ch. 32 The date.

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Y/n's pov

I open the door to see my lovely... guy friend, Levi. He was here to pick me up for that date he asked me out on. I smiled and walked out the door.

"Good morning, Levi."

He stayed quiet but nod and we started making our way to his car. "Everything okay?" He nods once again. He opens the car door for me and i looked at him weirdly.

"I know something up Levi. What is it?" I asked a bit annoyed. He looked away from me and closed his eyes with a sigh.

"You look very beautiful."

Aww is he nervous? That's so cute. I decided not to tease him and just get in the car. Once i was in he gets in the driver seat and started driving away.

"So where are we heading?"

"Were only heading to three places today."

I nod and go back to paying attention to the road even though i wasn't the one driving. We stopped in a very familiar area that's near my school. He parked his car on the side of the road and went to my side to open the door for me.

"Wow such a gentleman." I giggled and he rolled his eyes. I stepped out and waited for Levi to start moving in a direction so i can follow.

"Can i hold your hand?"

"W-what?" I blushed at his question.

"Did you lose your hearing or something? I asked if i can hold your hand." He gave me a cold stare and i smiled.

"That's not something you ask, Levi. You just" i grab his hand. "Do it." He nod and started walking in the direction of somewhere.

We stopped in front of a familiar cafe. I smiled and we walked in. We sat at a table and i look around.

"Wow. I haven't been here since i told you..."

"Since you told me you were pregnant." He chuckled. "I remembered i refused to believe it." I nod.

"Have you been here since i told you?" I asked

"Yeah a few times. Isabel has a part time job here and needs a ride every now and then."

"She really looks up to you." I chuckled out.

"My little sister." He chuckled out as well.

"How did you two meet?"

"When Furlan and i were playing in the alleyway of Furlan's family's bar. We found her hiding inside a big box. She was just there sitting. Weirded out we went to find my mom and we called the police station."

"What happen next?" I asked.

"She was abandon the night before by her mom. Who told her to stay in the box until she comes back." My eyes widen.

"Then what happen?"

"It was later found out her mother committed suicide the day Furlan and i found her. Then she started staying with a foster home. Then when she turn 10 she was adopted."

I was speechless. Stuff like this can actually happen? I thought only stuff like this happens in movies.

"But she's the happiest person i know." I looked down.

"She is...happy if your wondering. She has come a long way but she doesn't let the past bother her."

We stayed quiet for a few seconds. It was a comfortable silents. It felt comforting and warm. I couldn't believe that stuff happen to her.

"What kind of drink do you want?" He asked out of the blue.


"We're at a cafe. What do you want to drink?" He said standing up.

"Oh I'll come with you." He nods and we get in line.

What should i get? I can get what i normally get. But i want to try something new. Something warm since its freezing outside. Fucking November is so cold. Maybe I'll just get whatever Levi gets. It'll most likely be tea.

We get to the front and Levi says he's getting black tea with 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of sugar. He looks at me and ask me what i want.

"Same thing as you." He nods

"Can i get another black tea with 3 tablespoons of honey and 6 tablespoons of sugar." Why did he change up the order so much. I looked at him confused then back at the cashier.

"Will that be all for today?" They asked.


"Okay your total is $11.28."

I took out my wallet and started to take out $12 dollars until Levi "tch" and just took out his card. I sighed and looked down. But i also see that Levi has a jacket pocket. I slowly put in $12 dollars. We both know he won't accept it if i just give him it. We get our drinks and sit down at the same table and started drinking our warm tea.

"Levi." I got his attention. "Why did you add more tablespoons for mine?"

"Because i know you." I looked at him confused. "Here try mine." He hands me his tea. I take a quick taste then make a weird facial expression.

"So bitter."

"Bittersweet." He smirks.

I pick up my cup and drink it. Its sweet but not too sweet. It perfect. We stayed in silents just enjoying each other's company. Of course while this was happening Eren started kicking me so i would rub my stomach to try and get him to stop. After we finished our tea we went outside again and started to walk back to his car hand in hand.

I wonder how old people think we are. Levi has always look older despite his height then his appearance seem older. Then for me because I'm shorter than Levi i wonder how old people see me. Because once they see my baby bump they might think I'm 20 or something.

We got in his car and he started driving.

"So where too next?" I asked.

"My place."

My eyes widen. Were going to his place? I've never actually gone there before. Why are we going to his place? Wait... are we going to... Levi wouldn't have sex on the first date... right? SHIT Now I'm scared. The whole car ride was quite. When we got to the apartment complex we had to walk 2 floors up. Then he unlocked a door and walked in. I was hesitant to walk in but he told me too and i was getting scared. So he closed and lock the door behind me.

"Is Kuchel or uncle Kenny here?"

"They're both at work."

I stay standing near the door while Levi walks to the couch. He looked at me weirdly.

"Are you just going to stand there all day?" I shake my head no and slowly make my way to the couch but not sit down. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah. Eren just been kicking me nonstop." I laughed nervously.

"Tch why didn't you tell me?" He gets in front of me and kneel down so his face was the same level as my stomach.

"Stop kicking mommy you ungrateful brat." I laughed. He placed a hand on my stomach and started feeling around. "He stopped."

He stands up and placed one hand on my cheek and looks deeply in my eyes. I felt my heart beat faster as he started to lean in. He closed his eyes but i kept mine open. Just as our lips are about to touch...

I pushed him away.

He looked at me confused.

"I'm sorry, Levi! I don't want to have sex! I don't know if it's even possible for me to have sex. But i don't want to do it. Not because of you it just feels fast. We're not even officially together! As much as i want to be with you i don't want to have sex with you just yet. It's extremely fast and-" i stop talking as Levi is dying of laughter.

"Why are you laughing?!"

"Because you think i was trying to have sex with you!" He chuckled.

"You weren't?"

"My god, Y/n. What made you think i did?" He stop laughing and sit on the couch with a smirk.

"Because were at your apartment... alone" i looked down embarrassed.

"How many times we're at your house alone and had sex?" Shit. He's right. Why was i overthinking so much. I laughed and apologized.

"I'm sorry i pushed you. I was overthinking everything."

"Tch. Is there anything else i should know I'm not allowed to do to you?" I laughed and shake my head no. He stood up in front of me. "So can i kiss you now?" I nod.

His soft lips went on mine and i felt myself smiling in the kiss. He is a great guy. The kiss wasn't anything long just a short one.

"Thanks for not pushing me away this time."

"Oh whatever." I blushed and look away from him.

"Pick a movie on the tv." He hands me a remote and leaves the living room.

I sit on the couch and look for something to watch. It's almost lunch time and I'm getting hungry like really hungry. Stop thinking of food. I need to find a movie. Lets see what's there to watch... Mean girls? I don't think Levi would like that. I'm going to make him watch to all the boys i love before. He might like it. Now i just have to wait for Levi to come back from whatever he was doing.

"Ow! Stop it." I told Eren as he continued to kick me. He was kicking a bit to hard. I rubbed my stomach in hopes he'll stop but he didn't.

"Levi!!!" I called him.

He comes back into the living room.

"You called?" He asked in a bored tone.

"Can you tell your son to stop again?" I gave puppy dog eyes to him.

He chuckled and came to my side rubbing my stomach.

"Stop being a shitty brat." The kicking didn't stop. "Tch" he just started rubbing my stomach gently. I sighed and threw my head back.


"Yes, brat?"

"I'm hungry."

"I'm fixing something in the kitchen." I smiled at him.

After Eren stopped Levi went to continued doing our food in the kitchen. He said to start the movie without him. As long as i eat something soon I'm fine. 15 minutes later Levi calls my name. I turn around and see him standing behind the couch.

"The foods done."

I smile and stand up. Since everything was connected when i stood up i saw a small dinner table that had food on it. I walked over and he pulled out the chair for me. I thanked him and took a good look at the food. It looked so good.

"It looks so good, Levi!"

"Tch. Shut up and eat."

And i did just that. It taste so good. He's a really good cook. But i finished my food and I'm still hungry. I stared at my empty plate trying to think of a way to ask Levi for more without sounding like a fatass.

"Do you want more?" I turn my head to Levi.

"Umm..." i nod.

He stands up and grab my plate then leave the room. He comes back with more food and a smile grew on my face.

"Thank you"

"Don't mention it."

I continue to eat and Levi was already done so we were making light conversation as i finish my food.

"Has Histroia or anyone talk to you about the ski trip?"

"No and i don't think I'm going."


"Because i don't want to ski and sharing a room with other people would be weird."

"Oh come on. I'm going but I'm not going to ski. If your that weirded out to share a room with someone why don't you get your own?"

"Because that'll cost money that i don't have." He rolled his eyes. "I'm not going. End of story." I frown and the room fall silent.

I finished my food and Levi went to the kitchen to clean up. I didn't know what to do. I really want him to go. Wait i have a great idea.



"You don't even know what i was going to say!"

"I do. Your going to try and get me to go on that trip."

"Is there anything i can do to get you to go?"

"There's nothing you can say or do that can get me to go."

"Come on! Let this be my Christmas gift!"


"Please." I started fake tearing up.

"Tch I'll think about it." I smiled. "Come on, brat. Let's watch a movie." I nod and we get comfortable in the living room and started watching a movie.

I have a great idea. I don't know how Levi will see it. I do have to talk to Histroia about it before i do anything. Right now i just want to enjoy my time with Levi.

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