o7 | jared cameron

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[ i'm watching the purge while i was
writing this omg haha, ]

okay we're near 1k guys ilysm!! ❤️


[ name ]! can you buy some of these on the market? I'll be cooking you and your father's favorite tonight, ❞ my mother said happily as she passed me a paper filled with different needs and etc.

❝ sure mom, I'll be home early then! ❞ I said happily as she nodded and ruffled my hair, giving a quick peck on my cheek and handed me the money.

Our life is just an ordinary one like half of the human beings have, my mom's a part time nurse here in Forks Hospital, my dad's a doctor. That's how they met actually, my mom said she was too happy to be with my dad, and so is my dad. when my mother told him that she's pregnant with me inside her, my dad couldn't be any happier.

they raised me enough to be matured and a grown up, they didn't raise me spoiled but they give me enough love and support. I understand them a lot, that's why I repay them with high grades at school and of course enough love.

It didn't take me long until I arrived the small market here in Forks, a guard was standing outside talking to a grandmother and telling her that he'll assist her by carrying the bags she got. she didn't want it but he insisted,

I smiled to myself as I saw the great things happen just in front of me, passing the elderies I went inside and open. The cold temperature of the AC hitting my skin as I shivered and went to roam my eyes around the market,

❝ good morning, [ name ]! you came here early! ❞ James said as I smiled at him and nodded, walking over to my old friend.

yeah, well I have to buy my mom some ingredients and goodies! and you know me, I don't want to miss my favorite show so I went here early ❞ I said chuckling at the same time as he did too,

go ahead and grab the things or food you needed to buy then! ❞ he said as I eagerly smiled and nodded, going to the vegetables corner.

I picked some vegetables up as I looked around the Market, sometimes a lot of people would be in here even going further with fighting over small things. but now it just doesn't feel right when I'm alone.

dang it, Jared! you better clean this up! ❞ a guy said as I looked at a group of guys laughing to another guy who's looking at his shirt all wet with juice.

well, well boys. you better pay this, and clean too. ❞ James said making me feel a little guilt but my expression said otherwise when I giggled and continued on strolling my cart over the other end of the shop.


it didn't take me long enough when I'm done getting all the things and food my mom told me to buy, but because as I looked at my watch to see my show will be showing in 15 minutes, I literally pushed the cart running towards the cashier.

' what the actual hell?! time is sooo - '

❝ OOFF! - ❞ a guy said, as I abruptly switch my attention to the now laid helpless guy on the floor, clutching his stomach as he groans.

I gasped ❝ oh no, no no no. I'm really sorry, Mr! I was just speeding my pace because I really need to watch my favorite show and then I was thinking what will happen to my life if I didn't got to see the first episode of the 2nd season! so I continued on watching my watch move instead on watching my way! I didn't know! But I should've known! I'm really sorry, it wouldn't happen ever again! and oh please don't sue me yet! ❞

the man said chuckled and stood from where he laid earlier, his hands slowly rubbing his arms and his stomach which I think where I kind of bumped him. I looked at my feet as I shuffled slighty, fiddling my fingers to at least try to calm my nerves and saying

' he ain't gon' sue you yet, you have dreams with being Dylan O'Brien or even Tyler - '

❝ miss? you there? ❞ he asked as I zoned out and back again to reality, I looked at him about to speak when our eyes locked and that stopped me.

it stopped me because it felt so perfect when his eyes fell to mine. when it felt like the answer to ' who are you going to spend your life with? ' is just right there in front of me, staring at me too.

I felt the need to be with him, I felt the need of being needed by someone so badly. It felt like, he knew me all too well started when we were younger. Everything feels so right in the moment, ruining it would be the last thing I wanted to encounter.

❝ woah! he got a nice chick!

the voice interrupted us as we looked at the group of guys I saw earlier who were making much noise, and I giggled at their idiotic selves. Gods,

❝ Hey uhm, forget them they're just really weird. and much weirder if you knew them better.❞ He said and sent me a wink as I blushed and managed to bring myself to chuckle.

❝ don't worry, we don't bite! andd you better be fast, trust me you don't want to miss your show. ❞ The other guy said as I gasped and looked at my watch again,

I sighed, I may or may not see this guy ever again it'll be hard for me. ❝ I-I'm sorry, I better go. Sorry, again. ❞ I said as I bowed in respect and continue to stroll my cart towards the now nearing view of the cashier but his voice stopped me.

His. Voice.

❝ wait! what's your name?! ❞ he asked as I swiftly looked back almost tripping on my heel,

He chuckled as I gave him a warm smile, pushing a strand of hair that fell and grinned. I saw him blushed furiously as my grin went wider,

[ full name ]!


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