My feet crunched the leaves that had laid across the ground, free from their confines in the trees. Nyx, like how she has been doing for the entire year so far, sat on top of my head and guided me throughout our route. Travels like this were usually done by now whenever father had us sorted upon his back and he flew. I guess I have to get used to situations like these now that he's no longer here.
"Lucy?" Nyx no longer gave me directions so I kept walking straight forward without a care in the world. For as long as we've been traveling, we had to go back to the ways that my five-year-old self had lived. Hunting for food and making tents to sleep in was very normal for us, especially since we have an advantage.
"Yeah, Nyx. What's up?"
"Well, I just wanted to ask. Do you want to walk around a bit or go straight to the guild?" I made a face at her question, my eyebrows scrunching up in confusion.
"What's that suppose to mean?"
"We're almost there. Just a bit more and then we've made it to town."
I stopped walking suddenly which caused Nyx to tumble off of my head and onto the ground below. She yelled in pain but I made no move to help her as I was still stuck in my shock.
"You didn't think to mention this to me?! I don't think I'm ready just yet! Should I change my clothes?! Should I just turn back now?! What if they don't like me?! Do you like me?! What're we gonna do?! I'm so scared Nyx!"
I racked my trembling fingers throughout my hair that Nyx has been taking care of since our departure. I've never been so nervous in my life before. What was I supposed to do when we get there. Of course, I would already know the two that we're visiting but they always told us about the strong mages within their guild. How was I suppose to approach them! I'm too shy!
"Calm down Lucy. First off, I mentioned this to you before but you were so lost in your daydreams that you didn't care. Second, you are ready. Just because this is a change from our old lives doesn't mean anything. You'll be able to make friends just like how you did father and I. Just be yourself."
Nyx had easily calmed me down with her persuasive words. She placed a paw on my leg, petting it softly as I took a few deep breaths to calm my beating heart.
"But, I do think that we should go in with a surprise. Change your clothes and put a cloak on. That way, we'll go in there looking badass and scare the pants off of everyone there. We'll start off our introductions with a bang!"
I could tell from the excitement in her voice that she was looking forward to scaring people with her devious ways. What can I say, I think I raised a demon.
She flew back to the top of my head, her weight feeling like a feather to me. We continued our journey towards our destination. My heart continued to hammer within my chest but Nyx words swarmed throughout my head. I had a perfect idea!
My throat shook slightly to the tune that I pushed out. Now, I'm not much of a good singer, I can admit that. However, whoever said that not singing hood is supposed to stop you from doing it anyway?
Nyx knew exactly what I was doing so instead of stopping me, she decided to hum along lightly. Now I know for a fact that there could never be a greater friend. Not only does she not stop me from destroying her eardrums, but she also sings with me.
I tapped my hand along my leg to the beat that vibrated within my head. Even though Nyx couldn't hear it, I'm pretty sure she was thinking up her own beat to the song that I was currently singing. My voice slightly broke but I fixed it quickly, to fast for Nyx to notice.
I truly did miss the home that we made inside of that insanely large cave, but I missed something else more. Father was everything to me. Protection, safety, provider, parent, magician, and even a friend.
Everything he has done for me will be kept deep within my heart and I will cherish every moment that we had with him.
"That was wonderful Lucy. Are you ok now?"
"Yeah, I feel great! I think I can take on the whole world now!" I spoke while doing a weird pose which probably looked as strange as it felt. Nyx sighed to herself even though I still heard it.
In the distance, I could hear people murmuring and children laughing. The waters waves had rippled and crashed into each other, creating a loud sounding splash within my dragon ears. I could also hear yelling and fighting, a smash and then a couple of sorrys.
"Nyx, are we where I think we are?"
"Your absolutely right. We have finally reached Magnolia."
I would've jumped in joy if it wasn't for my surprise. We finally reached the town in which I've adored since I was six. The one which houses the amazing guild.
Fairy Tail!
"Come now, you shocked girl. We must find a place to sleep. The sky's getting too dark to say out here any longer!" Nyx pulled me along by the back of my collar since I couldn't find it in me to move my legs.
We finally did it! We've reached my dream home! I'm so happy!
I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
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