Chapter two: Hero

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((Author's note: the field trip Aizawa mentions is USJ. ))
((TW: drugs, alcohol, ptsd ))

[1:23 AM] Receiver - opinion on salad?

[1:24 AM] Sender - dont eat much but that shit fuckin kills

[1:24 AM] Receiver - sweets?

[1:25 AM] Sender - gross

[1:25 AM] Sender - i want to puke now so fuck you

[1:26 AM] Sender - what about you tho

[1:26 AM] Sender - what kinda food strikes your fancy

[1:30 AM] Receiver - you are a monster. Sweets are amazing. Ever had red velvet cupcakes?

[1:31 AM] Sender - i will vomit out of my eyes are you fucking serious

[1:32 AM] Receiver - have you tried it?

[1:33 AM] Sender - no

[1:34 AM] Sender - next time you make them i might pop by and torch them

[1:35 AM] Sender - thats a joke im never gonna get near you

[1:36 AM] Receiver - you shouldn't. I'd force you to eat them.

[1:37 AM] Sender - hard pass

[2:02 AM] Sender - so i was thinking

[2:02 AM] Sender - thats not good so i wanted to see if you could offer advice

[2:05 AM] Receiver - What is the issue.

[2:05 AM] Sender - k so this is serious

[2:05 AM] Sender - by the place i buy my groceries or whatever the fuck you call them, theres a stray cat

[2:06 AM] Sender - i pass by a lot and feed her when i can but i think shes rlly old

[2:07 AM] Sender - kinda wanna take her but id be a bad owner and wont be able to give her what she needs

[2:08 AM] Sender - idk what to do im worried her fur is like all matted and stuff and i want to help for once in my goddamn life

[2:10 AM] Receiver - Give me her location.

[2:10 AM] Sender - why.

[2:11 AM] Receiver - I can take her.

[2:12 AM] Sender - Seriously?

[2:12 AM] Sender - can you care for her?

[2:13 AM] Receiver - yes. I have a cat of my own right now. Shes friendly enough, and spoiled.

[2:13 AM] Receiver - will pick her up right now. Send it to me.

[2:15 AM] Sender - location.https/yokishiproduce

[2:15 AM] Sender - shes by the trash in the back. I made a makeshift cardboard house for her she should be in there

[2:16 AM] Receiver - on my way. Whats her name?

[2:16 AM] Sender - ive been calling her kitty and she responds

[2:17 AM] Sender - cannot believe you're going out right now to get a cat thats wild

[2:17 AM] Sender - its two in the morning are you fr

[2:18 AM] Receiver - I'll send you pictures to keep you updated.

[2:20 AM] Sender - fucking better you dumb bitch

[6:08 PM] Receiver - kitty is doing good. She seems to be an okay weight for a stray, and she's friendly. No worms. Got her microchipped and spayed, though.

[7:02 PM] Sender - send me a picture bitch

[7:03 PM] Receiver - image.jpeg.kitty/pawlind

[7:04 PM] Sender - cute.

[10:34 PM] Receiver - Long day. I can see why people might resort to drugs or alcohol.

[10:35 PM] Receiver - wouldn't do that. Have cigarettes instead. Still bad, but less.

[10:40 PM] Sender - i smoke sometimes too but not as much as id like cause it hurts my immune system more than it should

[10:41 PM] Receiver - and drugs dont?

[10:42 PM] Sender - its hard to explain but whatever why was your day so long

[10:45 PM] Receiver - teaching is a time consuming profession. I have to do my side job right after, right now, and thats also tiring.

[10:46 PM] Receiver - do you understand how difficult it is to grade twenty papers while you're beating up thugs and low life criminals

[10:50 PM] Sender - sounds difficult but like if i saw a man running at me with a stack of papers in his hand like some busy lunatic i would feel intimidated

[10:51 PM] Sender - so you must be good at that hero stuff

[10:51 PM] Sender - idk maybe you might suck too. You are a hero afterall

[10:55 PM] Receiver - oh, i can taste the salt.

[10:55 PM] Receiver - don't know what run in you've had with heroes, but they aren't all awful. Most are annoying, however.

[10:56 PM] Receiver - gtg

[10:57 PM] Sender - dont get dead hero

[7:46 AM] Receiver - not dead.

[7:46 AM] Receiver - Only have a few minutes to talk though, my students are having a 'field trip' type thing. They will suffer.

[7:47 AM] Sender - question then

[7:48 AM] Sender - why do you still talk to me

[7:48 AM] Sender - be honest cuz im not in the mood to pry it out of you

[7:50 AM] Receiver - refreshing to complain to someone who i dont know.

[7:51 AM] Receiver - also didn't I tell you to clean your act? I'll see through to that.

[7:55 AM] Sender - fucking weirdo

[7:55 AM] Sender - im going back to bed dont kill your kids too much

[7:56 AM] Receiver - no promises.

[4:02 AM] Sender - been a week.

[4:03 AM] Sender - you die or something

[10: 47 AM] Sender - hello

[8:04 PM] Sender - did i do something wrong

[8:04 PM] Sender - are you busy

[8:05 PM] Sender - hello

[10:02 PM] Receiver - was busy.

[10:03 PM] Receiver - got badly injured.

[10:04 PM] Receiver - Alright now, But I've had a lot of school things these past few days.

[10:10 PM] Sender - you good now

[10:11 PM] Receiver - managing.

[10:12 PM] Sender - how bad are ur injuries like are you gonna die or is it all okay now

[10:13 PM] Receiver - I could've died. I'm alright now.

[10:15 PM] Receiver - talk about something else before I ignore you.

[10:12 PM] Sender - ok. Did you watch the sports festival atleast

[10:13 PM] Sender - saw a little bit

[10:14 PM] Receiver - I watched all of it.

[10:14 PM] Receiver - the kids are strong.

[10:15 PM] Sender - mhm

[10:15 PM] Sender - would hate to get my ass kicked by them thats for sure

[10:16 PM] Sender - hear about that stain guy

[10:17 PM] Receiver - yes.

[10:17 PM] Sender - i agree with his ideas I think

[10:17 PM] Sender - kinda biased but they make sense to me

[10:17 PM] Sender - you said you're a hero i know that but you're probably a bad person too

[10:19 PM] Sender - ok maybe not but i hate heroes

[10:20 PM] Sender - or maybe just famous people in general

[10:21 PM] Receiver - you have a reason, I'm sure.

[10:22 PM] Sender - bad excuse for one.

[10:22 PM] Sender - just petty.

[10:23 PM] Receiver - sometimes, thats all it takes.

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