Eye of the beholder

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It is so bizarre to stare into one's eyes. I don't feel comfortable to look into those doors because it's either I will see pain, regret, struggle, helplessness,and sadness. It is like invasion of privacy and trying to barge into someone's room and seeing how they live their lives when they are not facing the world.

I know that the world is a pretty cruel place and people have different response with what they experience. People recognize happiness faster but it could be otherwise. Maybe it depends on the discerner.

Seeing into one's soul is uncomfortable especially seeing their pain. I know that life isn't perfect and nobody is. We, people deal with different level of sadness and pain. And it might not be a good thing for others to see how we deal with it.

But our eyes is the door to our soul and as much as you want to hide what you feel you always can't.

I've seen others' eyes and sometimes i  see something there. Maybe i just imagine things and maybe i am just critical. But, whatever there is that i see will be imprinted in my memory.

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