Chapter Seventeen

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"Do you wanna go out to eat, or do you wanna stay in and order room service?" Roman questioned as I lay with my head on his naked chest.

"Can we stay in? I just want to lay in your arms all night". I smiled drawing patterns on his chest making him chuckle.

"Of course, baby". He answered kissing my forehead.

He reached over to grab the hotel's telephone before pressing the reception button.

As Roman spoke to the receptionist about our food order, I had climbed out of bed to use the bathroom before coming back to see Roman laying on his back with his eyes closed. I smiled at the sight of him laying there in his naked glory with the duvet covering his lower region.

I sauntered over to him before climbing onto the bed and sat on his lower stomach where he gripped my hips and looked at me with a lopsided smile.

"I've been thinking". I commented and he cocked his head to the side and looked at me to continue with a hum.

"I want to join the bloodline". I continued and he looked at me confused.

"Baby, you're already apart of the bloodline". He chuckled and I shook my head.

"No, I mean in storylines. Logan already tried to come for me because of his beef with you. Who's to say it won't happen again?" I explained.

"Besides, I'd feel more comfortable with you and the boys accompanying me to the ring more often and me for you guys. Maybe I can speak to Steph about putting us into a storyline together". I shrugged.

"The fans would definitely eat that shit up. And what better way than the Champions of Smackdown dominating together". He smiled.

"It would make some killer Tv". I chuckled.

"I'm one hundred percent behind the idea. We should talk to Steph at the arena". He nodded.

I laid down on his chest and his arms tightened around my waist and pressed a kiss to the top of my head making me sigh deeply.

"What do you wanna do tomorrow?" I asked and he hummed in thought.

"We could hit the gym tomorrow morning and get a session in together then we can go out for a lunch date". He suggested.

"Awesome. Then we can come back here where I can perv over you in the shower". I joked making him laugh.

"Or you could just join me and experience it yourself". He smiled.

"I like to watch". I wiggled my eyebrows as I looked up at him.

"Why?" He chuckled.

"You do it to me all the time". I defended.

Just then there was a knock on the door followed by a faint voice calling out as room service.

"I got it". I mumbled moving to get off him but he pulled me back down onto the bed.

"You're butt ass naked. I'll go". He stated when I looked at him confused.

"So are you". I scoffed just as he bent down to pick up his boxers and put them on.

"Not anymore". He winked before disappearing out the room and I rolled my eyes.

Two days later we were back at the arena and I was sitting backstage as Roman was in Stephanie's office pitching our idea to her when Sami Zayn approached me with a camera crew behind him looking nervous.

"Hey, uh-- Alex?" He stuttered and I looked up at him from my phone with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you know where Roman is? I tried looking for him in his locker room but Jey yelled at me to get out". He stated.

"He's in Stephanie's office, why?" I asked confused as to why this carrot was talking to me.

"I was hoping to talk to him about some business relations." He answered.

"What sort of business?" I asked eyeing the camera behind him.

"Just some valuable information about Logan and Kevin Owens. I think I may be able to help him out". He answered making me sigh.

"Follow me". I muttered as I hopped off the crate and led him over to the locker room.

When we got to the locker room, I pushed the door open and walked in with Sami and the camera crew behind me.

"Ayo, Cuz. What's this?" Solo questioned when he saw who was behind me.

"Apparently this fool has some information regarding those two imbeciles for Roman". I answered sitting down in Roman's chair and the twins stood in front of Sami with crossed arms sizing him up.

"Why the hell would you help us when Kevin is your best friend?" Jey scoffed.

"Because I think we can help each other out". He stated.

"What do you get out of this?" Solo asked.

"I want to join the Bloodline". He answered making the three brothers look at him weirdly and I let out a laugh at his statement.

"Good one". I snorted looking up to see his serious face and my face fell.

"Oh, you're serious". I mumbled.

"Ay, man, get this fool outta here". Jimmy yelled just as Roman and Paul walked in.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Roman questioned angrily.

"I want to help you". Sami stated quickly and Roman's gaze fell on me making me shrug.

He walked passed Sami whilst looking him up and down before moving towards me and I stood up so he could sit in his chair and he grabbed the back of my shirt before pulling me to sit on his lap.

"You got five minutes". Roman grumbled.

We all looked at Sami for him to talk and he visibly gulped.

"I heard Logan and Kevin overtalking backstage about teaming up to attack you at the match tonight". Sami explained.

"But they weren't alone". He added.

"Well spit it out, carrot top, we don't have all day". I snapped.

"Rhea Ripley was with them". He commented looking at me and I tensed.

"You have a match tonight with her don't you?" He questioned and I gave Roman a side eye.

"Why should we believe you?" Jimmy questioned from behind him.

"I recorded everything. Logan's attempt to attack Alex backfired so they teamed up with Rhea to get back at you both and Rhea agreed. Kevin and Logan are accompanying her to the ring at your match". He answered before showing us the video.

"Let us come with you out In that match, the Bloodline would be to busy sniffing their own butts to worry about Alex out there, she'll be all alone". Logan commented. I could literally feel Roman tense under me and his grip on my thigh tightened.

"Alex will be distracted with us out there and she'll be too busy worrying about us interfering with the match. It will be a piece of cake to win that title from her". Kevin added.

"Once Alexandra loses that title, the Bloodline will be raging with anger. Then all we have to do is destroy them one by one. It will be a breeze". Logan stated with a chuckle.

"And the only way to do that is to get to the one thing Roman loves more than those titles". Kevin smirked.

"Which is Alex?" Rhea chuckled.

"Damn right!". Logan smiled.

The video faded out and we all remained silent.

"Why are you helping us, Zayn? What do you want out of this?" Roman growled angrily after a few seconds.

"He wants to join the Bloodline, apparently". I answered for him and Roman stared up at him with a blank look.

"You think we gonna let you into our family after one little video? You out your damn mind, Uce". Jey snapped and Roman glared up at him.

"What do you think, baby?" Roman questioned and everyone's gaze fell on me.

"Jey's right". I sighed halfheartedly.

"Just because you gave us some little warning about those Ganks plans, doesn't mean shit. You wanna be in The Bloodline? You gotta prove you're worthy to be trusted". I commented.

"I'll do anything you ask". Sami pleaded and i gave Roman a look

"You wanna prove yourself? You can start by being our eyes and ears in and out of this arena and every other arena we step foot in". Roman stated making him nod.

"You got it". He smiled.

I suddenly got off Roman's lap and stood directly in front of him making his eyes widen in slight fear.

"This family is my life! If you do anything to betray my husband or my boys, I'll make it my personal mission to break every bone in your body. Do I make myself clear?" I sneered and he nodded quickly.

"Yes, ma'am". He gulped.

"Good!". I smiled, patting his cheek before heading to the door.

"Later, boys". I called over my shoulder before walking out the locker room.

Walking down the hall, I made my way to catering where I saw my girls and Bianca sitting, so I walked up to them and sat down.

"There she is. Where have you been?" Trin questioned with a wide smile.

"Locker room. You won't believe what just happened". I chuckled, peaking the girls interest.

"Well, don't leave us in suspense. Tell us!". Sasha squirmed making me laugh.

I told them everything that happened from Sami approaching me back stage leading up to me threatening him and the girls gawked at me in shock.

"And Roman went for it?" Paige questioned in disbelief.

"He didn't say yes but he didn't say no either". I shrugged.

"What does that even mean?" Bianca asked confused.

"It means that he's thinking about it. He has to prove he's worthy to be in the Bloodline". I answered.

"But the Bloodline is our family, hence the name 'Bloodline'. Why would Roman think about bringing some rando into it?" Trin asked confused.

"You know how Roman thinks. He wouldn't consider it unless there's a reason to keep him around". I shrugged.

"What do you think?" Sasha asked taking a bite of her food that was in front of her.

"I mean it is a little weird. But he did give us a warning about Kevin and Logan. But we'll see". I answered.

"This should be interesting". Bianca smirked making us chuckle.

"So then Roman and the boys are gonna accompany you to the ring?" Paige questioned and I nodded.

"That's the plan". I answered.

"They won't know what hit em". Trin smirked.

Suddenly my phone pinged and I looked at it to see I had gotten a message from Roman.

My Tribal Chief💦❤: Hey babygirl, where you at?

Chieftess🍑🔥: Catering.

I replied to Roman before locking my phone and continuing my conversation with the girls.

"Damn, I must be close to my period or something because I've been craving a shit load of junk food and Roman won't let me have it." I whined making the girls snicker.

"You sure you not pregnant?" Sasha smirked making me glare at her.

"Hard no!" I scoffed.

Just then, a pair of hands gripped the side of my face and pulled my head back and a firm kiss was placed against my lips, almost giving me a heart attack.

"Roman!" I yelled when he pulled away and I kicked his leg when he sat down beside me with a chuckle as the three brothers took seats around the table.

"You scared the hell out of me". I whined.

"Sorry, baby". He laughed bringing me closer by pulling my seat towards him and draped his arm over the back of my seat.

"Sorry, but that was funny.  He told us to keep quiet". Paige laughed.

"Traitor!". I mumbled making her laugh.

"What's happening, ladies?" Jimmy asked wrapping an arm around his wife.

"Oh, you know. Gossiping about you guys". Bianca answered smugly.

"Well, I mean we are the only thing everyone is talking about these days". Jimmy smirked making me scoff.

"Ego much?" I joked and he looked at me with a wink.

"Always, Uce". He joked back making me smile.

"Alexandra, you're up in Ten". A stage hand called walking up to our table before walking away again.

"We're coming with!" Paige yelled causing everyone at the table to stand up.

"I wanna get a front row view in the Gorilla". Sasha added as Roman draped his arm around my shoulder and we all made our way to the Gorilla for my match against Rhea.

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