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Lucille's P.O.V. 

I was walking around in what I would assume will be limbo. It looked like I was in space and I was walking on water: (Imagine the girl with white hair and a white dress)

Limbo looks so amazing it was the opposite of what I was expecting. I thought it will be dark and everything will be dead and black. This is a nice place to be in if I was going to be stuck here until I find the perfect vessel that I have a connection with to put my soul in. 

(A/N: The time in limbo is the same thing as the time in the spirit world so a day in limbo is 3 months in earthland)

~~Timeskip 24 days in limbo (6 earthland years)~~

I've been living in limbo for 24 days now that means its been 6 years on earthland and I still haven't found my vessel that I would have a connection with. I wonder how gildarts is doing he should be 18 right about now. Even though i've been stuck in here for only 24 days my mind still aged as if I was on earthland so even though I appear like my 10 year old self I have a mind of a 16 year old since i'm 2 years younger than gildarts. 

All of a sudden I felt a pull towards something or to be more precise somebody. I walk towards this pull i'm having and found a 17 year old girl with blond hair and brown eyes with a white dress on just like mine and she was crying on the floor made out of water. 

I walk up to her and put my hand on her shoulder, She flinches at first but then she looks up at me and stares at me. I tell her, "Hey my name is Lucille, what is yours?"

"H-hi m-my n-name is L-lucy" She stutters because she's still crying

'Huh really Universe'

"Are you ok? What happened?" I gently ask her.

(A/N: This happens during the Tartaros Arc)

"I was in a battle with the man in tartaros and in order to win and save all my family I had to summon the Celestial King, but  in order to do that I had to sacrifice my celestial spirit, Aquarius." She starts crying and that's when I notice a broken key in her hand and realize that must be aquarius.

"I'm so sorry for your loss lucy. What happened next?" I ask her gently

"Well after the spirit king brought everybody back and disappeared back to the spirit world I fainted because my power was completely depleted and then I woke up here."

'She must be on deaths door for using too much of her magic energy. She might even used some of her life force without even realizing it. If she did use some of her life force she may never wake up. At least without any help from somebody here, which i'm guessing is why i'm probably here for.'

"Hey lucy can I put my hands on your forehead and look to see how you are recovering in earthland?" I ask her

"U-um I don't understand. Where am I? Why am I here?" she asked scared

I look at her and then I tell her, "You are in Limbo. You are here because you are not necessarily dead you're most likely in a coma. That's why I need to look inside your mind and see how you body is doing in earthland." I ask her once more

"O-ok i'll let you" She accepted

I place my hands on her head and put my thumbs on her forehead and look. I see that she is in a hospital bed and people are surrounding her telling her to please wake up and that they don't want to lose her. I could fell their love for her and how much they don't want to lose her. I then see a old lady with long pink hair come to her side and tells the others that it is time to let her go because its been almost 3 months. I pull back and I look at lucy with sad eyes. She saw everything that I saw so I didn't have to explain everything to her. She was crying and saying that she doesn't want to die and that she can't leave her family behind. I decided to help her. 

"Lucy there is a way for you to live, but it's a very complicated process."

"I'll do it, i'll do anything, please just please save me" She tells me with urgency and desperation in her voice 

"Ok, i'll do it, but I have to explain to you how everything is going to go ok" I affirm her

"OK" she nodded

"Well I could save you but in order to do that I have to connect my soul with your soul. I have to do this because when you summoned the Spirit King you used up half of your own life force, which is part of your soul so in order for you to live I have to connect my soul with your soul so we can become one soul. When I do this your body will wake up but it will be like having a second mind in you."

"So basically you will also be in my body and you will be able to think and speak and even move my body as well?" She asked me

"Yes, but we can't do it at the same time. So basically when one of us is in control of moving the body and talking the other can only be in the head, but they will be able to hear and see everything and even talk but only in the mind." 

"Ok I think I get it now. Oh can we switch like positions if we wanted to?"

"Yes, we can switch positions if we wanted to" I assured her

"Ok i'll do it then"

"Ok, lets do this" I say

I put my hands on her head and look straight into her eyes and tell her, "This will hurt a lot so bear with me ok?" 

"O-ok" She asked scared 

I then started the process of connecting my soul with hers. It hurts and burns so much we started to scream and a bright light formed around us and we connected. We were still in limbo, but I just need to cast the spell to put us in her body. 

'Hey lucy can you hear me?'

'Yes I can hear you'

'Do you feel how we are One with each other.I am able to feel your emotions, hear your thoughts, see your memories, and many more because we are now connected'

'Yes, I can feel your emotions, hear your thoughts, and see your memories.'

'This is basically how it's going to be when I put our soul in your body, but one of us will be in control of speaking and moving the body while the other would just be inside the head, we can switch places so don't worry about that'


'I'll let you have control at first so you can tell your family about the situation, but then after that i'll need to take control of your body to heal it because it's still very damaged and very malnourished, after all it has been about almost 3 months'

'Ok then i'm fine with that'

'Ok here we go'

I start to chant and then I say, 'Vessel Grant My Soul Entrance' and then we were pushed in her body.


(To Be Continued)

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