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Khloe's POV :

As I was leaving out of the airport to go talk with jenn,tons and tons of paparazzi swormed me with questions.

"Khloe,any Speacial man in your life?"

"How's the grand-kids?"

"What's going on with jenn,we heard she's not doing so well?"

"When is Kayla due?"

"Is nash gonna propose to her?"


"So,we heard there's gonna be a new season of KUWTK. "

All these questions were giving me a headache, I honestly was so close to punching one of them.As I made it to jenn's house i noticed she was the only one there.

"Hey baby."I said as I gave jenn a hug

"Hey mom,what's up?"She asked as she smiled

"I wanted to talk to you."I said as I put my purse down

"About?"She asked

"Well,your sisters have been telling me your not doing so well,what's going on?"I asked her as she just became silent

"Jenn?"I said as I looked at her and seen she was crying

"What are you going in depression?"I asked really worried

"I lost it."She cried out as I grabbed her in a hug as she just cried

"We all lose it,I was about to at the airport. "I said trying to make her feel better,but it seemed to not be about anger or flustration

"Not over flustration, I lost my."She said not able to finish her sentence

"Virginity?"I asked her

"I lost my baby."She said as I became worried

"Oh jenn honey I'm so sorry....why didn't you tell anyone of us?"I asked her as I was hugging her

"I couldn't, kenny and Lia are happy with jase,Gerald and Lauren are happy with Riley,nash abd kayla are excited for their baby....I just didn't want anybody to pitty me with ..oh jenn I feel so bad,jenn you'll get over it,or jenn I'm so very sorry for you."Jenn said as she whipped her eyes

"Jenn,I don't want you to ever feel like that,in situations like this you need to tell some one, I thought you were suffering from depression or something. "I told her

"No,I don't have a illness..I just didn't want to talk about it, and I was just in a bad spot during that time,and I didn't feel like talking to anyone. "Jenn said looking at me

"When did this happen? "I asked as she thought for a moment

"Last year."Jenn said

"Well come on,it's still the afternoon and I know what I'm gonna do to make you feel a bit better. I know you won't be 100% recovered but I don't like seeing you like this so come on."I said as I pulled her up

Kim's POV :

Khloe texted me and told me about jenn's situation and I honestly was so upset my little jenni had to go through that. Khloe thought me and jenn would be able to relate and kinda let go of some of our steam by doing what I did when I went through that last year.

"Kimmy!"Jenn yelled as she ran and gave me a hug

"Jenni!'I yelled as we hugged me as I seen khloe on the side of Jenn's shoulder snap a picture

"So,my mom tells me this is were you would come when you went through this."Jenn said as she looked around

"Yea,and when I still need to redeem myself I come up here."I told her

"Well jenn I'll see you later,love you,love you to Kimberly. "Khloe said to us as she gave us both a hug

"Bye koko!"We both yelled as khloe laughed and walked to her car

"Ready?"I asked jenn

"Let's hike this thang."Jenn said as we both laughed a bit and began our journey

Lauren's pov :

"Riley please stop crying."I said to her as she didn't listen

"I wan juicy! "She yelled as she threw her sippy cup

"Riley,I said I will get it please just stop crying....for mommy."I said as she stopped for like 5 seconds then cried again,and then walked in kenny and jase.

"Jasey!"Riley yelled as she ran towards him

"Riri!"Jase yelled as they played with toys...thank god for jase

"Hey brother."I said as I gave kenny a hug

"We heard Riley all the way from outside, thank god we came to cut you some slack."Kenny said bitting a apple from the table

"Shut up."I laughed

"So,how's lia? "I asked him

"I have no clue,she acts like she can't answer any my calls."Kenny said sounding kinda upset

"She's still in vegas?"I asked kinda upset

"That's what I'm sayin, she should of been back home 3 days ago, and tomorrow is jase's birthday and if she's not back by tonight I'm litterly gonna Fucking loose it."Kenny said as we heard jase and Riley laugh

"Can I call her, like I'm slightly upset right now?"I asked kenny

"I honestly don't care,but if she doesn't answer don't say I didn't say anything. "Kenny said as I unlocked my phone and called her

Lia's pov:

I was packing my bags since I was coming back home from vegas.I was kinda on edge to though. And as I was walking out my hotel room with my friend draya I got a call from..lauren.
I couldn't keep avoiding calls so I answered.

Lia -Hey lauren

Lauren -why aren't you answering my brother's calls

Lia -I can explain

Lauren - you know what lia,I'm kinda mad at you right now..something bad could of happened to my nephew and kenny may of needed to tell you and you just don't answer, that's very fucked up if you ask me (*kenny takes the phone from lauren*)

Lia-i know,I know,I'm so stupid for not answering,it's just that I did something very stupid kenny would never wanna talk to me again

Kenny - what

Lia - kenny

Kenny - lia spill it

Lia -I can't


Lia-i can't I'm sorry *Hangs up *

"Why would you do that?"Draya asked me

"Kenny can't know what I did."I said crying

"Lia,what did you do?"Draya asked me,as her strong Australia accent kicked in

"I slept with someone else and we didn't use protection. "I cried out as I felt my heart break

"Lia,what the fuck you have a son!"Draya yelled

"I kno,I'm so dumb,I don't know why I would do something like that.Hes gonna leave me,we are gonna have to call the wedding off."I cried as I started sweating

"Lia,lia,lia are you okay?"Draya asked me as I blacked out

"Lia,wake up please!"Draya yelled

Kenny'spov :

"I'm on my way."I said into the phone as I ran out the house

"Kenny were you going? "Lauren asked

"Lia,can you watch jase..thank you!"I yelled as I got in my car and drove to the airport and got on the first flight to Vegas .

It toke a good few hours but I got here.I went straight to the hospital to see lia. They let me see her and I went straight to her room

She was sleep ,I was looking at her as I laid her hair down.Then she woke up to my touch.

"Kenny? "She said to me as I seen her crying

"Yes baby I'm right here, your okay why are you crying? "I asked her as I started crying and idk why

"Kenny you deserve someone better than me, you don't need me."She said as tears rolled down her face

"What are you talking about lia?"I asked

"You don't wanna marry me."she said crying her eyes out

"Lia,what are you talking about? "I asked her

"I cheated,and there's a possibility I could be pregnant."She said as I almost blacked our from hearing her words

"Lia no,tell me your lying..or joking,please tell me that. "I said as I was crying

"I wish I was lying or joking, I'm so sorry kenny,I don't know what happened, you don't need someone like me."Lia said as ran out of the hospital and just cried in my hands.

"Kenny?"I heard a fimiliar voice as I looked up it was my auntie kourt

"What are you doing out here,hey why are you crying? "She asked

"I can't, I can't do this,I'm gonna lose it."I said holding my head trying not to go crazy

"What happened, tell me."She said

"Lia,she cheated and could be pregnant and the baby won't be mine,she avoided all my calls this whole week,and I got a call she blacked out and stopped breathing so I rushed down from LA and flew down here to see her and make sure she was okay. And she tells me all this."I told kourt as she pulled me in a hug as I cried my eyes out like a baby.

"First heartbreak's can be tough,but it's something you go through in life,I don't like seeing you like pull it together and stay focused on jase right now. Girls will come and go."She told me

" I know but how could she do this, we were gonna have our wedding the way she wanted it literally in like 2 months? "I said

"I don't know,I wish I had the answer for you."She said as she rubbed my back as we both stood up

"Come on,I'm going back home anyways, come with me. "She said as I came with her

"What were you doing out here anyways? "I asked her

"My friend tori had a wedding and I was gonna stay another day just to get away from LA,but I miss my bed.And why go tomorrow when I can go today with my favorite ?"She said putting her bags in the Uber

"Aww,I'm your favorite. "I said smiling

"Shut up ,okay."She said laughing

"Whatever you say shorty. "I said laughing

"I'm bet my short ass can beat you to the door at the airport. "She said as I looked down at her heels

"In those."I asked her

"No,I have my Nike roshe's in my suitcase idiot."She said

"Okay deal,I'm gonna win tho."I said

"Keep dreaming boy."She said switching her shoes

Kayla's POV :

Me and kendall were at the baby store in new York buying so much cute baby clothes.

"So, what are you naming Her? "Kendall asked

"Honestly I'm still thinking ."I told her as she looked at me

"If you ever need help,I'm here."She said

"Okay."I said as she smiled

"So,what do you wanna talk about. "She said as I laughed at her

"Shoot,I forgot I have to meet up with jordyn."I told her

"When."She asked

"Now,she's out here to..her mom had wanted her to come out here with her for some reason, but It must be over if she wants to hang with me.''I said as I walked to the register and paid for my stuff

"Okay, well I'll see you back at the hotel ."Kendall said

"Come."I told her

"I'm good,I need sleep show tomorrow. "She said as I nodded my head and got in my car

Cameron's POV :

"Hey bro. "I said to carter as he walked in with nash

"Sup man."They both said

"What's up?"I asked them

"Nothing, kayla's in new York so I'm all alone right now."Nash said

"I was with teala until nash called and said that we should see what your doing."Carter said as we all sat down

"I just got back from the gym, kendall is in new York as well."I said

As we were talking more,nash told us what's been on his mind lately.

"I think kayla is waiting on me to ask her to marry me."Nash said as me and Carter's eyes went wild

"Why do you say that?"I asked

"Because we'll you guys remember at Lauren's wedding when she was all happy?"Nash asked us as we all shook our heads

"Well,after that when we went to our hotel room i told her I would be right back because I had to go to the bathroom. And as I was about to walk in the room,it heard her on the phone talking about how she wants to have a big wedding and everything. "Nash said

"That does mean she's eger to get married now,girls dream about weddings all the time."Carter said

"Look..then one day when we went to kenny and lia's house, lia had her wedding planner over kayla walked out the room when lauren and lia were talking about the wedding. And when jenn and Jack were talking about how Beautiful lia had the wedding planning came along kayla pulled out a wine bottle and start drinking and changed the subject. "Nash told us

"Maybe she was having a bad day that day."I said

"No I don't think so,because now she watches shows like my big gypsy wedding and stuff,she hated that show..and it's like now that everyone is getting married she's suddenly into that show."Nash said

"Well do you wanna marry her?"I asked him

"Yes,she the girl of my dreams but,I don't wanna get married now. And I'm afraid that if I keep waiting..I don't know I have a feeling in the back of my mind she might leave."Nash said as me and carter stared laughing

"Bro,this isn't funny."Nash said with a serious face

"It's funny you think she would leave you over waiting."Carter said still laughing

"So people do that."Nash said

"Bro..kayla will not leave you over wanting to wait about marriage,I don't think she's like that kind of person."I said

"How are you so sure?"Nash asked

"Well one day when she came over I heard her and kendall talking and kayla said she's been watching that show because lia likes it and lia told kayla to try and get into it,but kayla said she doesn't like it.and she told Kendall about the day she was drinking and walking out the room at kenny's house was because kylie kept calling her about how her and tyga are arguing. And kayla said to kendall it was bothering her because she was trying to help lia with her planning,but kylie kept calling crying. "I told him as he looked in "Ohh"

"I've been getting it wrong the whole time."He said

"Pretty much. "I said

"Cam bro,I'm gonna start coming to you when I need answers."Carter and nash said as I laughed at them

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