ch. 34 winter break

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Y/n's pov


My mom came to my room and laughed. I been having a very hard time putting my shoes on since my belly is fucking HUGE. My mom helps me put on my shoes and we both go downstairs.

After today is winter break. So just one more day of school then i don't have to worry about anything. I hope.

My mom drove me to school and i went straight to my locker where Mikasa was already getting her stuff out of her locker.

"Good morning, Mikasaaaa"

"Good morning, Y/nnnnnnn"

We both laughed then turn our heads to Armin.

"Good morning, ladiessss" then we all laughed at the same time.

We got our stuff out of our lockers and Armin offered to hold my bag and books as he walks us to our class. He's so sweet.

"Y/n do you want to come to my house tomorrow to pack for the trip?" Mikasa asked.

"Actually I'm leaving tomorrow." They both stop in their tracks.

"What?" They ask.

"Oh yeah i didn't tell you guys." I turn around to face them. "I kinda tricked Levi into going early."

"So you two are going to the Ski Lodge two days before we're actually going?" Armin asked.



"Because it'll be nice to spend time together." I started slowly walking away. "Plus this is his birthday gift from me."

"Okay let me get this straight." Mikasa started. "You and Levi are going to the Ski Lodge together tomorrow." I nod. "Are you two sharing a room?"

"Yes. But i got a room with two beds."

"Are you guys dating?" Armin asked and i felt the heat rush to my cheeks.


"Their going to fuck." Mikasa said and my eyes widen.

"What!? No!" I protested

"I bet you $10 they don't." Armin smirked and held his hand out for Mikasa to shake.

"Oh your on." They shake hands and i sigh.

"You guys always have stupid bets."

During class we had to work in pairs with the person were sitting next too. I was a little bit nervous.

I had to do it with Jean.

"We need to draw a picture of newton's 1st 2nd and 3rd law." I said to him and he nods. "You do the 1st law and I'll work on the 2nd. Then we can do 3 together, okay?"


Jean and i haven't talked a whole lot ever since what happened. Sure were still in the same friend group but when it's just us two it's a bit awkward. But one thing is for sure.

We both don't have feelings for each other anymore.

"Who are you driving up with to the lodge?" Jean asked while he started drawing.

"Oh umm... Levi." He made a sound out of annoyance. "How about you?"

"I'm driving with Connie, Marco, and whoever else needs a ride." I nod

"Sooooo Jean" he looked at me. "How's you and Marco?' I smirked and his eyes widen.


"Oh i know." My smirk got bigger. "Don't forget Jeany boy. I was the first person you told. That you are Bisexual." He sighed and looked away from me.

"Don't you dare tell anyone."

"Are you threatening a pregnant girl?" We both chuckled.

"No... i just don't want anyone to know."

"Alright alright i understand. But are you guys dating?"


"What?!" I said a bit to loud. So some people turn to look at me. "Sorry" everyone looked away from me.

"Fine then." Jean started. "Are you and Levi dating?" My face turn red.


"I don't understand you guys. You guys are having a baby together yet. You guys aren't together." I laughed and nod.

I miss this. It's that weird talking to him. I think we're slowly but surely going back to normal. When lunch came around Histroia was explaining to everyone what's going to happen.

"Okay everyone! This is going to be the last time we all see each other before the trip. Everyone already gave me your money. So we're all set!"

While Histroia was explaining Levi sat down next to me. I smile and turn to Histroia giving her my full attention.

"Mikasa, Sasha, Annie, Armin, Ymir and i are riding all together. Reiner, Bertholdt, Connie, Marco and Jean are all driving together. So then Hanji, Moblit, Furlan, Erwin and Isabel are riding together. Then Y/n and Levi together." She looked at everyone. "Am i missing anyone?"

"No that's everyone." Hanji said excited.

"Alright! Any questions then?"

"Does anyone have an extra winter jacket i can borrow?" I asked.

"I have one i can let you borrow." Mikasa said and i thanked her.

"Okay everyone don't forget." Histroia started. "Everyone who's riding with me we are leaving at 5am because it's a 4 hour drive and I'll get everything checked in so the others just have to come to the room when they get there." She took a deep breath in and out.

"I'M SO EXCITED!!" She said and we all chuckled.

School went by so fast. I was now at home packing my bags. I have to bring two. One for clothes and another small one for random stuff. Just as i thought i was done. My mom knocked on my door saying Mikasa was here. I go down stairs and see Mikasa sitting on the couch.

"Hey Mika? What are you doing here?"

"To give you this." She hands me a winter jacket. "And to talk to you about something." I raised an eyebrow. "Can we go to your room?" I nod and we make our way there.

"So what's up?" I asked closing the door.

"Umm you see..." she seemed very nervous. She slowly takes something out of her bag and my eyes widen.


she was holding a pregnancy test.

That was positive.

"It's not mine!" I looked at her more confused. She sighs and sits down. "On Thanksgiving my mom said she had news. She said we had to find it. So my dad and i were looking around the house. Until i found this." She holds up the stick. "Their having another child."

"By the looks of it. You don't want a younger sibling?" I asked sitting next to her.

"It's not that. It's the fact I'm going to be 15 years older than them. I honestly would've love to have a sibling if i was 5 or 8 but I'm 15 for heaven's sake." She ranted.

"I- i don't know what to say..."

"You don't have to say anything. Just listen to my rant." I nod and let her continue her rant about this.

I honestly see her point. She doesn't want to feel like she has to help raise it. It's not like she has anything against babies. She thinks its weird with the big age gap.

"I didn't even think my parents were still having sex!" I laughed at that. "Which remains me. Here." She puts her hand in her pocket and hands me something. "It'll be useless. But for when you and Levi have sex."

"MIKASA we're not having sex!! Plus I'm already pregnant. Where did you even get a condom?"

"Reiner gave it to me as a joke last week."

We both laughed and went back to the topic about her new sibling. She ranted on and on until my mom said she needs to head home so i can rest up for Tomorrow.

Damn. Mikasa's getting a new sibling.


Im sorry the chapters have been short lately.

Mother fucker i forgot to add this before i posted the chapter.

Anywho so the reason why i wanted Mikasa to have a sibling is because i heard that her mother was actually pregnant in the anime before she dead.

And honestly the thought of Mikasa being a big sister sounds so cute.

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