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We walked towards the guild tail in hand. I was munching on a apple that we bought at a fruit stand, my hunger almost overtaking me. Nyx had woke me up early in the morning, saying something about mission taking.

"We're here." She announced as I placed one hand on the guild doors and opened them. We were met with multiple voices being laced together indifferent conversations. My ears honed in on two specific voices.

"Should we take this one?"

"I don't know."

"Whichever one we get, I'll be able to handle it!"

"Sting-kun is the best there ever was!"

Even without seeing I'm able to pinpoint who the voices belonged to.

"What're you guys talking about?"

"We're just wondering wat mission to get."

"You didn't think about telling us about it beforehand? How immature."

"You know, I really don't mind. This is a good chance for all of us to see wat we really can do. Plus, we'll be working as a team instead of fighting each other like before." I spoke while chewing my apple, it's juices slightly dripping from my chin.

"The messy eater over here is right. Anyways, I wouldn't want to see Sting over here win another fight by himself." I could just hear the sarcasm lacing her voice and see the smug smirk on her face.

Nyx 1:Sting 0

"Hey Lucy, can you help me out with something before you go?" Minerva-who I call Miny most of the time because of her small size-had asked me politely. She could see me because of the new outfit I wore. Only a hat now covered the top of my head.

"Sure. What do you need me for?"

"I was wondering if you could come with me. It'll only be a moment."

"Alright. I'll be back in a few guys. Don't wait up for me. Nyx, help them decide on a mission please."

"Sure can do."

I grabbed Miny's hand as she led me throughout the guild. We came to a stop shortly after.

"There's stairs right here so be careful."

I nodded my head in understanding as we continued on. I held onto the railings as to not fall and injure myself. Since we were taking the stairs, I already knew where we were headed.

"Master, it's Minerva and Lucy."

"Come in." A low voice had grumbled from the other side of the door. He sounded more tired than usual. Must be all of the paperwork he's been getting lately.

"Hey Uncle J. What's up?"

"Lucy, I'm glad your here. Everyone else in this guild are bumbling idiots. I could only have my most trusted two hear what I am about to say."

"That's not very nice you know. Not everyone are idiots, save for Sting and Lector on most days." I spoke with a shrug. I only said that because of how true it is.

"Anyway, down to business. I have a special mission for your team to go on and I would like for you take take Minerva along as well."

"Special mission? I'm sorry sir but I think you have the wrong team for that. We can't even choose one mission to go on for out first time let alone a special one."

"That's exactly why I've chosen Minerva to go with you. With her coming along, everything will go along splendidly." Miny hummed in agreement from beside me. If they think that we'll be able to handle it then I guess I'll take it. Besides, I really want to see what it's about to be so special.

"Alright. Go ahead Uncle J."

"Yiu have chosen well Lucy. This mission consist of two things. First, there is a monster terrorizing a village far to the north. They are offering a hefty reward for anyone who destroys it. I'm letting your team keep that money as a thanks."

Nyx would be truly happy to hear that. She's beginning to think that we're running low on money but to be truthful, we never had any to begin with. The only way we've survived these past years is by hunting for our own meal.

"What's the second part?"

"That's the more classified part. You can't tell anyone about this. Not even your teammates."

I hummed softly. Uncle J being so secretive is a natural thing to me. He always had something dangerous up his sleeve that I would somehow find out about, much to his disliking. But only sometimes.

"Along with the reward money, the villagers are offering a mage. A dragon slayer actually. They say that his magic is exponential and could be used for many things."

"If he's so grand then why are they giving him away just like that?"

"They say that he's a bit of a weirdo. He likes to create things with his magic and terrorize them as a game. Who knows if the monster there now isn't just one of his toys."

Miny, who had been quiet for the most part, finally spoken up from her spot. I leaned my head closer to her in thought.

"If he's a dragon slayer, then that must mean that he lost his parent too. Because of the villagers just giving him away like that, doesn't that mean that he's lonely as well. I can understand that he's just looking for attention with his creations."

"Exactly. Now, you're going because I want you to bring him back. Just because they're giving him away doesn't mean that he'll come willingly. You have to persuade him to join us. Minerva will help with their monster problem and possibly help you out as well."

"Basically, you want us to use our charm on him Uncle J?"

"If that's the way that you interpret it, yes. You as much charm as you have to. Just bring him back in one peice."

I placed my hand on my chin. If Nyx found out about this, she would've been pissed. She's very overprotective of me and I understand that clearly.

"Sure. We'll take the job."

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