[ 4 | Undercover ]

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Lmao so I've basically already written a large chunk of Chapter 9 because I have a habit of writing the start and ending of stories but never the middle rIP

Also, try listening to this song while reading! It's one of my favourites
โ—ˆ Chapter 4 - Undercover โ—ˆ
โ—ˆ Unedited โ—ˆ


โ—‡ "That's impossible." โ—‡


"I have an idea."

Wednesday - 11:28 amย | Earth-1610

Gwen handed you a white lab coat with a logo, saying 'Alchemax'. "Here, put this on. We'll blend right in. For scientists, they're not very smart."

"Thanks." You slipped on the coat, a little annoyed at how large the material draped over you. Frowning, you folded the ends of your sleeves and buttoned it up to cover your suit.

The plan that Gwen had thought of she considered to be 'foolproof', but you definitely saw multiple things that could go wrong.

The two of you had packed your other parts of your suits that couldn't be worn with the lab coat, (you were both very excited to see each other in action for the first time!) and anything else you needed in case things went wrong at the headquarters of Alchemax.

You had ditched class for this, and you knew that you were going to be scolded heavily if you got caught, so everything was riding on discovering what you needed on this mission.

Gwen's idea involved pretending to be working for Olivia Octavius, and to figure out how to return home through the Collider.

You ignored the brightly coloured orange and yellow autumn leaves, and swung alongside Gwen towards a rectangle shaped building.

Swinging amongst the tree tops, you surveyed the area. "All clear."

"Same here, lets go." Gwen swung around towards the back of the building and shot a web onto a control panel. The door slid open, and she gestured you inside.

That was a little too easy.

"Wow." You murmured, following her inside, analysing the multiple doors located to the right and left of you.

The next few minutes were spent on talking with other physicians inside the lab, and getting a step closer to finding the solution that both you and Gwen needed. "I think we should split up." She stated suddenly, adjusting the false glasses sitting on her nose.

"What! Whenever that happens, things go wrong. I don't think that's such a good idea." You spoke up, getting increasingly worried.

"None of my ideas are good ideas, but we're here anyways. I'll go this route and you go that way. If you get lost, come back here and wait for me."

Before you could reply, she walked off and you sighed, leaning against the wall. A part of you felt annoyed that she was instructing you as if you were some sort of child that was learning to play with it's first set of dolls.

It wasn't completely obvious that you were a beginner, was it? Being the Velvet Spider had only lasted for under a month, before the whole universe situation happened.

You let out a deep breath and began to think about what you could do to help.

There was a feeling in the back of your head that signalled that you were missing something. Something you vaguely remember hearing in one of the classes you weren't really listening in.

Ms Patel's class... the theory of relativity.

There was a video of a woman with glasses talking about it.

You strained your brain, searching into your mind of a little bit of information that could potentially help you.

You envisioned the scene in front of you in class, and slowly, it formed in your eyes like night and day.

It was almost as if you were actually back in that same classroom.

The woman, her coat says Alchemax on it.

What was her name?

Come on Y/N, you're better than that.

Suddenly, you had a light bulb moment.

"Our universe is in fact one of many parallel universes happening at the exact same time. Thanks to everyone here at the Fisk Family Foundation for the Sciences, I will prove they exist when I build my Super Collider."

That's what she said! She's the woman I'm looking for.

Amelia, was it? Ophelia?

Then it clicked.

Doctor Olivia Octavius.

Feeling proud of yourself, you got up from the wall and looked from side to side, jogging down the halls. Spotting a man walking by with a clipboard, you tapped him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, I'm new here and I'm still getting to know the place. Do you know where I can find Doctor Olivia Octavius?" You asked as politely as you could, anticipating his reply.

"Her office is right where you came from, to the left, and then back to the right. Keep walking forward and you should be able to find her." He replied simply, not removing his eyes from the clipboard.

Eternally grateful for that.

"Thanks for your help." You began running in the directions he gave you, muttering 'left' and 'right' under your breath to ensure that you didn't forget. Less than 30 seconds later, as you were nearing her office, a loud bang was heard.

Perplexed, you turned a corner, and saw a shadowy figure behind a foggy sort of transparent wall, clear enough to make out shapes, but still blurred where you can't tell what's happening.

What you saw was the shadow of a body with an extra 4 longer arms, curling towards another form in front of them.

A muffled voice was speaking as well, saying something along the lines of, "Peter! You didn't tell me you had an invisible friend!" More crashing was heard, and unexpectedly, Gwen called your name from the place you had just walked from.


You snapped your head to look behind you, letting her catch up to you. "Gwen? Can you hear what's going on?"

She nodded, and walked in front of you, using her head to gesture you forward.

In a quick motion, the door to Doctor Octavius' office slammed itself open before the two of you could get any closer, and a floating computer came out with it.

For a split second, something appeared.

Something weird.

Someone seemed to be holding the monitor and tower desktop, but they were invisible. In a flash, you saw a person that looked to be in a cheap Spider-Man get-up running by you, accidentally knocking over Gwen and barely missing you.

You dashed to her side and helped her up, ushering her to hurry up so you could go after them.

Not long after, Spider-Man - who was recently announced to be dead - swung past, following the person (you assumed it was someone your age) with the computer. You pulled Gwen around another corner, and peeked to then see the woman who you were looking for: Doctor Octavius.

"Let's go!" You exclaimed, ripping off the lab coat hastily. Gwen followed you as you headed to the small area you left parts of your suits in, and got prepared for the upcoming action.


Wednesday - 11:46 amย | Earth-1610

You and Gwen silently followed Doc Ock, who was trying to steal back the information that Presumably-Dead-Spider-Man and Spider-Fan-Boy had.

After putting two and two together, you realised it was Miles, and you knew that revealing yourself was inevitable at this point.ย 

You squinted, using your spider skills to look closer and focus on Miles and Spider-Man. Whatever information they had stolen, it seemed to be the same one that you needed, because you watched from afar as Spider-Man glitched after swinging with Miles.

You swung faster, jumping over a branch before a sudden pull on your hood almost choked you. You looked up to see who had stopped you, and saw Gwen standing on the tree branch and holding you above the ground.

"Wait for my cue."

You glared at her, as she carefully balanced you on the branch beside her. Or at least, as balanced as you could be while standing on a stick with roller blades.

Doc Ock had now retrieved the one thing separating you and Gwen from death, and you became frantic.

"We should go now." You spoke suddenly.

"Wait for it..."

"Miles was just being shot at. We have to help."

"Wait for it."

"Gwen, we have to go help them, she's already-"


You didn't wait and shot a web towards the direction you were heading, scaling closer and closer to the scene, switching to the right of Doc Ock as Gwen took the left.

Being honest, you had sneaked in your headphones and you were listening to Run Wild by Thutmose. The song hyped you up and made the numbing of your face by the wind more satisfying.

The both of you shot webs on either arm of Doc Ock, sticking her to two trees. As Gwen took care of her, your top priority was Miles.

Just as he was going to drop the desktop, you aimed a web at him and Spider-Man, roller blading down the side of a tree. The string held them up and the sudden movement made them lash back up, before being caught in your web.

You changed the direction of your feet so you skated over a rock and it launched you back into the air. Your eyes carried over to see Gwen knocking out Doc Ock, and while in mid air, you shot at a tree that was directly in front of Miles. Tugging on the string, you brought yourself closerย 

Landing solidly on a secure branch, Gwen returned and swung up beside you. You showed her the desktop that you picked up before it hit the ground.

"Nice going," she stated, her breathing heavy.

"Technology is great when it works. When it doesn't... well, you're in huge trouble." You said to her cynically, changing your attention to Doc Ock, who was unconscious and stuck between some trees.

Gwen turned to Miles and Spider-Man Reincarnated and studied them for a moment.

Pulling of her mask, she said, "Hey guys." Her revealing herself surprised you, but you didn't do the same. Instead, you dropped your headphones loosely around your neck, and nodded your head at them with no sound.

"Gwanda?" Miles asked, clearly shocked but also uncomfortable at the awkward position he was strung up in.

"It's Gwen, actually."ย 

"You know her? Very cool." Spider-Man observed coyly.

"I'm from another dimension," Gwen paused, as if recollecting her thoughts. "I mean, another another dimension." She looked at you for a moment, almost as if waiting for you to reveal yourself, but instead, you shook your head and whispered, "Later."

"Are we not going to hear the other speak?" Spider-Man spoke bluntly, and you aimed a web that hit his forehead. "Ow?"

Gwen began to explain her story. Except, this time she went into a lot more detail than when she told you. She talked about how she was also bitten by a radioactive spider, was the only Spider-Woman for 2 years and eventually being pulled into a portal that threw her back in time a week in our universe.ย 

Her eyes carefully trailed to Miles, which made your interest pique. "My Spider-sense told me to head to Visions Academy. I wasn't sure why until I met you."ย 

Miles winced, "I like your haircut."

"You don't get to like my haircut."

At the small interaction, you snickered, and the focus of the two shifted to you. Before you could get a word in, loud gunshots rang through the forest, and a panic rose through you. Without another word, you swung away, waiting for the others to follow your lead. You aimed a web at Miles, and pulled him back because he still didn't seem to get the gist of web shooters.

You knew you had to tell Miles who you were, and it was going to happen today.

โ—ˆ Date Published: 3/01/2019 โ—ˆ
โ—ˆ Word Count: 2005 โ—ˆ
Sorry for the shorter chapter everyone!

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