Chapter 3.

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As soon as the Thorntons got home from the messy brunch at the Cameron's, they all went there separate ways.

Ella went to ride her bike to the Pouge side of the island, to John B's house where the group would be, Topper went to workout in the garage, Mary went to stress clean the house, and Ryan went off to work.

Mary had scheduled the first appointment for the baby next week, so unfortunately Ella had to text Rafe the details. She was very upset with him since he just walked out on her, and said there was no 'us.' Was he really going to be a good dad to their baby?


Ella had finished getting ready, ready for her appointment for the baby. She was kind of excited to have a baby, but a part of her was very scared for this new challenge.

Rafe never responded to her text, which meant he wasn't going to show up to see the baby's ultrasound. Ella tried not to care about that, she just wanted to raise her baby with a good life. As much as she wanted to be with Rafe so her baby can have picture perfect parents, she knew it wasn't going to happen.

"Ella let's go." Mary says, knocking at her door. She rolled her eyes at her mothers voice. "I'm going!" She yelled back.

She opened the door and walked out. "What are you wearing Ella?" Her mother said, making Ella roll her eyes as she walked downstairs. "Clothes? It's summer mom relax." She mumbled. "You are pregnant Ella, you cannot be wearing clothes like that anymore." She says in a strict tone.

Ella quickly turned to her, "Mom I'm not even showing yet! I can wear whatever the hell I want. I'm 18!" Ella argued back. She was tired of her mother being so strict with her this past week, obviously acting different towards her since the whole pregnancy thing.

Then, there was a knock planted at the front door, making both look. "I'll get that." Mary says, before Ella moves in front of her. "No, I will." She says, before going to open the front door.

Revealing Rafe Cameron in a flannel and jeans, as he looked up to Ella. "Ella..hey." he looked her up and down, a smirk forming on his face from the chose outfit she wore today. "Hi Rafe.." she says. "I'm here..for the baby's appointment, I want to go with you." He says, clearing his throat.

She noticed his motorcycle parked up front.

She looked back at her mother, who was now standing next to Ella. "Rafe. Hello. What are you doing here?" Mary asked, looking at the boy. "The appointments today right?" He asked, looking between the two. "Yeah, sure is." Mary says.

"Well you're welcome to come..of course. Just didn't know if you where going to still since you never responded to me." Ella says, as she starts to walk to her moms car, Rafe following behind the dark haired girl.

"Of course I wanted to come. I just needed some time to process El." He says, now standing in front of her. "So why'd you walk out?" She asked, now turning to face him. "I uhm..I went to Barry's, I needed to get my head off everything. I'm sorry El." He sighed.


Rafe had walked out with no words, going outside and putting his helmet on as he got on the motorcycle. He drove all the way to Barry's trailer to the pouges side, as he knocked repeatedly at the door.

Barry soon had answered as he looked at the boy with the red and teary eyes. "What's wrong witchu country club?" He sighed, letting the dirty blonde in.

They sat down now, doing lines of cokes and drinking some liquor.

"Damn country club, you're having a kid?" Barry says with a slight chuckle, as he just heard the news about Ella and Rafe. "I don't know what to do man, this is all stressing me the hell out." He rubbed his eyes.

"You just gotta take it day by day man. This ain't easy I know that for a fact. I mean, was hooking up wit her worth it?" Barry asked the boy. "I mean of course man. We hook up all the time, but I just really needed her in that moment so I took her up to the room." Rafe responds.

"I know, seemed like y'all was in a hurry or some. Is she keeping it?"

"Yeah..she is. I mean, she's having my kid you know? I should've known and saw this coming, should've not just been hooking up with her without any protection." Rafe says, sniffling, as he rubbing his forehead.

"You know now that you're having a kid you can't be out going to parties all the time." Barry says with a chuckle. Rafe glared at him, beofre snorting another line, not wanting to think about that just yet.


"I bet he did." Ella says, looking away from Rafe. "Hurry up we're going to be late!" Mary says, getting into the car. Ella rolled her eyes, glancing back at Rafe. "She won't get off my back." She mumbled, as she went to go sit at the front seat, Rafe getting in the back.

Mary began to drive the car to the doctors, as the car ride was extremely awkward, so Ella decided to text the pouges so they can hear the news about Rafe.

She smiled as she turned her phone off. "What are you smiling about?" Mary asked the girl, glancing at her. "Texting my friends.." Ella said in a annoyed tone.

Latley she felt like her mother was so harsh on her, as If she couldn't take a break. Yes, being pregnant at 18 is a lot, but she just wanted her Mom to be a bit nicer and supportive, which is not what she has been getting from her.

Soon enough, from the long and quiet car ride, they had arrived at the doctors. They all got off the car stepping inside. Mary went to the front desk, as both Rafe and Ella sat down in the waiting room.

"So you uhm..excited?" Rafe asked the girl. "I guess.." she mumbled, playing with her fingers. "What's with the long face?" He chuckled. "Rafe, you do realize, having a baby is a big deal. I mean, it's not like 'oh we're having a baby let's get it over with!" She mocked, rolling her eyes.

Ella's hormones where definitely kicking in.

He furrowed his brows, but he knew it was true. He tried to keep a positive attitude about this whole pregnancy thing, mostly ever since the things his father had told him that night he went to Barry's, the stuff he began to realize.


Rafe had just gotten back from Barry's trailer, as it was almost 8pm. He rubs his forehead, shutting the front door behind him.

He sighed, walking into the kitchen, before he was met by Ward, leaning on the counter in distress. Rafe ignored him, opening the fridge, before Ward slams it shut. "What the hell?!" Rafe says, shaking his head. "You think you can just walk out like that Rafe?!" Ward says, raising his voice. "I needed to get my mind off everything!" Rafe argues back.

"That wasn't the time to just walk out Rafe! We left so you and Ella can figure out what you guys where going to do! This isn't a joke Rafe, you got a girl pregnant and you cannot walk away from that!" Ward shouted.

Rafe scoffed, looking away from his father as his eyes got teary. He knew he was right, he got a girl pregnant and he couldn't walk away from that. As much as he liked Ella, he couldn't show it. "I don't care Dad." He mumbled.

"You don't care? You don't care about what Rafe?!" He shouted. "I don't care about any of this Dad! I don't wanna fucking talk about it! I left in the first place because I didn't want to hear it!" Rafe shouts, as he starts to breath heavy.

"Well to bad Rafe! This is reality! Now you have to face the consequences for what you did, and you have to care for that kid because you are a father now! Now you have to learn to be one! And you have to be there for Ella, and I mean it! She's a sweet girl, so don't you dare break her Rafe!" Ward shouts, putting his finger close to Rafes face.

Rafe backed up, wiping his tears, as he sniffled and looked around. He was right, he needed to care for this kid..and he needed to care for Ella too.

Out of anger, he breathed heavy, before punching the wall, "fuck!" He shouted before rushing out of the kitchen.


Mary had now came back from the front desk, sitting beside Ella. Ella continued to fiddle with her fingers nervously.

"Ella Thornton." A doctor called out for her, she glanced at her mother and Rafe, as they all stood up. "I'm sorry but we only allow 1 extra person." The doctor says. Ella glanced between her mother and Rafe.

"I'll go." Mary says with a smile, "no Mom, Rafes the Dad he deserves to go." Ella says, shaking her head. Mary gave Rafe a dirty look, as Ella and Rafe followed the doctor awkwardly.

They all entered the room, as Rafe and Ella sat down. "So I was told you're here for your first ultrasound, correct?" The doctor asks, looking through his computer.

"Yes." Ella says. "Okay great, congratulations to you both." The doctor says with a smile. "Thank you." Both teens say. "Okay today we also find out how long you've been pregnant, so can you hop on this exam chair so we can get started." He smiled, as he stood up.

Ella did as told, as she nervously breathed heavily. "I'm going to step out to get the things, I'll be right back." The doctor says with a smile, as he had left the room. Rafe scooted his chair, next to Ella as he slowly grabbed her hand to calm her down. "Hey hey..calm down. It's going to be okay Ella.." he says, looking deeply into her green eyes.

She instantly felt safe in his touch, why did she feel that way with Rafe?

The doctor soon came back, looking at the two as he smiled. "You guys make such a wonderful couple." He says, as he put the cart he brought to the side, "oh were not.." Ella says, pulling her hand away from Rafe. Rafe cleared his throat, looking away.

But Ella wanted to be with Rafe, and Rafe wanted to be with Ella. But they where both to scared to admit it.

Soon enough, the doctor began to put the gel on Ella's stomach, as they all looked at the screen, looking at the small fetus.

A smile formed on Ella's face, as she couldn't believe the fact that there was a little human growing inside her. Rafe kept his eyes between the baby on the screen, and Ella.

At this moment, it finally sinked in. Rafe Cameron was going to be a father. He took a deep breath, as he smiled at the fetus on the screen. "And that's your baby, looks like you're almost a month pregnant." The doctor said with a smile.

"Wow.." Ella said in awe.

Ella and Rafe had gotten into the car, as she held the envelop with the babies first ultrasound pictures. She put on her seatbelt, as she handed it to her mom. "Are these the photos?" Her mother asked. Ella glanced back at Rafe smiling, before looking back at her mother Mary. "Yeah it is."

Mary quickly opens the envelope, as she took a look at the pictures. "Oh my gosh..the beautiful." She said, as tears formed in her eyes. "Mom.." Ella chuckled. "Ah, take these back before I start crying more." Mary says with a small laugh, handing back the photos to Ella.

Ella turned back, giving them to Rafe. "There's extra ones here if you want to uhm..take them home, show your parents.." she said, with a slight smile. He slowly grabbed them, looking at the girl. "Yeah..thanks." He returned the smile, as he looked out the window, Mary began to drive. The car ride was now in comfortable silence. 

Soon, they all gotten back to the Thorntons, as they all got off the car. "Are you, heading back home?" Ella asked Rafe. He glanced around him, as he placed his hands in his pocket, Mary walking inside.

"Maybe I should..yeah." Rafe says, clearing his throat. "Also Topper was..kind of asking for you earlier." Ella says. "Yeah I'm supposed to meet up with him tonight, we're going out." Says Rafe, squinting his eyes from the sun.

"Alright..well I'll see you around, Cameron." Ella says, nodding her head slightly. "Bye Ella." He smiled, as she walked inside, shutting the door with a smile.

"How was it?" She heard a voice say, seeing it was her father Ryan. "It was good, awkward at first." Ella says, handing him the envelope with the photos. "That's good honey. I should hang these up on the fridge." He chuckled.

Meanwhile, her father was much more supportive, he knew Ella would always be his one and only daughter, so he wanted to cherish the moments he had with her, before she fully grows into a adult, and moves out.

Ella smiled at her father, as she walked upstairs to her room, passing by Toppers room, and seeing him not there.

She sat on her bed, as she went on her phone to text the pouges.

She laughed lightly at the messages, as she totally forgot she was supposed to sleepover at Kiaras, since her parents where out of town.

Ella stood up, grabbing her backpack, as she began to pack her things.

Successfully, Ella made it to Kies house, as she was the last one their, due to her eating dinner before she left. It was around 6pm now.

She parked her car outside, as she saw the Twinkie also parked outside. She went to the front door, about to knock before realizing it was open. "Not even surprised." She mumbled to herself, before she looked around the house, hearing everyone upstairs.

She made her way upstairs, before opening Kies bedroom door, seeing everyone sitting all around, they all looked at her. "Ella!" They yelled, as they all got up, grabbing her and hugging her.

"Guys!" She giggled, before she was picked up by JJ, swinging her around. "Put me down!" She laughed, before he planted a soft kiss on her forehead, putting her down. "That's cute." Pope chuckles, as he sat back on the beanbag.

"JJ you idiot! You can't swing her around like that anymore, she's pregnant!" Kie says, pushing JJ onto the bed. "Oh shit, my bad I forgot." He says, before he was pushed onto the bed.

"Yeah we have to becareful with our nephew!" John B says, pointing to Ella's stomach. "We don't even know if it's a boy or girl." Ella laughs lightly, as she sat on the bed.

"Okay well it's clear, it's going to a boy." John B says.

"No it's definitely going to be a girl, I'm meant to be a girl aunt." Sarah says, rolling her eyes.

"It's a boy." John B argues.

"It's a girl!" Sarah argues back.

The two began to bicker as they went back and forth. "Okay guys chill! Even though I'm team girl, we have to wait like 2 months to find out the gender." Kie says, looking at everyone. "Damn a whole two months?! How far along are you Ella?" Pope asks the girl.

"About to be a month, which means it's almost been a month since the party." She sighed, fiddling with her fingers. "Still can't believe you hooked up with that douche bag." JJ says, scoffing. "Not just once, but many times." John B says with a laugh.

"Leave the girl be, let her sleep with who she wants. It's badass." Cleo says with a shrug. "What's so badass about that?" Ella says with a chuckle. "Badass move to sleep with Rafe." Cleo responds.

"Okay Ew, I don't want to hear about my best friend and brother hooking up on a daily bases." Sarah says, cupping her face. "Don't forget how you literally dated my brother." Ella says with a laugh.

"Damn she got you right!" JJ laughs.

A/N: this was such a fun chapter to write lol, hope everyone is having a good day/night!

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