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Kendall's POV :

I had a week off from modeling so I was going to go out with khlo.

"So what are we doing on this lovely day?"I asked khloe as we got in the car

"Anything we want,but did you get a call from mom today?"Khloe asked me as she make a right turn

"No,but she just shot me a message saying she wants all of us over tonight for something huge."I said reading the message

"She told me and Kourtney it's something about bruce." Khloe said to me

"What is it?"I asked her

"I don't know, mom just said it's something we all need to know. She also said,this is a big life changing event in Bruce's life,that's all she said."Khloe told me as i was thinking .

I called my dad 6 times to see what the big fuss was but he never answered. I soon called my mom and she just told me my dad isn't picking up calls right now because he's saying his news for tonight's dinner.

"Can we go to the mall?"Khloe asked me

"I don't care,this is your car."I said to her as we both giggled

Kim's POV :

I was just pulling up at Bruce's house because I couldn't wait till dinner to see what was the big news. I wanted to know...Now. But as I walked in his unlocked house,I seen he wasn't no where in sight.

"Brucey!"I yelled through out the house. I soon heard fiddling through his bedroom but when I walked it. It wasn't bruce,but at the same time it was bruce

"Kimberly,I-"He said sounding like Bruce but visually wasn't Bruce

"Oh my gosh,what the."I said covering my mouth as I felt tears run down my eyes

"Kim."Bruce said giving me a hug

"This was what you were gonna tell us at dinner?"I said to him as I cried into his chest

"Yea it was."He said as we broke up the hug

"Bruce,what's going this serious..are these implants?"I asked him sucking up my tears looking at his chest

"Yea,kimmy i just feel this is the person I was meant to be."He said dropping his hands to his side

"Does mom know about you becoming a woman ,or just about you wanting to dress as a woman?"I asked him taking another look at his makeup, hair,dress,heels,everything

"I was actually going to dinner to show everyone my new body and look."He said

"Woow,I'm sorry this is just alot to take in all at once. But just know that I support you 100% through any changes in life you have."I said as I smiled at him while he did the same and hugged me again

"I appreciate it kim,I really do."Bruce said

"You deserve the support and love,that's all you gave us."I said as I held onto him,well her I shall say

"I love you Kimberly."Bruce said giving me a kiss on the head

"I love you to brucer."I said as I looked up at bruce

"So are you still going by Bruce? "I asked bruce

"Since you already seen me I think I should just tell you hu?"Bruce said as we both laughed

" Yea."I said

"Im legally changing my name to Caityln,Caityln jenner."Caityln said

"Okay."I said taking a second to think about this all

"I want the whole family here,I can't just tell half of the family everyone needs to know because this is very important and a big life changing event for me. "Caityln said

"So what your saying is that you
Want kayla,kenny,kylie,mia,bella,jase,riley,and lauren to fly down for this?"I asked just to make sure

"Yes,that's what I'm saying."Caityln said

"Alrighty, I'll have that arranged."I said as I said bye and called up kayla because kylie nor lauren wasn't answering her phone.

-On the phone-

Kayla - Yello

Kim - Hey kay,it's a big announcement that the whole family needs to know ,but we can't announce it without you guys

Kayla- so you need us to fly back down to LA

Kim-yea,this is literally like something huge and we need everyone here because it won't be fare to only tell half of the family

Kayla - Alright we'll try to find a flight

Kim-thanks,see you guys later

Kayla - Okay bye kimmy


-End of call-

Kayla's POV :

''Yo,why you guys leaving?"Sam said putting his arm around me

"Some family announcement,but you guys stay here and enjoy the rest of the trip."I said to him as I looked up at him

"Im gonna miss you guys bro."He said acting like he was crying as I laughed while he soon did as well

"Oh shut up wilkinson."I said as he pulled me in a hug

"Ready?"Lauren asked me as me and sam broke up the hug

"Yea."I said as kylie walked out with mia and bella while kenny was carrying jase,as riley was holding Lauren's hand

"Let's go fam."Kylie said Putting on her ray-bans while the twins copyed her as they put theirs on

"Bye babe."Justin said to me as he picked me up as I kissed him

"Bye."I said as he let me go while I waved bye to everybody and we headed out the door

"Back to Cali it is."Kylie said as we got in the car as I started it up to drive to the airport

Khloe's POV :

We were now all at Bruce's house waiting for everyone. He was in the back room with our mom talking. This must be really important if he doesn't want us to look at him yet. And we've been here here for like 3 hours waiting for everyone else to come back.

"Lauren just texted me saying they'll be here in like another hour."Kendall said as we all said "Uhh"


"Were here!"They all yelled walking in as the kids came running over leanking up with mason,p,and north.

"Wait I need to take reign to the bathroom."Kourtney said as she grabbed his hand and toke him to the bathroom

"Bruce!"Kourtney yelled

"Kourtney please."Bruce said as my mom sounded like she was trying to relax them

"Take reign to the bathroom and we will all talk about this after you guys come out."My mom said to kourt as they went in with their business and after Kourtney came back walked in our mom and..Bruce

"Oh my god."We all said as we covered our mouth's in shock

"Bruce?"Lia said

"Call me Caityln."He said as we all looked at him.

Caityln soon explained everything and how long she's felt about this decision making. We all support her and love her no matter what. She was so happy that we all support her. But then kylie asked the question we all wanted to know.

"Can we still call you dad?"She asked as she picked up mia as Bella sat on the side of her

"Yes kylie,I'll always be your guys dad no matter what."Caityln said as we all smiled

"Grandpa what about us,do we still call you grandpa?"Jase asked as north said "Yea do we?"

"Yes,just because I'm a female now doesn't mean I'll stop being dad's and grandpa's okay."Caityln said

"Got it."We all said

"Now kids,there is food and drinks in the kitchen. So let's all chill out and eat,but most importantly enjoy this moment with Caityln."My mom said as we all nodded our heads and turned on some music and ate

"Hello."Kylie said into her phone

"No I can't right now..well that's not my fault that's all you..would you shut the fuck up I didn't do that to you,you I'm not..don't call me any more okay,lose my number."She said as she hung up the phone

"Who was that?"I asked her

"Fucking tyga, he keeps calling me with all his BS, he supposedly just got in a fight infront of a club and wants me to get him."She said rolling her eyes as she looked down at her phone again and "Tyga♥" ran across her phone

"Hold up khlo."She said as she put her plate down and answered the phone as she walked outside

Kylie's POV :

I have no clue on why he needs me to get him. He has a car,this literally makes no sense. But I was on my way to get him right now just to set it to him straight and so this can all be over. But right now I was on the phone with stas in the Uber

Stas - Why Is he still calling when you guys broke up weeks ago

Kylie - honestly that's my point exactly, but I'm gonna let him know this is the last time he will call me

Stas -good because nobody deserves to feel forced into helping their sloppy drunk ex who treated them horrible

Kylie - yea,well I just got here I'll call you later

Stas - ight bye bae

Kylie - bye wifey


"Sir can you wait here for a sec,it will only take a minute?"I asked the Uber driver as he agreed to wait

"Sure thing."He said as he pulled to a stop

As I stepped out infront of the club,paparazzi got all in my face asking stupid questions as always.

"You showed up I see."Tyga said wrapping his arms around me

"Get off now."I said trying to get out of his grip

"Girl why you playing games?"He asked as I looked at him and pushed him off of me

"I'm not,I'm only here to tell your stupid ass to leave me alone and if you don't I'll have a restraining order on you."I said as he laughed in my face

"Man fuck you,you ain't shit but a dryed up reality star."He said smirking

"No fuck you,and don't be talking all that shit because you wasn't saying all that when we was together. "I said walking walking off as he grabbed my hand

"Wait kylie I'm sorry. "He said

"Nahh fuck you,get yo own ride."I said to him

"Please!"He yelled

"Oh my god,hurry up I don't have time for this shit."I told him as he caught up and got in the Uber with me

"Kylie are you gonna talk to me?"He asked me

"Shut up talking to me, this will be the last time you will get near me."I said as he looked at me

"KY please,I'm drunk I'm not in the right state of mind right now. "He told me slurring his words

"I don't care."I said as we finally made it to his house

"Just know I love you."He told me as I looked at him leave out the Uber

With that being said he walked in his house. I didn't know what to believe at this point, he gets me so mad to where I just wanna rip his head off of his shoulders. But at the same time I know deep down I love him two

Lauren's pov :

After we all left Caityln ' s house everyone went home. I was so tired and ready to go in my bed and get some sleep.

"Mommy can I sleep with you?"Riley asked me

"Yea,come on munch."I said picking her up and bringing her to my room. She put on her pajamas she kept in my room and jumped in bed.

But as I was in the bathroom taking my nightly bath I heard banging on the front door. I hurried and put a towel around me and ran to the front door. But before I looked through the peek hole I grabbed a knife just to be safe.

"God damn it Gerald what are you doing here?"I asked him as I opened the door as I put the knife down while he sat on the couch

"What do you want?"I asked him

"I came to see you and riley."He said looking up at me

"Don't you have a girlfriend already?"I asked him

"Why are you in a towel,is somebody here?"He asked standing up

"Boy please you not about to do nothing,and no I was taking and peaceful bath until you had to bang in the door like the police."I said as I pushed him down in the couch

"Lauren I really miss you and ri."He said

"Well you shouldn't have cheated and you would still be here,now leave my house so I can get dressed and go to sleep."I said as he stood up

"Really?"He asked me

"Yes really, and Camila already told me about the baby and how you and blaire live got a happy life over there now leave you can see riley whenever but she's laying down about to be sleep so this isn't the time."I said to him

"Bye lauren."He said as he gave me a hug

"Good night."I said backing up because he was trying to kiss me

"Are you really going through with this divorce? "He asked with a bit of sadness filled in his eyes

"Yes i am." I told him

"Wow."He said as he looked up at the ceiling

"Okay leave now."I said as I pushed him out the door

"Alright bye."He said as he walked out

As I got back in my room I called matt to see what he was doing. It's only 10 at night over here ,but I know it's a different time over there. And thankfully he picked up


Lauren-nothing how's Hawaii right now

Matt-warm,but not as fun without you here

Lauren-aww stop it matthew

Matt-its true

Lauren- so you guys coming back in two days right

Matt-nope we're coming back tomorrow instead

Lauren-even better

Matt-(*smiling through the phone*)really

Lauren -yupp it is

Matt-okay,okay (*Laughing*)

Lauren-well I'll talk to you tomorrow (*smiling*)

Matt-later lala

Lauren -later matty

-End of call-

Kenny's pov:

I was sleep until I kept hearing lia's phone ring. She was sleep,so I looked at the contact and it said 'Liam❤'

I was really curious to who this liam is so as I was about to swipe answer lia shot up and grabbed my hand as her eyes got big

"Don't touch it, I'll call that person back tomorrow in the morning."She said so demanding

"Who is liam lia?"I asked her as I g I t our of bed

"T-the man who is doing my photoshoot tomorrow. "She said

"Please don't lie to me lia."I said to her as I was pacing the room back and forth

"I'm not babe."She said standing up

"So why does your suppose photographer have a heart by his name in your contacts?"I asked her as she looked lost

"Lia!"I yelled as she staid speechless

"Kenny I'm sorry."She cried out

"Are you serious,Again!"I yelled

"Your gonna wake up jase shut up."She said

"I can't belive this."I said holding my head as she walked over to me

"Kenny."She said as she put her hands in my cheek

"Don't touch me!"I yelled as I walked out of the room

"Where are you going?"She asked

"On the couch."I said as I grabbed a cover and exactly did what I told her

"I'm sorry Kenneth!"She said to me as I put the cover over my head and tried to sleep

Lia's pov :

I went back in the bedroom and cried. This was it for us,it's over. All because I listened to some stupid guy,I screwed up Twice.

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