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~2 month's later~

Kayla's POV :

So over the past 2 months me,lauren,kylie, and our friend chloe have been going to mommy and me classess. And even though the girls are all 4 this class goes up to age 5 so it's cool,and nadya has gotten so big she's kinda starting to stand up but struggles a bit but she's got it down pretty good. And Nash ended up calling off the wedding with becky. I found out all about how becky was telling him to leave LA so they can only be together alone. And him being high everyday he sits back and listen's to her. But their still together just not getting married yet. And he's doing so much better with getting nadya like he's suppose to on the weekend's. And beside's he's not on drug's anymore so i trust him a whole lot more now.

"Let's go princess."I said picking nadya up as we left out the house to go to the class and just my luck...Paparazzi are everywhere outside my big gate ....i literally hate this

As we got there about 10 minutes later i seen Lauren,Kylie, and Chloe were already here with the girls running around as the mom's talked.

"Hey."Everybody said to me as i smiled and said hi while nadya went and tried to follow riley and everybody but started playing with the other kids around her size

"Sorry we're late,it was a rough morning." Our friend destiny said as her and her daughter tyla walked in. Her daughter is around the same age as riley,mia,bella and avery's age so they play together all the time and Destiny is also really great

There is also a girl named Diana in this class with her 4 year old daughter Hemma but Diana is so quiet and to herself. But we talk ,i think she doesn't open up much cause she's like the newest one here but i don't know.

Once we were done with our conversation with the instructor we had time to do whatever.

"Hey so are we still on for saturday?''Destiny asked us as we were talking about going to take the girls out to see a movie then go have lunch.

"Yes."I said

"Hey Diana."Kylie called her over

"Yea?"Diana said kindly but shyly

"Are you doing anything saturday?"Kylie asked diana

"No why?"Diana asked

"Wanna hang out with us Saturday?''Chloe asked diana

"Sure,that would be nice."Diana said with a kind smile

"Here's my number."I said as i wrote down for her

"Thank you,i'll call you later on."Diana said as she put Hemma's jacket on her and they left

"She seem's so sweet."I said

"I know."Lauren said as we got ready to go

"Hey wanna all go to the park and maybe get some Jamba Juice?"I insisted since i did not want to stay home all day doing nothing

"Sure."They all said

Kenny's Pov:

I was at the grocery store with Jase and out of no where while i was looking on the shelf's for the right pasta i wanted jase grabbed the cart and accidently push the cart into somebody else's.

"Jase,what is wrong with you buddy you can't be doing that."I told him as i put him in the cart

"I'm sorry."I told the woman

"It's no problem."She said as i was just staring at her as she was staring at me

"Jase is that you?''I'm guessing the woman's daughter said

"Hemma?"Jase said as he made some sort of funny face

"That is you."Hemma said giggiling

"What's your name?"I asked the woman

"Diana,i know who you are."Diana said with a smile as i smiled back

"Sorry i got to get going,nice meeting you."Diana said as she told hemma to come on as they continued shopping

"You know that girl?"I asked jase

"Yea,she use to go to my pre-school."Jase said

"You like her mom don't you?"Jase said smiling at me

"What?"I said laughing

"I don't care,mommy is with stupid head if you like her mom i don't care."Jase said as i just listened to him,he realize's a whole lot for his age

Nash's pov:

I was at my new house that me and becky moved into last week. We're still moving stuff in but for the most part we have everything up that we need. I was really mad at the fact she was trying to have us move out of California and all but i really heard her out for why she did that. She said she was jealous that i would go back with kayla and leave her so that's why she wanted me to just bring nadya with us if we left. But i told her she doesn't have to worry about that because me and kayla both moved on. I mean we still love eachother i mean we have a baby together for crying out loud but i don't think me and her will ever get back together considering the way we ended and how fucked up i was when i was always getting high and drunk. But now i cleaned up and pulled my shit together . And i really want thing's to work out with me and becky because i really do love her and i don't want to hurt her how i did Kayla cause when i hurt Kayla i never thought i'd be able to find love again an be happy.

But i did, and i'm very happy.

Lia's POV:

I found out i was going to be having a daughter and i was very happy about that because i was hoping for one and it really happened. But liam isn't,he is being such a douche lately and it's really bothering me. I mean he's been tearing the house up, he's breaking shit whenever nothing goes his way and he's already put holes in the wall and so much,it's like every other week i have to call a repair man or a painter to fix up the wall. I honestly have no clue what's gotten into him.

"Lia where is my damn car keys!"Liam yelled storming in the bedroom

"I don't know, i don't drive your car."I said as i kept folding the clothes so i can put them away

"So what my car isn't good enough for you to drive it?"He asked furiously as he grabbed a chunck of my hair

"I didnt say that."I said as he tightened his grip on my hair

"Where are my fucking keys bitch!"He yelled

I have had enough of him so i did the only thing i knew i could. Since i was in front of him while he was behind me yanking my hair i kicked him right where it hurts him and he dropped to the floor as he let my hair go.

"I FUCKING TOLD YOU I DON'T KNOW, NOW LEAVE ME ALONE YOU FUCKING EVIL ASS BITCH."I said as i dumped all his clothes on him and packed most of his stuff up so he can leave.

"Lia what are you doing?"He asked as he was limping his way over to me

"Get away from me!"I yelled loud as i can so he can understand i don't have time for his shit

"I'm sorry babe."He said as i looked at him

"Lia i'm sorry i want us to work out our problem's and do what we need to do for our baby...lia i love you." Liam said

"I'm not the one with the problem's , so there for you do and that means you need to work those problem's out on your own,and that's all bullshit you told me the other day i should of just got an abortion from the start and how this baby is the biggest mistake you could of ever made and now you want to act like you care!"I yelled as tears ran down my face

"I'm sorry." Liam said as he walked closer to me as i slapped him leaving him holding his cheek


"And don't say you love me because when people love other people they don't act like you,i don't even know's like your a monster and all you do is seek out trouble."I said as i turned my head the other way

"Lia please give me one more chance,i'll do anything i'm sorry for all the horrible things i said i really want to work this out between us believe it or not."Liam said as i still didn't look at him

"I promise to make this work ." He said as he turned my head toward's him

"Last chance and if you fuck up i swear.."I tried to say but liam cut me off

"I wont."He said as he smiled while i forgave him for the last time

Jenn's pov:

Me and my mom were in the drive way getting some Burger King and while we were waiting for our food i was looking on instagram and as i was looking on my phone i kept on feeling little kicks in my stomach like crazy.

''ah."I kinda yelled causing my mom to look at me

"Jenn you ok?" She asked causing me to kinda lean forward as the babies we kicking the shit out of me

"MOMMM!" I screamed as she looked at me and drove off forgetting the food

"Where are we going now?'I asked as i was sweating like crazy

"The hospital where else." She said now completely speeding way pass the speed limit

''Shit,shit,shit,SHIT!"I yelled for dear life

''Call jack."I told my mom as she was looking scared and flustrated..... and great we got pulled over

"Hello officer is there a problem?''My mom asked

"Yes Khloe your going over the speed limit and swerving lanes.'' The cop said as i was getting pissed off with this damn police

"Look sir my daughter is going into labor can you please let us go?"My mom said as the cop wrote out a ticket

"What the hell is this for?"My mom questioned him

"Don't speed lady."He said smirking holding us up

"Look bitch we need to make it to the hospital so i can deliver twins now if you don't fucking move i will get out this car my damn self and run you over!"I said to the officer with no complete chill at all

"Have a good day ladies.'' The cop said sounding all scared as he left us alone

Kayla's pov:

We were now all at the park drinking our jamba juice while talking at a table as the girls ran around having fun and poor nadya being the youngest was trying to keep up with them but hardly could so i brought her over to were we were.

"So destiny how are you and taylor." I asked destiny

"Well i recently spoke to him like 3 days ago but i think we're gonna just stay friends because i really like how me and Zac are taking things." Destiny said

"So your back with Zac hu?" Lauren asked

"I guess i don't know but i mean he is tyla's dad so no matter what i'm stuck with him for the sake of her." Destiny said

"Yea you gotta point there." Me and lauren said at the same time

"Excuse me." I told the girls as i handed nadya to lauren while i ran to the park bathroom

I've been throwing up for the past week non stop it seems like. And yes it has slipped my mind i could be pregnant again but i know for sure i'm not because me and justin use protection..... except for that one time. But i can't be pregnant i just cant be

As i was walking out i called my doctor to schedule an appointment with her tomorrow and as soon as i hung up my mom called saying jenn is in labor

"Hey we gotta rap this up jenn is in labor."I said grabbing nadya's dipper bag then her

"Ri lets go!"Lauren yelled causing everyone to stare

"Were we going mommy?" Riley asked lauren

"Auntie jenn is having the babies now."Lauren said as riley's eye lite up like christmas lights

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hour's later

Jenn's POV:

I ended up having my children and they were 10 minutes apart I named my daughter Payton and i named my son Chris. They are so beautiful i honestly think i just had the best day of my life especially having my family and boyfriend with me.

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