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"N/M" Adam whispers your name in your ear to wake you.

You shift to relax, you feel his arms wrapped around you, and your legs tangled together.

You close your eyes, and you try to fall back asleep.

"Oh no you don't, get up N/M" you feel his arms squeeze you, but you put a pillow over your head.

"You can't stop me" you grin underneath the pillow, keeping your eyes shut to fall back asleep.

"Come on. Its morning!" he untangles your legs from his, and you frown as you feel the cold air surround you as Adam separates from you.


"Yeees" Adam plays along.

You start to fade off, but soon you feel Adam's fingers go up and down your spine.

Shivers go up and down, and finally you turn around.

You have a chill spasm, and then you close your eyes again.

"Oh no you don't" Adam grabs your sides and tickles them.

"AH" you jerk upwards, and you try to get away from it, but his grip was too strong.

"Stop!" you beg as you try to get away.

"Well then get up!" he chuckles from the laughing and yelling.

"And you have to come with me for breakfast with the guys!" he grins.

"But I wanna sleep! AH!" you slip away from him finally, but he rolls after you and continues.

"Get up!"

"Okay okay!" you give up as he finally lets go.

"I knew that would work" he gives a half smile as you get up and ran your fingers through the knots in your hair.

"You have a very cute laugh by the way"

You look at him, his blue eyes sparkling.

"Whatever. I'm not happy with you after that." You try to be mad at him, but he's too adorable to resist.

"I'm sorry" he flops on the bed, looking up at you.

"Come on. You said we had to go and meet the guys at breakfast, right?"

"Okay" he gets up and slips on some pants.

You wear his shirt, and he stared at you. The smell floods your nose, and you grin at the familiar, comforting scent.

"My shirt. Nice" He smiles and leans closer.

He kissed you, and he walks you into the living room to get shoes on and to leave.

"I love you" he holds your hand as you walk towards the car.

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