The New Republic

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"Go, go, go! Back to the ship!" Din urged us. I still couldn't force my limbs to move. I felt like I was trapped within my own body.

A hand landed heavily on my shoulder and pulled me to face away from the spiders. Din's visor was looking directly at me, he had the child in his arms and the egg tank slung over his back.

"Come on, run!" Din yelled

At the sight of my partner, I quickly snapped out of my daze and began to run. The lady was up ahead of me, clearly she had started running while I was frozen to the spot.

Din's footsteps behind me were not the only sound I could hear. The noise of hundreds of spiders chasing after us made it even harder for me to get air in my lungs. I tried to block it out, but the sound of the largest spider crashing through the ice was echoing loudly around me.

Din ended up running alongside me while the lady fell behind us slightly. She obviously wasn't used to running as much as we were.

Suddenly, several spiders dropped down in front of us. Din slid to a stop and I dug my heels into the ice so I wouldn't slide into the spiders.

Din brought out his blaster and shot at the spiders that were in our way. I quickly scrambled at my side for my own blaster, my fingers fumbled against the strap that held it in place as I couldn't stop shaking. When I managed to unclasp the strap and pull out my blaster, the mother spider stuck its long, sharp mouth into a hole behind us and shot out a multitude of webs.

Din wrapped his hand around my arm and pulled me down with him, dodging the webs that were shot at us. He then let go so we could start to run again. The webs and spiders had herded us in a different direction.

My heart was beating so heavily in my chest that it was almost the only thing I could hear. It drowned out the noise of the spiders close at our heels.

Something leapt past me and I jumped harshly, I clutched my chest from the sudden movement but it wasn't one of the spiders. the lady had dropped down onto all fours and began to hop along the ground. She was moving much faster this way and I wondered why she didn't do that before.

The ice cracked above our heads and a leg dropped down from the ceiling. The mother spider's leg almost Impaled the lady but she managed to stand up and get out of the way. The spider struggled for a moment before it pulled its leg back out of the ice again.

Once our path was clear, the three of us took off running again. We didn't want to risk another leg coming through the hole that has been made.

I could hear the mother spider's spindly legs tapping heavily against the ice above us as it chased after us from above. My breathing was coming out in harsh gasps as my lungs burned for air.

Din threw his hand over his shoulder and a quiet beeping flew past my ears. I didn't dare to glance back to see what he had thrown but I had enough weapon experience to recognise the sound of small explosives.

My theory was correct as a bomb went off behind us. I decided to brave a glance behind us and immediately regretted it. Orange flames erupted in a chaotic manner as icy debri fell to the ground. The explosion had caused the ice under the mother spider to break, it fell down to our level and collapsed to the ground. I prayed to the force that it was dead.

Hundreds of little spiders began to descend from the ceiling on webs. My skin crawled at the sight of them. Din and I aimed our blasters and began to fire at them. I took a small amount of satisfaction from shooting and killing them.

A hissing noise caught my attention and I glanced over at Din. He had his arm raised outwards as the fire from his vambrace began to charge up. A large column of flames shot out from his wrist and burnt the spiders. I averted my eyes from the bright flame. It was a stark contrast to the dark caves.

The lady gasped and leapt onto all fours again. Jumping out of the way as fast as she could. Din and I ran after her as fast as we could. The spiders definitely won't be happy now.

We turned another corner and I saw a familiar looking cavern that was holding an even more familiar razor crest. I was glad to see the ship, but I don't know if being inside will help us anymore. But it was better than being outside with almost a million spiders.

I turned on my heels once I was close to the crest so I had the ship at my back and began to shoot at the spiders. Din stood just ahead of me as he fired at them as well. My hand threatened to shake as I aimed at the wave of spiders, but I tried to hold it steady.

Din took another few steps back so he was beside me and in front of the hole in the crest. The lady had gone in first and Din turned around and handed her the child.

I kept my eyes trained on the massive wave of spiders, but in the corner of my eyes I saw Din handing the tank to the lady as well. Making sure that everyone was safe.

"Get inside." Din called out to me over the chaos.

I shot at one more spider, the creature exploding from the impact, before I turned on my heels and slipped into the hole of the crest.

The lady was still in the hull when I entered. She was holding her egg tank and the child was standing by her feet.

"Get to the cockpit." I breathed out as I ran forward and grabbed the child. The lady nodded and began to ascend the ladder.

I looked between the child and the ladder for a split second before I flung him over my shoulder. His little hands grasped onto the hood of my coat.

"Hold on, okay?" I asked him as I began to ascend the ladder. I didn't have enough time to try and climb it with one hand. I was trusting that the child would be able to hold onto me.

Once my boots were firmly on the floor upstairs. I reached back and grabbed the child again. I pulled him over my shoulder and back into my arms, feeling extremely grateful that he had held on.

I stepped into the cockpit where the lady was. She was huddled on the passenger seat with her arms wrapped around her tank of eggs.

I spun on my heels and looked at the ladder, hoping to see a familiar Beskar helmet. But when he didn't appear, I pressed a button on the panel and closed the door. Din would be able to open it when he got up here, it would be okay.

I sat down heavily in my seat. My heart was hammering in my chest to the point where it was actually painful. My lungs burned as I gasped for air. The child cooed worriedly in my lap, his ears were down and he had a guilty feeling emitting from him. I tried to take this small moment to catch my breath back.

My breathing was finally beginning to feel stable when the cockpit doors suddenly slid open. Din quickly came into the room and tried to shut the door behind him. There was a hoard of spiders behind him that were also trying to get inside.

Several spiders tried to push their fat bodies through the door as it closed. Din spun around and shot at them, trying to stop them from getting inside.

The white, spindly legs were trying to push themselves through the automatic door. I moved further away from the door, practically sitting on the edge of my seat.

Din was trying his hardest to close the door, forcefully pushing it together. When suddenly, about three spiders managed to crawl through the small space and enter the cockpit. I tightened my grip on the child and stood up from my seat, quickly backing up until my back hit the console.

I pulled my blaster out and shot one of the spiders that was getting too close. Another blaster shot came from the side and hit the other spiders, practically disintegrating them. I looked over and saw the lady holding a blaster in her hand while she breathed heavily.

The roaring sound of fire caught my attention, I flickered my eyes back towards the door and saw Din blasting the spiders with his flame thrower. After a moment of struggle, the spiders finally backed off and the door slammed shut. I've never been so happy to see that door close in my life.

The cockpit fell into silence. The only sound that could be heard was the heavy breathing from all three of us. I pushed myself away from the controls and placed the child on my seat. I then turned to Din and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I asked through labored breaths.

"Yeah, Are you?" He asked me

I nodded to him in response and muttered a quiet yes. My hands still shook from the adrenaline that hadn't died down within me.

The light tapping of far too many legs could now be heard on the frozen window of the cockpit. I could see the outline of several spiders as they made their way across the cockpit roof, they were really determined to get us.

Din quickly sat down in the pilots seat and began to pull at his seatbelt. "Strap yourselves in. This better work."

I grabbed the child from off of the passenger seat and sat down. I strapped myself into the seat and kept a tight grasp on the child. Apparently the kid had a different idea, he ducked his head and stuck his body into the seatbelt with me. I helped him get situated to try and distract myself from the intense fear.

Din was quickly trying to start the ship up. "I've got limited visibility. It's gonna be a bumpy ride."

The engines started up and the child cooed quietly. I'd take a bumpy ride over this barren planet any day.

The ship began to shake as it started up. I gripped tighter to the child as we slowly broke through the ice and began to lift up into the air. For a split second, I felt relief, we were finally going to get out of here.

But I spoke too soon. The ship was pushed roughly back down to the ground. I groaned as we made contact with the ground. The ship shook aggressively.

The ship stopped shaking for a moment. Lulling is into a false sense of security only for a massive spider leg to come crashing down through the cockpit window. The leg impaled the floor right in front of my feet. I gasped loudly and pulled the child closer to my chest. Another leg came into the cockpit from the other side and almost got the lady. The legs retracted just as quickly as they appeared.

"Celeste!" I heard Din shout

"I'm okay!" I called back, my tone was slightly shaky from almost getting impaled.

I looked up at the cockpit window and saw the spider looking into the cockpit. One of its massive beady eyes was staring directly at us. Once it figured out that we were inside, it raised its body and opened its mouth. The massive, sharp teeth were vying to come down on us.

Its mouth made contact with the window and the ship shook. It fogged up the glass as it pushed down and revealed another set of teeth. After leaving a trail of saliva on the window, it pulled away again. I could tell it was getting ready to strike once again.

I braced myself for the impact of its sharp maw, but it didn't manage to make contact with the glass. A bright red blaster bolt shot out and hit the spider in the side. It cried out in anger and pain as it turned its attention to whoever was shooting.

The creature fell heavily onto the glass and slowly slid off. The glass squeaked from the contact. Even though the mother spider appeared to be dead, the blaster shots continued to rain on.

Din stood up from the pilot's seat and moved towards the door. I unbuckled my seatbelt and moved to go follow him but he held his hand out to me.

"Stay here with them." He told me. I could tell by his tone that he wasn't asking. I nodded to him and sat back down in my seat.

Din opened the door of the cockpit and disappeared down the ladder. The lady beside me mumbled incoherently as she clutched her eggs. She was understandably afraid.

Red light continued to flash from outside. I didn't like the fact that Din had gone without me, I wanted to be with him in case our "rescuers" turned out to have bad intentions.

After a moment of constant shooting, the red blaster bolts finally stopped. I couldn't see anything out the window due to a bright light that was being shone in through the window.

The shooting being halted should have made me feel better, but it made my concerns worse. What if they had stopped shooting because they had gotten Din? I had to know that he was okay.

I stood up from my seat with the child still in my arms when I heard a voice echo into the cockpit. The silence of the icy cave made any sound ricochet.

"We ran the tabs on the razor crest." It was the New Republic officers, they had found us.

"We have an arrest warrant for the abduction of prisoner X-six-nine-eleven. However, onboard security records show that you and your partner apprehended three priority culprits from the wanted register." The officer said. Memories of that mission flashed through my mind. I'm glad that I won't have to see them again. Especially Xi'an.

"Security records also show that you put your own life in harm's way to try and protect that of lieutenant Davan from the New Republic Correctional Corps. Is this true?" The officer asked Din

"Am i under Arrest?" Din asked

"Technically, you should be. But these are trying times." I felt the tension in my body deflate at the officers words.

"What say I forgo the bounties on these three criminals, and you two help me fuse my hull so I can get off this frozen rock." Din asked

"What say you fix that transponder, and we don't vaporize that antique the next time we patrol the rim?" The officer suggested. I had a feeling they wouldn't help us that much.

I didn't hear anything else being said. I placed the child gently on my seat and walked out of the open cockpit door. While I was descending the ladder, I could hear the lady getting up and following after me.

Once I was down in the hull, I couldn't help but shiver at the sight. There were spider webs everywhere. Hanging from the ceiling and strung between walls. I ducked my head down to avoid touching any of them. My hand almost brushed against one of the thin webs and I shivered slightly.

The lady came and stood behind me. I heard a quiet coo from my left, I turned my head and saw the child standing on a crate looking at me.

I shook my head gently at him. "I don't know how you do that."

The blanket that was draped over the hole was carefully pushed open as Din walked back inside.

"All right. I'm gonna repair the cockpit enough for us to limp to trask. There's nothing I can do about the main hull's integrity, so we're gonna have to get cozy in the cockpit. It's the only thing I can pressurise." Din explained to the Lady and I. A weird feeling arose in my chest at his words, I felt almost flustered.

"If you need to use the privy, do it now. It's gonna be a long ride." Din explained. It was time to get to work, again. Even though it's going to be a long ride, it's better than being stuck on this planet for any longer.

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