Chapter 7

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Bree's POV:

   After telling Devyn that I liked Colby, he was acting strange towards me. He didn't talk to me as much as before, and he kept his distance. I wasn't sure why he was doing this, but I didn't know how to ask him.

   I was sitting in the living room, watching Netflix, when I heard Corey shout "Everyone come to my room! I have an important surprise!" I shut the tv off and walked up to his room. Everyone was standing outside of his room. He let us all in and had us sit on the bed. "So, Devyn and I have made a decision." He pauses for a while.

   Corey and Devyn make eye contact and, they nod their heads. "We got another kid. She's the same age as Bree." Corey announced.

   "Yay! Where is she?" I asked. Devyn pointed at the closet. I ran over and opened the door. As I opened it, I heard a loud thud. I peeked my head through and noticed a girl on the floor. "Oops, did I just hit you with the door?" I asked, concerned.

   "Yeah, but I'm okay." I helped her stand up, and I gave her a hug.

   "It's nice to meet you..." I trailed off, not knowing what her name was.

   "Oh, right! I'm Izzy. It's nice to meet you too." She said. Everyone else introduced themselves and we got to know more about Izzy, like her favorite color is black. While we talked, she seemed to look at Elton the most. I caught her staring a few times, so I figured I'd ask her about it later.

   "Bree and Izzy will have to share a room, since we don't have any extras. Is that okay with you two?" Corey asked.

   "Yep!" We answered simultaneously. We both giggled and looked at each other.


   "Jinx again!" She exclaimed before I could say it.

   "Damn it." I mumbled.

After an hour of talking, everyone went to go do their own thing. I went downstairs to go make dinner. I figured since Izzy is new to the house, I'll welcome her with probably the only homemade meal she'll eat in this house.

I got out all of the ingredients to make Fettuccine Alfredo. I've made it many times, and it's one of my favorite foods.

It took a while, but I finally finished making dinner. I called everyone downstairs, so they could eat before it got cold. They all grabbed a plate and took some food. Everyone sat at a table and dig in. "This is amazing!" Sam exclaimed.

"Thank you!" Elton said.

"This is so good! Thank you," Izzy said, giving me a smile. Everyone else said something about how good it was, and I just smiled and said, "Thanks guys."

After dinner, I started washing the dishes. "Do you want some help?" I heard a voice behind me. I immediately recognized it as Colby.

"Sure, that'd be great." I replied. He grabbed the towel and started drying dishes. "Colbs?"

"Yeah, Bree?"

"Why have you been acting so strange towards me?" I asked. Colby put the towel down and turned towards me. He grabbed my waist and made me face him.

"I, um...I overheard your conversation with Devyn. You like someone, and it broke my heart because it wasn't me. Bree, I really like you, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship by telling you. It's okay if you don't want to be friends anymore."

"Colbs I can't be friends with you if you like me." I said with a serious face.


I burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" Colby asked.

"Your the guy I was talking about. Colby, I like you too."

"You do?" He asked, confused. I nodded my head before kissing his cheek. His face turned bright red, and I started laughing again.

"Y-you...look...l-like...a...tomato!" I exclaimed in between laughs. He blushed even more.

"Shut up!" He cupped my face and pulled me closer to him. Wait, was he going to kiss me? Our faces were centimeters apart, we He suddenly closed the gap and our lips connected. His soft, plump lips moved with mine before pulling apart. It may have only been for a few seconds, but I felt so many sparks. I felt my face heat up.

"Now look who's a tomato." He said while chuckling. I punched his chest playfully and went back to doing the dishes. I stayed quiet while doing them, as I thought about what just happened. Colby likes me back...

A/N I didn't know what else to write, so this is sorta a filler chapter. The part between Bree and Colby is kinda awkward, but I'm not good with romance. This chapter is dedicated to Solbygolbrock4life who is Izzy in the story. I hope you guys enjoyed this sucky chapter. Please vote, comment, and share. Love you all! 🖤

By the way, I came up with a schedule that I'll follow from now on. These are the days that you can expect a new chapter.

Sunday: Adopted by Corey and Devyn

Wednesday: It Started With a Groupchat

Friday: Adopted by Corey and Devyn

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