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Billie POV

Smut Warning

AG takes my shirt off, her eyes in awe at the sight of me. "Hey, eyes up here." I say catching her attention. She looks at me before locking our lips and grinding into me.

"You're so fucking sexy bebe." She whispers in my ear and I practically melt under her.

She pulls down my underwear and places her thumb on my clit. I let out a sigh of relief. She moves her thumb in a circular motion causing me to let out a small moan.

I feel her two fingers insert inside of me. "Fuck, that feels good." I whisper. She goes at a faster pace and my moans get louder.

"Shit!" I yell at she starts pounding a certain spot. I throw my head back in pleasure as AG doesn't slow down.

She removes her fingers and replaces them with her mouth.

She sucks on my clit harshly and my hips buck but she holds them in place. I run my fingers through her long hair trying to calm myself down.

She puts her thumb in my mouth quieting me down. I look at her with my eyes rolling back and she isn't stopping any time soon.

The pleasure becomes too much and I try to push her away but she holds my wrists. "Fuck..." I groan. I hear a knock on the door and I freeze, well AG keeps on going.

She pulls the blanket over us covering up to my neck. "C-come in." I stutter out. The door open and it's Jersey. "Hey, where's AG?" She asks.

In between my legs.

"Uh, she's in the bathroom. You need something?" I say and I bite down on my tongue preventing a moan.

"No, I'll just wait until she comes out." Jersey says closing the door after she leaves. I feel a knot in my stomach, "Bub, I'm gonna c-" I cut myself off by releasing onto her tongue and she helps me ride out my orgasm.

She pulls the blanket off of us and smirks. "That was amazing," I tell her. "But now it's your turn." I say turning her over and she lets out a gasp. I get on top of her taking her shirt off and I see a look on her face.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask her. She doesn't answer and just grabs her chest. "Does it hurt?" She nods while shutting her eyes and groaning. This is the second time she's complained about pain today.

"Baby, calm down." I say. I get off of her and she grunts while holding her chest. She breathes heavily and I slap her thinking she's playing with me.

"What the fuck Billie!" She shouts at me. "Are you better now?" I ask. "Yes! Now my face hurts." She says. "You should go to the hospital." I say.

"No, I'm fine, I'll just take some medicine in the morning." She mutters.

I look at her before shrugging and I get under the blankets and AG pulls me in her grasp.

She's acting weird.

Three Days Later


"Baby! Are you ready?" I ask Billie who's still in my room. The girls went back home yesterday and today was the day that me and Billie would confirm our relationship.

My manager thought it'd be cool if we went to one of my big sponsors and do a interview. I have a lot of sponsors due to basketball one of them being Nike.

We were going to one of the Nike offices here in Kentucky and doing a trivia game. "Yeah, yeah I'm done." Billie comes out and I immediately can tell she's nervous. Yeah, everyone saw her on TikTok but some fans think it wasn't her, including her own fans.

But today she said she wanted to come out of hiding, "You nervous?" I ask her.

"What if they hate me?" She asks. "No one will hate you, and it doesn't matter if they do, cause I love you," I say kissing her forehead.

"What if they wanna know more, like when I became bi, how come I hid it?" She says looking up at me.

"You don't owe anyone any answers, you don't need to explain anything." I reassure her and she nods.

"Let's get in the car, okay?" She nods and says "Go in, I'll be right back. I have to pee."

I walk out of the house and I sit in the driver's seat when my phone rings with a call from my coach. "Hey." I say.

"Hey, where have you been these days? I haven't seen you at practice." He says.

"Um, some shit went down with my mom." I lie, the truth is I've been avoiding him. I can't even look him in the eye after what he has me doing.

"Well, are you taking those pills?" He asks, I resist the urge to snap at him. "Yea, I've been taking them." I tell him the truth.

I've been taking two a day, but then I also get painful side effects from them, so then I take some naproxen and on top of that, I'm a vapor.

"Make sure not to tell anyone." He warns me and I roll my eyes. "Only two a d-" I hang up on him when Billie walks into the car. She gives me a weird look before saying "Come on, let's go."

"You don't sound so nervous anymore." I say. "Oh no, I'm nervous. I'm just good at hiding it." She winks and I give her a look, she knows damn well what that wink does to me.

After 30 minutes, we arrive at the familiar building that I've been to plenty of times for numerous reasons. We get out of the car and Billie intertwines our hands and I pull open the door to the Nike headquarters in Kentucky.

We walk in and I walk up to the same man who's been at the front desk since I first came here at 12. "AG! It's so nice to see you again." He says and I greet him.

"Wanda's on the 6th floor and you know the usual room we usually talk in." I nod and thank him before pulling Billie with me to the elevators.

"AG, I don't like elevators." Billie whines. "I know, but you'll be out in a few seconds baby." I say. She grabs my arm and flinches when the elevator comes to a stop.

She's so baby.

The elevator opens and we exit and walk to Wanda's office and she sees me. She lets us in and gives me a hug. She greets Billie and I already know Billie is showing off her jealousy side.


"We will ask you guys a question and you'll write your answer on the white board and show it." Billie nods as she shoos a makeup team away from her.

"Alright, lights? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

"Hello you weirdos," I start with my signature greeting. "I'm here with Nike playing a trivia game with a special guest, Billie my beautiful girlfriend." I continue.

"Hello everyone." Billie waves. "First question, what is the others favorite food?"

I immediately scribble down burritos seeing Billie's still writing. I show my board to the camera along with Billie and she lets out a laugh.

I look at what she wrote and my eyes widen. "Oh my- " I shout. This bitch wrote 'my pussy'.

"Okay okay, you're favorite food is quesadillas." She says and I nod.

"Second question, what is the other's worst trait."

I think for a while and I write down my answer. Billie already has her board up and has written period.

"Well I wrote jealousy."

"Jealousy is not a bad trait, I don't even get jealous!" Billie gets defensive. "Now lie again." I say. "Fuck you, I wrote period because she's the biggest bitch when she's on her period."

"I'm not that bad.."

"You made Mia cry once." I can't help but laugh at her comment. I pull Billie's chair closer to me and she almost falls backward.

I cover my laughs as she pants out of fear, "My life almost ended." She says. I laugh at her face as she's making.

"Name the other's favorite song."

"Oh, I don't know that, you have like a different song every hour." I tell Billie and she laughs while writing something down.

She turns the white board around and she's written 'Coma La Flor'. "What?" I ask. "I'm right, aren't I?" She asks. "No." I say. "Stop lying, I always hear this song in your house."

"Cause my mom plays it all the time, I hate that song! Sorry mama, love you." I say knowing damn well my mom's gonna be watching this. "Then if it's not that, then its Boys Ain't Shit."


"Oh, well then your music's taste shitty."

"I listen to your music!" I defend myself.

"Oh." She purses her lips. They take the white board away from us saying we weren't gonna need them any longer.

I find myself staring at her getting lost in her presence. "Is there something on my face?" She asks.

"Uh no, I just got distracted." I say.

"Who's the messiest."


"Yeah, it's me."

"Who steals clothes more?"

"AG." Billie says. "Now, why are you lying?" I ask her. "Tell me one time I took your clothes, you're wearing my hoodie right now, and that Burberry shirt is mine too."

"Touché." Billie frowns. "Fine, fine." I say pulling her into my side. "Who said 'I love you' first?"

I point to myself and Billie pokes my side. "What was that for?" I clutch my side. She doesn't stop poking me and I try to tell her to stop but she doesn't listen.

I suddenly grab her hands holding them in mine as she grunts. We get through the last set of questions and bickering with each other and then we're finished.

I tell Billie to wait in the car for me while I use the bathroom. I do my business washing my hands and drying them off.

I walk outside and I get in the car and I see Billie holding something in her hand.

I realize what it is and my heart sinks. The bottle of dope pills.

"Annagrace, what's this?"


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