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Today was the day, I turn 22 today and I was looking forward to what the day was going to be like. I woke up early because I couldn't sleep all night and I wanted to get in a morning run. I jumped out of bed and put on appropriate clothes and a pair of running shoes. My hair was tied up into a ponytail and I grabbed a jacket to go along with my outfit. I walked down the stairs and ran into my parents on the stairs.

"Up early I see? Going on a run?" My dad asked with a smile on his face. I nod and my mom waves me off to go on my run. "Be safe!" I hear her yell from the top of the stairs. "Will do!" I yell back. I pull my phone out of my pocket and put my headphones in while I went on my run. I get out the door and I start my run down the block.

I was 20 minutes into my run when I got a text and stopped to check it. The text was from John and he asked when I would be back. I told him another 20 to 30 minutes because I was going to take the long way back to the house. On the way home I stopped at a shop on the corner to get water, before I left I had bumped into someone. My water bottle landed on the floor, water went everyone and when I went to pick it up I can face to face with the person who knocked it out of my hand.

"I'm so sorry, I was looking at my phone and I wasn't watching." The man apologized. And I was staring at him like an idiot. He had brown hair, blue eyes and when we stood up he was a bit taller than me. I blushed like the idiot I am, taking the water bottle from his hands. "It's alright." I spoke quietly, I look down at the ground. "The least I could do is buy you a new one." He says and pulls out his wallet from his pocket.

I shake my head. "No need, I'm close to my house and I can get more there." A worker comes up behind me and hands me a paper towel, basically telling me to clean up the mess. The man snatches the paper towel from the worker and gives her look. He bends down and cleans up the water. "Okay, at least give me your number?" He asks with a smirk on his face. My insides give me the feeling that he was a bit promiscuous but I shook that thought off and just gave him my number anyways.

I waved goodbye to him and I remembered I didn't have his name and he didn't have mine. I just continued on running because he probably was never going to message me anyways. I ran up the driveway and into the front door, I was greeted with a smell of breakfast cooking and Pipa jumping at my feet. I slip off my shoes and walk into the kitchen.

John and Gabby sat at the island while they ate breakfast and my parents were nowhere to be seen. "They had to go get stuff for your party tonight." Gabby says while eating some bacon. I nod and grab myself a piece. I thought about mentioning the guy at the shop to them but before I could say anything John started to talk.

"Maybe later in the week we can have our own party, like with Toby, Mason, and Cameron." Gabby nods in agreement and I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. The number was unknown but the text read: It's the guy from the shop. Btw my name is Jacob. I forgot to mention that to you earlier (:

I send back a text telling him my name and beginning a casual conversation. "Ooo, is it Cam?" Gabby says when she notices a smile on my lips. I shake my head and she takes my phone away. "Who's Jacob?" Gabby asks, I snatch my phone back from her. "This guy I met earlier. He bumped into me and spilled my water bottle..." I say quietly and John gives me a look.

"So you like this guy too or something?" He asks in a rude way. I roll my eyes and sit down across from the two of them. "I thought it would be nice to know a bit more people around my decision on moving here or not.." John sits up from his seat and puts his plate in the sink, only to wake up the stairs without saying another word.

"He'll be fine." Gabby says and pats my back. She puts her plate away but comes to sit down next to me. "Listen, I know how you and Cam look at each other. He honestly really likes you and I know you just met this guy and probably nothing will happen but think about it." She says and goes to the living room to watch tv.

I look at my phone and leave Jacob on read. I knew it wasn't a good idea but I let my judgment get the best of me. I huff and walk up the stairs to take a shower. John was coming out of one of the guest rooms and looked at me. "Are you really going to go through with this?" He asked, pointing towards my phone. I shook my head, "If you want we can talk once I get out of the shower." He smiles at me and I go into my room then head to the connected to my room.

I took a long shower and thought about how Fitz and I would work out if I was going to still live in Boston. The scenario in my head didn't help, I shut off the water and wrapped a towel around my body and went to my dresser to pick out a new set of clothes. Gabby ran into my room and shut the door behind her. I gave her a look and she started to talk.

"Your parents are back and John is helping them gather up the groceries and party stuff." She tells me and hands me my bra. I grab it from her hands and turn around to change my bra and panties. I turned back around to see her looking at my phone. "Ya know...this guy needs to leave you alone if you leave him on read." She hands me my phone and it reveals five new text messages from Jacob.

"He seemed nice but that was only because he offered to buy me another water bottle." I say to her, she looks at me and puts her own phone down. "Okay and Fitz bought you flowers and picked you up from the airport when you first got here. I know John looked mad but it's only because he wants to see you guys together. When you passed out on the plane, he talked to me for like an hour about how he planned for Fitz to pick us up, Fitz cares about you. But I'm a hopeless romantic who just wants to see their friends happy so, I'm telling you to just do you."

I hug her and she hugs me back but she continues, "Also I really want you to put on some clothes so we can go out and do something." Gabby hands me a shirt and a pair of shorts. I put them on quickly and we head downstairs. My parents and John sat at the dining table looking through baby pictures of me. "This one is from her first bath." My dad said and showed a picture of me crying while my mom put me in the sink for my first bath.

I smiled at the picture and my mom looked at me, "Happy birthday sweetheart. Tonight we're going to do something special for you and your friends. Bring Cameron along too." She says while walking outside with my father. "Happy birthday, honey." My dad says and kisses my forehead.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and walked into the living room so I could call Fitz. He answered with a cheering, "Hey". I laughed at him. "My mom would like you to come to dinner with us tonight. I could come and get you if you need." I tell him. "Of course I'd liked to come over. But it's alright, I'll be over there in 15 minutes." He tells me and I reply with an 'okay' before we both hung up.


My parents cooked me my favorite food, which is Carne Asada with rice and beans. We all ate outside by the pool, lights were lit up around the deck so it wouldn't be entirely dark. John and Gabby went inside with my parents to get more food. Fitz sat beside me and pulled his chair out to look towards me. I gave him a look and he pulled something out of his back pocket.

"Cam...what are you doing?" I say to him, using his actual name. He smirks at me and opens up the black box in his hand. In the box revealed a tiny heart shaped pendant on a thing gold chain. I looked at him, "Shut up. Did you actually?" I ask and cover my mouth. "No, I'm just showing you this for no reason. I might wear it myself." He comments and set the box on the table to take the necklace out. "It'll probably look good on you." I say and he laughs. "Just put the damn necklace on, you know it's for you." Fitz holds the necklace in his hands and I turn around.

He puts the necklace around my neck and clips it in the back. I felt the tiny heart and blushed like an idiot. I turned back to face him and he says, "Happy birthday." With a small smile on his face. He leans forward and gives me a kiss on my cheek but I catch his lips before they're able to make contact with my face.

I caught him off guard for a millisecond but he kissed me back. I don't know if he felt anything but I sure as hell did. I forgot about a lot of things while we kissed and it felt good. We pulled away and I could see everyone else in my peripheral vision looking at us. My mom had a huge smile on my face, along with John and Gabby. My dad looked like he could care less but formed a smile when he saw I was smiling at the group.

My mom came over with a small cake for the four of us and set it on the table while they sung 'happy birthday' to me. Every year for my birthday I had candles, it doesn't matter my age, I always want candles on my cake. I blew out the candles and looked towards everyone else. I began to cut my cake for the four of us and let everyone have a piece before I could.

Both my parents decided to head to bed because it was late and were going to wake up early so they could get to work. After awhile of us eating cake, a question was asked. "What did you wish for?" Gabby asked me from across the table. I looked at the four of them, "It doesn't matter what I wished for. I have you guys here so that's all I need." I reply with a vomiting noise from John.

We moved our little party inside because it was getting late and my mom would probably want the dishes to be put away. Fitz helped me with the dishes and I literally couldn't be more thankful because I didn't want to do this by myself. John and Gabby went upstairs which left us alone downstairs.

"Hey, I'll be right back I have to use the bathroom." I excused myself to use the restroom upstairs



Ella went upstairs quickly but she left her phone on the island next to me. Her phone kept buzzing and I couldn't help myself but to look at the messages on her home screen.


it's your birthday, well let me take ya on a date tomorrow. it'll b nice (:'


let me know what's going on & gn beautiful'

My heart clenched at the last message.

I thought she liked me? John told me she did and everyone was reassuring me of this. God, I feel like an idiot. I don't even know what to do..

I was taken out of my thoughts when her phone was grabbed out of my hand. It was Ella. I gave her a look and got off of the seat that was at the island. "What did you see?" She asked, a hint of panic was in her voice. "Ella, you could've told me you had other interests." I explained to her, folding my arms across my chest. Ella looked at her phone and looked at me with sad eyes.

This isn't how I wanted to see her, but I was hurt that I had to see this for myself. "It's not what it looks like. I just met him today and he asked for my number. I gave it to him because I'm not a jerk." She explains and puts her phone down on the counter. I shake my head and try to process a bit of what's going on.

It's not her fault she's so nice to people, but come on...she at least could have thought of me while messaging him and thought about how I felt. "Listen, I have to go home because it's late. Let me know what your plans are for this week." I tell her and head for the door. Ella follows me to the door and I hear a faint, "Bye Fitzy", before I get to my car and leave her standing in the door way.

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