(A/N: I made this story different because who wants a 34 year old guy with an 16 year old girl right? So gildarts is 18 years old right here and lucy/lucille are 16 and as for the whole Cana being his daughter thing well it's gonna be different. So gildarts had a sister he never knew about and she gave birth to cana but she died and so cana went looking for her uncle, Gildarts so yea she's his niece)
Lucille's P.O.V.
Bells started to ring as if announcing someones arrival.
"What's up?" I say confusingly
"Sounds like bells" Both Wendy and Carla said
"I bet I know why they're ringing" Natsu said
"Aye" Said happy
"That's awesome" ~ Gray
"You know what that means"~ People in town
"Gildarts is coming back home" Natsu said excitedly
"Oh Yea!" Happy said excitedly too
"Gildarts is Baaaaaack!" Everybody in the guild screamed
In our head
'What!? Gildarts! It can't be! But what if it is My gildarts?'
'What are you talking about lucille?' Lucy said in my head
'Just look at these memories that im letting you look at, it should explain everything' I said back to her and then gave her all my memories of when we first met until the day I supposedly "Died"
'OMG Lucille i'm so very sorry for what happened to you'
'It's ok just keep it a secret about who my parents are and that i'm a dragon ok?'
'Ok I promise'
Outside our head
"So gildarts is part of Fairy Tail?" I ask to Mira
"Gildarts is our strongest wizard in Fairy Tail" Mira said in her sweet voice
"Woah are you serious!" I ask astonished
'So he kept his promise after all'
"So what has he been doing" I ask
"Well he takes a lot of quests and he's rarely here for more than a week and he usually always takes SS- Class quests, this time he took a century quest" Erza said
"You got to be kidding me, he actually took a Century quest, Who in their right mind would do that?" I say astonished
"Him" Says erza
Meanwhile outside of the guild (No Ones P.O.V.)
"Guildarts is here"
"Everybody get ready"
"Prepare to commence Magnolia's Gildarts Shift" The speaker said
Inside guild (Lucille's P.O.V.)
"This is just ridiculous" Carla said
"People sure are excited" Wendy said
"What the hell in magnolia is a gildarts shift anyways?" I say to myself
"Step outside and see for yourself" Erza said
The bells are still ringing and then all of a sudden the buildings start to shift
(A/N: Since i'm too lazy to describe all that just watch the scene from 5:06 to 8:25 when he is about to walk away. Oh and just try to imagine being a 18 year old. And you know how he met acnologia well that doesn't happen in my story either)
"Thanks boss" Gildarts said as he was about to leave, but then stopped on his tracks because I know he can sense my presence and he turns around and searches for me and when his eyes land on me he walks towards me. (This is how he looks)
He walks up to me and says, "Do I know you?"
"Well about that, can we ummm talk in private?" I ask him since I need to tell him and I don't want the people in the guild to hear
"Oh yea lets go to my house. Follow me" He says as he walks towards the wall of the guild and crushes it to pieces. I just stand there and look at him astonished that he did that.
"Well aren't ya comin'" He ask as he glances behind him
"I'm going" I say as I follow him through the now open entrance of the guild wall
Guild's P.O.V.
"What was that all about?"~Gray
"Does he know lucy?"~Natsu
"Or maybe he knows lucille even though she is in lucy's body?"~Erza
"How does Lucille know him?"~Wendy
"Why do they need to talk privately?"~Levy
"This looks awfully suspicious" ~ Carla
"I'm following them" ~ Natsu
Lucille's P.O.V.
'So this is really gildarts. Man he's grown into such a handsome man.....GWAAAHHH what am I thinking'
'You Liiiiiiiike him' Lucy said in my head just like happy
'I'm sorry lucy but i'm going to block you out of this conversation. i'll bring you back afterwards ok' I tell her as I block her off
We arrived at what I assume is his house:
When he went inside he left the door open for me to enter and the inside of his house looked simple:
He dropped his bag on the floor and he got the fire ready and once he did that he rolled his shoulder like if it was in pain. I was about to ask him what happened when he asked me, "So who are you? You feel so familiar"
"Awww i'm broken-hearted that you don't even recognize your own mate standing in front of you" I say acting hurt
His eyes bulge and his mouth is gaped open
"L-lucille?" He says astonished
"The one and only" I say smiling
"B-but how" He asks cnfused
"Don't you remember *sigh* I guess i'll just show you" I say as I walk over to where he was sitting down.
I lean in and I put my hands on his head and enchant "Memory Transfer" and I let all my memories of the moment I died, when I was in limbo, finding lucy, combining our souls, and entering her body.
Once all my memories passed I let go of his head and he looked at me with tears in his eyes
"L-lucille it's really you" He says astonished
"Y-yes" I say as I start having tears in my eyes
He then leans forward and hugs me towards him and says, "I thought i'd never find you. I missed you so much, Love"
I fall to the ground and hug him as I start to cry and say, "I've missed you so much too, I still love you my mate"
(Pretend thats gildarts and lucille hugging)
Author's P.O.V.
They continued to hug each other without knowing that there was somebody following them the entire time and watching their conversation from afar since this particular person had Dragon slayer hearing.
"I need to get to the bottom of this." He whispers to himself as he leaves
(To Be Continued)
A/N: I'm going to take like a 2-3 day break from this story to gather my thoughts and storyline ok guys so yea sorry.
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