Chapter 3

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Tw: Semi anxious behaviors

Ranboo pov

I quickly followed Tommy to our first class, rereading the paper in my hands trying to remember what our class even was. God these memory problems were the worst part of me..


I glanced up as I ran straight into Tommy, him not even moving in return to my clumsiness.

"Sorry!" I took a step back as I stuffed the paper in my pocket along with only a pencil I had brought with me.

"This is Mr. W's class, he teaches math. I'm sure he'll let us off the hook this time since your here but next time, we'll be in deep shit like I already am." I only nodded at his words, not asking any further questions as he walked in with me quickly following behind.

I could feel my face turn into a worried look at all the stares. God this was way worse than what I thought it was gonna be. Looking back at the teacher who quickly introduced himself, he instructs me to sit next to Tommy as I did.

I took the paper that Tommy ripped out of his notebook, me ripping off the torn area from the notebook. Trying to look ahead wasn't that bad, he must have put us both back here so no one would have to stare at our backs or something.

Writing down the question on the board, it took me a moment for it to kind of click. Being thrown into math first thing in the morning halfway through this school year already was a great start. At least I found the two T's! Well.. Tommy and Tubbo I think his name was?

"Ranboob!" I quickly glanced up anyways, forced out of my thoughts as I looked to Tommy who seemed to call me. "Come on, class is done already."

"Oh, already?" I asked him but I just received a shrug in response. A second later I was following the blonde out of the math class, honestly having no idea where the blonde was taking him to.

"You have English right?" He saw the blonde turn around, standing right in the middle of the hallway as he asked me. I quickly grabbed the paper as I quietly reread the schedule to myself.

"Yeah, yeah I do." I responsed.

"Cool, we'll meet Tubbo at the entrance then." And then he was off, making me quickly follow him behind. Trying to not run into anyone passing through the halls was a challenge in itself. Again I feel the stares, probably just because of my height and being half enderman or whatever I am exactly. They all kind of scare me still, I hope I don't scare them in return though.

Another minute of walking I saw Tubbo waving to us both from outside the classroom door. I simply waved back at him as I went back to staring at the sea of people that walked by the three of us.

"How was class big man?" I glanced back to see Tubbo looking to Tommy as he heard them starting to talk. I just focused on the flow of people as more and more people disappeared from the halls of the building.

"Ranboo you okay?" Turning back around to focus on Tubbo's voice talking to me.

"Yeah sorry, I zone out a lot and other kind of stuff." I felt my tail swaying slowly, calming myself again as I smiled back at the two.

"Okay, well we should go in bow so we aren't late again or anything."

I just nodded in response to Tubbo as I followed him and Tommy inside the classroom, having to sit in the back again because of my height with the other two next to each other twords the front. Not being able to hear them scares me, what if they're already starting to hate me? What if I'm being clingy and they're just doing this out of pity? I let out a sigh as I did my best to focus again.

675 words

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