Fight 'till Death

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Lucille's P.O.V. 

I was fighting Zeref with everything I've got but it still wasn't enough to even put a scratch on him. I could hear my guildmates telling me to let them out so they can help me, but I just ignored them. 

I felt all the dragon slayers emotions in me and telling me to let them out so they can help me, I blocked them out too. I felt Gildarts trying to break the barrier and telling me to let him out through our mate bond. I couldn't block him because my bond with him won't let me. 

I attack zeref with my, "Dragon Queen's Demolition Fist" and I hit him and he flies across the floor and I could see that he's wounded, but I can't do that attack anymore because it took out a lot from me. 

He looks at me and smirks and says, "Wow that actually hurt, but I bet that spell took a lot out of you. Didn't it?" he has a glint in his eyes and I just scoff at him

"Lets see if you can handle this, Queen , 

My curse...

My anger...

My sorrow...



Become My


He yells at me and throws a huge orb at me and I don't have the strength to block or shield myself from his attack so I stand there ready to accept my fate. 

I could hear my guild mates, my family, my mate screaming at me to move, to let them out of the barrier, but I just looked at them and smiled with tears in my eyes and I telepathically told them: 

'It's been wonderful knowing you guys for such a short time, I got to experience what it feels like to have a family again, to Love again, and to live again. During our short time together I laughed, I smiled, and most of all I loved. Please don't mourn my death, my family because I will still live on, in your hearts, just remember that' 

I finished and faced my fate without fear, but with love. Love for this guild, Love for my dragon slayer family, Love for my mate, Love for my parents, but most of all Love for my baby. 

The orb is seconds away from hitting me, when I am engulfed in a bright searing light and it diminishes the orb. I could feel the Love of my guild, the love of my dragon slayers, the love of my mate, the love of my parents, and the love of my unborn baby course through my body making me stronger and evolving me into my last dragon form, my Elemental Dragon form:

"You will now face the wrath of my True Elemental Queen Dragon Form Zeref!" I said with menace in my words 

He looked at me and I know he could feel the amount of Magical energy/power that I was letting out. He actually looks scared of me. 

I grin and I yell, "This Is for everybody who suffered and died because of you Zeref!"

I conjure all my power into my paw and yell, "Elemental Light Of Life and Death!" and I throw it at him. It hits him and he's just standing there and then he falls to his knees and looks at me and says, "Thank you" and he turns into dust 

"Your welcome, my friend" I say with a smile. 

I then feel my power loss and turn back into my human form and was about to hit the floor when someone catches me in their arms. I look and see gildarts holding me against his chest. The barrier must have disappeared and then I black out.

Gildart's P.O.V.

I see Zeref diminish into dust and then all of a sudden Lucille turns back into her human form and the barrier comes off and I run to her and see that she is going to fall the ground and I catch her in time. She looks at me and smiles then blacks out on me. I yell, "Wendy come here and heal her"

Wendy comes to heal her, but just when she was about to heal her. Her stomach starts to glow and the light engulfs Lucille and then when the light diminished Lucille was healed from all her injuries. I looked at Wendy with a confused look and she had one ass well, but then her eyes widen and she put her hands on Lucille's stomach and then she smiles. 

She looks at me and tells me, "Looks like your baby decided to take things into their own hands and healed your mate" she smiles at me 

I look at her astonished at what she told me and I look back at Lucille and put my hand on her stomach and say, "Thank you, I will always love and protect you and lucille"


(To be Continued)

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