16; Blind Fury

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Adam enters the kitchen. His eyes land on Evalena straight and he walks to her, dismissing the maids around her. They leave silently while Evalena watches him come to her.

She stirs the sauce, raising her brow at him. He gives her a smile and comes to stand beside her. He steals a glance at the pan and then answers her unasked question, "I just came to see what you're cooking."

"Oh," she mumbles, "Well, you see now."

He hums, coming to stand behind her. She looks over her shoulder as Adam encircles her smaller form in his arms and gently holds her waist. He perches his chin upon the bare skin of her shoulder and she feels his warm breath fanning her skin. It makes her shiver.

He notices the subtle reaction of her body but says nothing.

She continues stirring, adding vegetables. He does nothing more but the proximity affects her in ways she can't put into words. His warm and slow breaths linger over her skin and it makes her heart run faster than usual.

Adam doesn't even have to do anything.

"Anything you want, Mr Dawood?" She asks, mixing the stuff.

Adam frowns. "Are you still angry with me?" He asks, the voice hitting her ear straight.

She glances at him secretly. "What? No. Why do you think so?" She chuckles softly, covering the pan with its lid.

She turns around, thinking he will move away but he doesn't. He remains there, letting go of her waist but holds the marble slab on either side of her body, caging it. She takes a secret note of their sweet proximity but says nothing.

"Because you're not calling me by my name," he complains, surprising her.

"You like it?" She blinks, amazed to discover the latest thing. He nods slowly and her lips part to say something. Anything. But amusement stops her and she can't help but chuckle.

"And why is that?" He points to her laugh, tilting his head.

"Because I didn't know it'd drive you mad," she answers, looking back at him. The seriousness on his face halts her and she bites her bottom lip, mumbling, "I'm not angry with you."

Never in her life had she ever imagined something like this to happen in her life that Adam would ever be standing before her without a smile. He was always with his charming and world-dazzling smile on his kissable lips and his aura would call her to give in before him but now the man before her was quite different from her lovely childhood friend that he used to be.

He seemed a bit demanding.

He sighs and puts a hand behind the small of her back, pulling her closer to him. This unexpectedness of his actions makes her stumble ahead. Her palms fall on his chest while he wraps his arms around her waist.

"Then call out my name," he asks in a low whisper, his breath landing over her lips.

This all drives her heart insane. She is hot and pink in an instant. All thanks to him.

He gazes down at her tempting features as how once again that killer rosy hue spreads over her cheeks. Her freckles are pretty in his eyes and her eyes are lively. He can't help but murmur again, "I like it so much."

"When I call your name?" She almost whispers, gazing into his fiery eyes. The pupils have swallowed a bit of space around themselves. He looks enchanting and would have any woman on her knees in front of him.

He lets their forehead touch and closes his eyes like bliss has bestowed upon him the very moment she spoke, being so close to him.

He hums, kissing her eyelid that her eyes flutter close. "Say it. Say my name, Eva," he mumbles a command on her skin and proceeds to kiss her cheek, then her chin, and then the side of her neck. She shivers in his arms, clutching his shirt and whispering, "Adam."

"Again," he adds, impressed. His heart beats in content.


He plants another kiss on the side of her neck, smiling against her hot skin. She feels the curve of those lips and slowly lets her arms wound around his neck. Her body clings to him. His hold is soft on her waist, the warmth between and within them is soothing.

"That's nice." His head rises and he smiles at her sweetly. "It's Adam for you," he adds, kissing her forehead.

She smiles softly, when someone calls him and it startles her. She tried to push him away, knowing very well that it was Nicole but her attempts were futile because she entered the kitchen the very next moment.

Adam and Evalena look together at Nicole who stands at the door, staring at them blankly. Whereas Evalena is left flushed, Adam doesn't care even a bit and asks Nicole if she wants something.

"Barak needs you," she utters annoyingly and leaves.

Adam pays no heed to the change in her demeanor but Evalena notes it, frowning over it inside herself.

"Why didn't you let me go? She saw us," she complains, getting out of his arms and turning to check the pan. She sighs as she finds it well, not burnt.

"Because she knows that you're my wife and what was wrong with it? I just held you," he reasons, coming closer to her. He stands beside her, his hands itching to hold her again but he restrains himself for no reason.

"Oh, it was so normal!" She exclaims him sarcastically, turning the stove off. "Do it often, why don't you?"

"As you say."

She gapes at him. "You're joking, Adam!" She holds her hips as she utters seriously.

"By no means, Eva. I can hold you before the world and who dares to stop me?" He says, stepping closer. "I'm your husband and you're my wife," he, too, adds seriously, eyes falling into hers.

They stay like that and none of them speak after him. Evalena has no answer to give to him as he has left her speechless and her heart at its crazy pace. But what she meant was only that they were so close when Nicole burst in and by what Nicole's been doing in Evalena's life lately, she worries about any judgment that can arise to trouble her.

Adam's gaze softens at his wife's lovely, surrendered, and silent state. He steps closer and cups her face. He leans in and says, "Don't worry about what Nicole would think, okay?" He plants a chaste kiss on her forehead and leaves.


The afternoon of the following day brings her to their backyard where she expected to see Nicole and Barak together. She asked Aliah about them, learning that she would find them in the backyard. Deep inside, Evalena was worried about Barak's health like a typical mother. It was winter, after all.

Hugging herself and rubbing her arms because of the harsh wind attacking her, she walks to the backside and the sound of Nicole's voice hits her ears. She is talking with Barak, and Evalena realizes it.

"Really? You're such a cute boy, Barak!" She laughs, adding, "But don't you miss your Mama?"

"My Mama is with me, Mausi. Why would I miss her?" He replies in his cute voice and Evalena can't help but frown at Nicole's preference over questions. She decides to remain where she is, listening to her, even though she feels very nasty because of this.

Eavesdropping was never her thing.

"I meant your own Mama, Barak. Nora."

Barak never replied, falling silent in an instant. It saddens Evalena somewhere in her heart. Why is Nicole doing this all? What would it bring to her?

"Don't you miss her? She loved you the most."

"Lena Mama also loves me."

"She loves your Daddy more, Barak. And she's here for him first, you after, my little prince!"

Fury grips Evalena the moment she hears Nicole. Her fists clench on either side of her body and she marches ahead to Nicole and Barak who are sitting on a swing that is moving in its peaceful harmony. Their back faces Evalena so Nicole gets no idea of her presence.

"What?" Barak whispers, his tone not chirpy anymore.

"Yes, you heard me right." She continues to fill poison in the kid's mind. "Don't you see it?"

"Nicole!" Evalena yells, coming to stand in front of them. Barak trembles beside Nicole in fear whereas Nicole rolls her eyes.

"How dare you talk nonsense to my child?" She glares at her, holding Barak's hand and getting him out of the swing.

"Your child, excuse me? He's Nora's son!"

"Shut up!" At her loud response, Barak's grip tightens over Evalena's hand. She notices it, looking down at him. He is watching them both with his big blue eyes, especially Evalena. And she sees fear in those eyes that makes her regret instantly.

Putting aside the plan of getting answers out of Nicole, she leaves her presence with Barak. She comes inside their home and takes him to their room. There she makes him sit on their bed and cups his face, making him look at herself but he refuses to do it out of fear.

"Barak, my little prince, look at me," she requests vulnerably, "I'm sorry for yelling out there."

"You don't love me?" That's his first question after Evalena apologizes softly. He is still afraid of looking at her, that's why keeps his eyes down on his lap where his hands rest.

"Of course, I do, my baby. She was lying to you," she says, gently holding his cold hands and kissing his palms. "I'm your Mama, why wouldn't I love you?" She continues to convince him, wanting those lies to get out of his head that Nicole has forced inside.

She still remembers the day when she met him for the first time. How silent, reserved, and sad he looked! She still remembers his bright smile when they got acquainted soon and before Adam proposed to her, Barak asked only one thing; 'Would you love me forever?' Like he yearned for it only. The hint of sadness and hope was vibrant in his voice.

She could feel how it felt to be without a mother. Though she was a teen when she lost her mother, Barak was only a child when he wasn't even aware of the separation. He was only three years old and yearned for mother's love for two years. Evalena was the woman who came and was like an answer to his silent prayers for a mother. She saw how he saw her; like she was his hope. How could she then let that brightness get dimmed in those eyes? How could she see him losing hope when she was right before him?

It hurt her so bad when he questioned her if she loved him or not. He doubted it.

He shrugs nonchalantly, but his chin trembles as he is on the verge of crying. Evalena's eyes don't take much time to see through him and she hugs him to her chest.

He starts crying, wetting her shawl and clutching it between his fingers.

"Don't cry, baby. Don't pay attention to what she said," she says softly, shivering inwardly in rage because of Nicole. How dare that woman make her child cry? Though her gentle self is open to Barak, she knows she has to confront Nicole after comforting Barak.

His cries cease in a few minutes as Evalena speaks soft and lulling words into his ear. She leaves him in their room with anything that can help him in doing some timepass and walks out of their room.

Looking down from the stairs, she doesn't find Nicole in the living room so she makes her way to the guest room in search of her. She enters the room and closes the door behind in a soft thud.

"Lena?" Nicole acknowledges her, putting down her mobile through which she was scrolling. "What brought you here?" She asks innocently, raising her chin.

Evalena walks over to her and asks straight, "What's your problem, Nicole?"

"What do you mean, Lena?" She acts clueless, smirking at her.

Evalena takes a deep breath, not wishing to lash out already. So badly she wants to grip her hair and pull her up from her bed and make her stand before herself but she isn't some bitch to behave that way.

"Days ago you called me and started speaking of the past. Nora and her treatment and all, that's all you get, after all, to spit before me and make me guilty. But maybe that didn't feel enough to you so you were talking nonsense to my child, right? Are you this crazy, Nicole?" She narrows her eyes, folding her arms on her chest. "What would you get by dragging a kid between all this?"

Nicole purses her lips, all amusement flowing out of her in a second. She gets up and speaks sharply as anyone would expect her to, "Nothing. But that kid should also know what kind of a witch you are!"

"What have I ever done to you?" Evalena asks, all desperate and confused.

"Oh, stop acting, Lena! Stop being so innocent. Don't I know your obsession with Adam? You've been chasing after him since we were in school and you stooped so low to get him that you even killed my sister? What kind of a woman are you?"

"I didn't kill her!" She yells, "And I'm not obsessed with Adam. I love him!"

"Rubbish," Nicole mutters, walking away from Evalena to stand beside a shelf. "You call it love but it's so toxic, Lena, that you just killed the man's wife you were obsessed with."

She bends a bit to grab a photo frame in which there is a picture of Adam and Nora together. Evalena catches a glimpse of it, provoked to anger more because of Nicole's reasoning. What is she going to get by speaking of someone who is no more?

"You know nothing," she says, "Your sister gave her consent—"

"To kill her? And you killed her? Where was your humanity?"

"Stop repeating one thing over and over again, Nicole. I didn't kill her! She was sick and she knew that she wouldn't be able to live any longer if she decided to—"

"You know what? Keep blessing your delusional heart. You don't want to admit that you killed Nora and act clueless. How could you? How could you destroy three lives? And you claim to love him, huh?"

Tears blur Evalena's eyes as her ears keep listening to Nicole doubting and questioning her love for Adam. The pain contracts her throat and she loses words to answer Nicole. Anyway, she won't even understand. Like people who have eyes but don't see, have ears but don't hear, and have minds yet don't perceive, so is Nicole right now. No matter how many times Evalena says she didn't kill Nora, Nicole won't stop condemning her. And that hurts her somewhere. It clutches her chest how blames after blames she puts on her though they aren't even true.

A sigh of desperation escapes her lips and she forces herself to speak, "You've been caught trying to deceive Barak, that's why now you're trying to make me guilty over and over again. But if I come to reveal, you're leaving this house in an instant."

All the sense of victory Nicole has been feeling through Evalena's tears vanishes in the air the moment Evalena answers her straight.

She frowns, putting down the frame. "What do you have to reveal?" She folds her arms over her chest, stepping ahead in boldness that leaves her pathetic in Evalena's eyes.

"You remember it was you who took the responsibility for her medication, right?"

Just a simple reminder of the past with a question and horror masks Nicole's enchanting features. Her eyes widen and her lips part in amazement. Her arms unfold and she knows she has to speak or else she will lose everything she has achieved till now.

"So what? What are you trying to say?" She tips her chin, fisting the border of her pale blue kurti.

Evalena flicks her tongue, pitying as well as furious over Nicole's audacity of trying to hide her deed once again. Dangerously deceiving figures were never a sight to behold for Evalena's eyes. She doesn't understand the use of it.

"Maybe you'll remember everything when Adam questions you about this," were her last words before she strode out of the room in anger.

Nicole's heart drops into her chest when she hears Evalena. Though she couldn't stop Evalena from leaving her room, she surely sprints behind her to stop her.

"Lena!" She utters, slamming the door behind herself. She finds Evalena in the corridor, walking away.

"Lena! Listen to me for once!" She calls out again and reaches her. She holds her arm and stands in front of her, uttering, "You w-won't tell Adam anything. You won't!"

Evalena scans her horror-stricken face, knowing very well that the fear of getting caught has gripped Nicole's confident nerves. Her face is flushed and her eyes showcase the anticipation that's been building inside her. Anyone would pity this pretty woman but Evalena has had enough.

Her eyes narrow at Nicole's face as she mutters, "And who are you to command me?"

Before Nicole seeks to answer her, Evalena frees her arm and continues walking ahead. Nicole catches her again, turning her harshly when they have reached the stairs.

"You just won't tell him anything, Lena! He'll hate me forever! You'll ruin everything!"

"You should've thought twice before coming to Barak and filling his ears!"

"You're a witch! Can't you understand one thing that you don't deserve Adam and Barak even a bit? I was telling him the truth. You can't be an angel in his eyes after coming between us—"


Nicole trembles, letting go of Evalena's arms as she yells so bitterly at her. Even though she has a lot to say, her sensitive heart doesn't allow her even a bit. The words Nicole has spoken have wounded her heart. How more Nicole can attack her even if she is afraid of many things? Evalena wonders about her capacity, not knowing how Nicole can be this cruel!

But no word would make her understand. Nicole's sanity has been lost. She doesn't even want to hear Evalena, how would she then perceive what she has to say?

Evalena turns to leave and that's when Nicole's senses kick back that has been paused because of the rage in Evalena's emerald eyes. She goes to hold Evalena once again, uttering, "Lena, stop!"

Evalena groans in frustration as well as desperation. She snatches her arm to get it freed but the force makes Nicole stumble back. Her heel slips down and her ankle twists, making her fall down the stairs and she injures her head badly, followed by her limbs.

Evalena gasps, covering her mouth as she gazes down at Nicole's unconscious figure. Blood oozes out, spreading around her head and soaking her hair.  


A bit of drama is waiting ahead.

Also, thank you so much for 1k views! I'm so HAPPY! May this book reach more views. Gosh, I'm in tears *sniffing*. You guys are so sweet and God is awesome! Thank you again :)

Thanks for reading, btw :)
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Jesus love you :)

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