To the Semi's,Jay vs......

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Nia's P.O.V

While everyone waited to see whether I was dead or not I decided that was the best chance I had and created a sniper with explosive bullets.Not giving him a chance I shot through the dust and heard an explosion.Hoping it was him I jumped out of the smoke and began to repeatedly shoot at the him.Suprisingly he effortlessly dodged my attacks to the point where he pulled out a long dagger from a case on his back and deflected the bullets.I continued shooting while running towards him."I can't allow this guy to defeat me,I won't let anyone consider me weak!" were the only words I heard repeatedly in my head.When we were some steps close I created a random sword and we clashed with me shooting a few times."This is pathetic!" he shouted frustrated and shot another tailed beast bomb slightly grazing me.That was enough though because with every slash I became weaker until he kicked me back and cut me across the chest.Both the spectators and the commentator looked away but I walked through the pain going towards him again."You've gotten annoying!" he shouted.This time ten gray tails came out from his back and he began dodging my slashes and hitting me.Without stopping he charged up a black tiny orb and threw it at me shouting, "Black Vacuum!"Thats when I noticed I couldn't move.While I was stuck his body was engulfed in red energy with two red tails this time and he charged up the largest bomb he ever did blasting me to the ground.
Jay's P.O.V
I watched in terror seeing the beating Nia was taking but,I couldn't stop it,she thinks that losing will make her look weak so me stopping her will make her feel worse.Once again she got up and ran towards him pulling out another sword.Without effort he made a big red hand and held her by her head and created an explosion in his hands.Thats when I couldn't help it anymore."That's enough Nia damn it!"I shouted,"we know that you are strong you don't have to show us,so please,let me kick his ass!" I shouted.The stadium was quiet and all you could hear were my words echoing through it.Finally,Nia stopped struggling and gave her body a rest."W well what a match folks!" the commentator shouted,"let's take a fifteen minute bre..." "Hell no!" Alex shouted,"since this guy thinks he's stronger than me,I'll crush his dreams right here!" "Fine by me!" I replied jumping down into the stadium feeling a familiar white and purple aura surround me.

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