now Victoria had her own studio with drums, a piano, and bass. Off to the side was an easel, canvases, and a large art kit. There was also another small desk top computer for her homeschooling we were planning on having her do.

"Thankyou so much!"

She ran over and hugged me.

"Your welcome, now we need to talk for a moment about something."

Her eyes grew deep with worry


Song if the day: Joyriding by Frank Iero

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