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-Next Afternoon-

Kylie's pov :

Last night was the begining. Me and kayla made cupcakes while justin and ariana brought back candy. And we all watched Napoloeon Dynamite . And then justin and kayla started arguing. Something about how he ran into selena and then something about sammy and kayla.

And then they kept going at eachother's throught's which kinda ruined the night. Me and Ariana ended up spending the night at kayla's while justin left pissed off.

"Where is kay?"Ariana asked from coming out the shower

"She should be back she just went to buy nadya some more baby peaches. I guess she love's them so much."I said baking some chicken

"Is nadya here?" Ari asked walking to the fridge

"With kay."I said

"So what happened last night with justin and you guys running into selena?"I asked

"Basically she seen us in the store,jumped up and squeezed the shit out of j and then said kayla was fucking around with sam and how kayla's baby isn't even justin's probably. "Ariana said

"That bitch."I said now pissed

"The girl is crazy if you ask me."Ariana said then kayla and nadya walked in

"Who we talking about?"Kayla asked walking in the kitchen while ariana grabbed nadya

"Ari was just telling me about her and justin's run in with hoelena last night."I said now getting our plates

"Fuck selena."Kayla said pouring nadya's peaches in a little bowl for her as ari sat her in the high chair

"So we going to stas's party right?"Ariana asked

"Yea."Me and kayla said

"My mom is watching nadya since all the kids are going with her tonight. And I think her bestfriend Malika was coming over to watch the kids with my mom."Kayla said

"Cool."I said

Lauren's pov :

I was still sleep until I heard banging at my door. And matthew stayed over too but he was up so he got the door but I got up as well to see who it was.

"Who is it?"I asked matt

"Your fucking ex husband and his other baby momma and his other daughter. "Matt said walking in the room

"Gerald what the fuck do you want?"I asked with a attitude since he was the one banging on my door

"I need a place to crash for a few weeks." He said as his baby Rachel started crying

"And??"I asked

"Can we stay here?"He asked as I was laughing right now

"Hell no,go to your mom's."I said

"She doesn't like blaire and her neighborhood is too quiet so if Rachel cries it will not be good."He said

"Camila?"I asked

"She doesn't like blaire either ."He said

"And what the hell makes you think I like her ass ?"I asked him

"Lauren please I'll even pay you for letting us stay here."He said sounding like he was stressed

"What is wrong with your house?"I asked

"Blaire left the stove on while we were sleeping and the house was filled with smoke and started to burn down."He said

Blaire is the dumbest girl anybody probably even meet. And I'm not even trying to be's just true...poor Rachel

"No." I said

"Please."Blaire said

"Is she talking to me?"I asked Gerald

"Why not?"He asked

"Matt is moving in."I said

"So??"Gerald asked

"And mommy's pregnant!"Riley yelled running out of her room. Gerald dropped her back off last night. Thank god she wasn't in that damn smoke house

"What?"Gerald asked

"She's joking right?"He asked

"Nope."Matthew said walking past to go in the kitchen

"Oh...well uhm..con - congratulations." Gerald said sounding hurt

"Thanks." I said

"But please can we only for 2 weeks at least." He begged

"Yea mommy let daddy stay."Riley asked looking me in my eyes

"I don't know ri."I said

"Please?"Gerald asked

I finally gave in and said "Sure". Because I don't want to be a bitch and if it was me in their position I would want someone to help me.

"Thank you so much."Gerald and Blaire both said bringing in a few of their things that didn't get burnt down.

"You guys can stay in the guest room,ri show daddy where it is."I said to her as she grabbed his hand as they ran up the stairs and in the room

-Later on at night-

"Where are you going?"Blaire asked as I was downstairs getting my makeup bag

"A party."I said annoyed just looking at her face

"Pregnant, lauren you can't do that."Blaire said

"Excuse me?"I said turning around

"I mean why would you drink that would just be terrible for your child."Blaire said

"Who said I was drinking and I'm having twins not just one child. Thank you very much and next time ask me what I'm doing before you assume shit."I said then Gerald walked down

"Why are you cussing at her?"He asked her

"Cause this is my house and if someone disrespect's me in my house you will get what's handed to you."I said walking back to my room leaving them both speechless

"Savage."Matthew said laughing getting out the shower

"I just can't stand her."I said putting my earings on

Kayla's POV :

We all finally arrived at stas's house for her party. And as soon as you pull up all you hear is loud ass music and you see people everywhere.

"I'm so glad you guys showed up."Stas said giving me,destiny,ari,and kylie hugs

"Yo kayla wassup."Sammy yelled as he walked over and put his arm around me

"Nothing, dude are you drunk?"I asked him

"I don't know."He said as I laughed

Me and kylie started to dance with stas and ariana then justin walked in... He glared over at me as if he was still mad. I swear I can't with his ass

"I'll be back."I said as I was walking over to justin then out of no where I seen SELENA kissing him and he didn't mind because he was letting her

"Ayye have you seen jordyn anywhere?"Sam asked me as I was still looking at justin

"I think she went out back."I said looking down so he wouldn't see my eyes were red

"What's wrong kay?"Sam asked as I didn't say anything until he got me to say it . He looked over at justin then back at me

"Fuck him,he obviously doesn't know what he's got right here."Sam said as he put his arm around me again

"Sam what are you doing?"I asked him

"I heard what selena told ari and justin in the store. He's really stupid if he thinks we would fuck eachother. I wouldn't sleep with you cause I'm friends with nash too and that'll be fucked up if I sleep with the girl he got pregnant. And besides I look at you as a sister. But I mean if you never slept with nash and had his baby. I'd probably take you right now."Sam said as I laughed and hit his chest soft

"I'm just being honest,but no your my bestfriend seriously but I'll help you get back at him if you want me to."Sam said as I looked at justin who was Sucking on Selena ' s neck

"Yea let's get back at him."I said

"My pleasure."Sam said as he picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his lower waist as he pinned me up against the wall

"You sure?"He asked

"100% sure."I said

Then sam nodded his head and then kissed me. I kissed back as well. I mean me and sam don't have feelings for eachother but if justin wants to play dirty I can too.

Justin's POV :

I seen kayla kept staring at me and selena but I didn't care. She wants to fuck sam go ahead. Then the next think I know I look over and see they are kissing all over eachother. And laughing and smiling all in eachother's eyes. This is it.

"Let's go."I said as I grabbed selena by the arm

"Where are we going?"She asked

"Just follow me."I said as me and her walked into the bathroom

"Oh yea."Selena said stripping from her clothes as I did the same

Kayla's POV :

Me and sam stopped when I noticed justin and selena were gone from the spot they were earlier.

I had to pee so as I was walking to the bathroom all I heard were little moans. And then I realized it was Selena moaning.

"Get the fuck off of him!"I yelled to selena

"Go back with sam you Slut bucket."Selena said as justin stood up putting his pants on

"I didn't fuck sam you stupid bitch and you the only Slut here so shut that shit down!"I yelled as I grabbed her by her hair

"Oh shit kayla."Ariana and Destiny said as they pulled me back

"Justin I'm done with you."I said as tears rolled down my face while I walked out

Justin's POV :

I felt so horrible for believing selena. I let her get all in my head now my pregnant girlfriend just broke up with me.

"Hold up justin. "Lauren said

"I gotta talk to kayla."I said

''She doesn't want to talk to you,you went to fucking far with this shit. To fucking far."Lauren said as she pushed me and walked out with matthew


Kayla's POV :

-Next Morning-

I woke up with tear stains on my cheek and crust in my eyes. So I went to wash my face. After that I was watching teen wolf. Then got a FaceTime call from lauren. We ended being on FaceTime for 1 hour. Then I told her I'll FaceTime her later cause my doorbell rang.

''What."I asked justin as he was standing at my door

"Please let me explain?"He asked

"No just leave me alone." I said now just wanting to not even look at him

"Kayla please?"He begged

"Explain now."I said giving in

"When me and ariana ran into selena at the store and she said you and sam were hooking up and that this baby may not even be mine just pissed me off to be honest. And I know you and sam are really close so it began to make me question was Selena right,and now I see it was a big fat lie that blew up in my face."Justin said

"It doesn't even matter you fucked her in the my BESTFRIENDS BATHROOM!"I yelled

"I'm sorry honestly I didn't know what to believe so I did it to piss you off."Justin said

"But you guys were all Sucking necks and sharing spit. I don't wanna kiss you knowing you kissed that hoe."I said really grossed out

"I washed my mouth for like 15 minutes straight after that."He said now completely just begging

"Fine but I really will cut your balls off if you cheat on me with that Slut."I said being so honest

"Damn okay."Justin said walking in my house

Kenny's pov :

Today me and Diana met up to go shopping.

"So how was the party last night?"I asked her as we walked into H&M

"What party?"She asked looking at me

"Didn't my sisters invite you to their friend stas's party?"I asked her

"Oh yea they did but I had nobody to watch hemma." Diana said looking at flannels

"Your parents,sister,brother,cousins?"I asked her

"Well guess I should just tell you now."Diana said facing me

"I have no siblings, and the only people in my life is my parents and 3 cousins Karla,anna,and kelsey. BTW my parents are Tiff and Joe. "Diana said

"Oh."I said

"Yea all my family are from Canada so that's where they all stayed at. And they kinda talk trash about me and my parents. Because I followed my mom in her tracks having my daughter in high school and basically the whole family thought it was stupid for my parents to even wanna look at me for that. So they all went back to Canada and we haven't spoke in about 6 years."Diana said

"Im sorry to hear that."I said to her

"It's whatever I mean me and my parents including my cousins tried to reach out to fix our family but they won't budge. And that's just my mom's side of the family. My dad's side he has no one his parents put him through foster care. And as soon as my father turned 18 he ran away from his foster family and just did everything on his own. And my mom took in my 3 cousins from a bad home."She spoke.

"Their all sisters but their house was so fucked my mom took them in and showed them true love and was basically a mother figure to them for like 16 years now."Diana said

"Im sorry,I really am."I said as I hugged her

"It's cool I don't let that both me I mean it sucks to know half of my family hate me. But it is what it is. They wanna live bitter...let em."She said

"You are one tough young lady."I said as we walked to the next section

"I guess so."She said as she grabbed my hand

Nash's POV :

I was going to dinner with my family. And so far everything was going great. I had some important news I wanted to tell my family. And that's when hayes said something

"Kayla's having another baby."Hayes said as his eyes where glued to his screen

"What?"Me and my mom said choking on our noddles

"Look."Hayes said handing me his phone

It was a picture of justin and Kayla. With the captain: 7 more months left

"Well."My dad said clearing his throught

"Well congratulations to the both of them."My mom said looking kinda shocked

"That's crazy news."Hayes said going back to his chicken

"Excuse me for a moment."I said as I was walking out to the bathroom

I was kinda hurt that kayla didn't tell me about this. I mean even though it's not mines....possibly I wanna know. Like if she kept up with this not telling me. I would be a little confused on why she's all pregnant and big without telling me

-Phone call -

Kayla - Hello

Nash - congrats on the baby

Kayla - You found out

Nash - Twitter

Kayla -I was gonna tell u

Nash - Sure

Kayla - Really I was

Nash - Anyways I just wanted to let you know I knew

Kayla - Okay I guess

Nash - I was gonna tell you about something but forget it I'll tell you later

Kayla - Come in don't be childish I said I was gonna tell you...hell I only knew for a few days now

Nash - Later kay

Kayla - Nash wait

Nash- oh and don't think I forgot about what we did

-End of call-

"So what were you gonna tell us nash?"My mom asked as I walked back to the table

"Well earlier this morning I proposed."I said as everyone looked at me except for hayes who was practically about to have his eyes fall out of his head

"To Becky?"My dad asked

"Correct."I said

"Oh Jesus."My mom said fanning herself with her hand

"You did not."My dad said

"I did. "I said

"Hello family."Becky said walking over to the table taking a seat

"Would of been here on time but I was at the nail shop and shopping." Becky said taking off her shades grabbing a menu

"Oh wow."My mom said covering her face

"Your kidding me right?"She whispered to me

"Bae."I called after becky as she put the menu down and looked at me

"Yes?"Becky questioned

"Show my family the ring."I said snapping my fingers drinking my water

"It's 12 carrots."Becky said flashing the ring

"Im about to have a heart attack."My mom said looking like she about to break a sweat

"When's the wedding?"My father asked

"Nashy said I can have it any day I wish maybe in about 2 weeks if everything goes well."She said

"Okay I think it's time for us to leave."Hayes said getting up as he seen our parents looked like they were ready to faint any moment now

"Bye nash."Sky said giving me a hug goodbye

Hayes pov:

"So the engagement?"I said in the car as my dad was driving kinda slow

"Oh that is a horrible mistake."My mom said

"It should be kayla."Skylynn said crossing her arms

"I feel like nash is just throwing his life away ever since him and kayla split

"Me too and I think the fact she's having justin's baby is killing him even more."I said

"Wait I don't think it's justin's baby for sure."My dad said

"Excuse me?"Me and my mom both said as sky put her head into the convo

"Well a while back when nash was watching nadya and he was dropping her off the next 2 days I came with him because me and him where suppose to be going to see the baseball game. And he ended up staying in her house for like 30 minutes and I knocked at her door getting out the car and he walked out her house all fucked up."My dad said

"No fucking way."I said as my mom was smiling hard as hell

"Mom why the big smile?"I asked snapping a picture of her

"Because maybe this is nash's baby and there is a possible chance of nash and kayla getting back together. "She said now clapping her hands

"Honey relax."My dad said

"Popz you want Nash to be with becky?"I asked him

"Gosh no, u know I love kayla I wish they get back together and put everything in the past."He said

"Quick, drive to kayla's. "My mom said

"Mom how do you know this is what nash wants?"I asked

"Because I know my son and I can tell he is not as happy as he is claiming to be with miss becky."She said

"Oh yes."Sky said rubbing her hands together as we were on our way to kayla's

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