o3 | emmett cullen

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i hope you guys wouldn't mind
if your age would be 19 here.


- emmet's point
of view -

they say having a soul mate is the best feeling ever.

but i don't know, i just hate the fact that they made this thing called ' soul mates ' it sound so stupid. and not to mention your soul mate can be in any gender, i've lived for years and this kind of things is just not in my nature.

i hated how everyone could fall in love very fast when they just met their soul mate, i mean sure both are made and matched by heaven as they say - but really though? what if your soul mate was a thief back then, or what if it's a serial killer?

would you really be the harley quinn to your joker?

well that sucks, i know it does. my siblings have find their ' soul mates ' but i haven't yet. and I'm relieved yet at the same time anxious. I know that sooner or later i could meet this invidiual whether i'm walking towards the restroom to fix my appearance or anything stupid that i might be currently doing.

and the fact that whenever my soul mate would try to blow a candle at the age of 19 or 21 they could summon me and i hate it. i really do. i just hope they wouldn't do it though, i'm not a fan of this kind of stuff which i think i kind of mentioned earlier.

i slowly walked out from our house to go somewhere, i needed time for myself too you know? not all the time i would watch baseball and football, sometimes i have to exercise myself even though i'm a dead guy who could walk.

well, a dead guy who's possibly strong that is.

❝ ah shit, it's raining. ❞ i said as i pulled my hood up and continued walking i don't mind getting wet. as long as i walked long enough to make myself feel better then i'm good with it.

i hummed an 80s song as i continued on roaming my eyes all over the place, people started to go to the shed, others pulling their umbrellas from their bags.

others who had no choice did the same thing that i did, pulled their hood up and walk to i don't really care where.

i was about to turn my heel and go back to my house when a person suddenly caught my eyes, she's a girl holding a [ f/c ] umbrella her eyes met mine and they never left not until when she passes just beside me.

i don't know what's happening but i knew i felt that small gravitational pull when she was close.

2nd person's POV

despite the heavy rain yesterday, today's cloudy- the sun's out but covered with clouds. not any longer then the droplets of rain would probably pour out and people around here living in Forks is probably used to it.

you're used to it.

you've always loved the rain, but raining every day is not really what you wished for. you would like to feel the sun's heat too,

but going back to the real thing, it's currently your 19th birthday and you're on your own. you never knew your father, but your mother was there but sadly died when you turned 9. it's crazy how your mother died when it was your birthday, sometimes instead of celebrating for yourself, you'd mourn over your mom's death.

it was never easy since then, your aunt never treated you right together with her husband and child. yet, you tried your hardest to search for part time jobs and get to top in school which always happen.

when you turned 9 and your mother died, you swore to yourself to never wish to anyone or anything from that day on. one because you thought that nothing would grant your wishes anyways, two is that even if you wish for something you believed it will never happen.

but that hope never left you though.

and you're breaking the rules now, you badly needed to wish. just one wish and hopefully everything will be fine, it's your birthday anyways it's not like you can't do things you forbid yourself into.

❝ i know i know that i swore about this whole wish thing, but this is really urgent and hopefully it'll come true soon. so, ❞ you started to light the candles that stood in your cake as you held them just enough for you to blow afterwards

❝ i really wish to find a part time job and for my aunt to stop being ridiculous and hating me, and also! please please i hope i could get a boyfriend soon! ❞ you said as you blow the candles slowly and placed the cake inside the box again.

you picked up your box of cake and school bag and turned your heel to walk off but stopped when you saw a person. a person dressed with a grey sweater with normal jeans and running shoes,

❝ oh Jesus Christ, ❞ you said shocked to see someone in this place,

❝ what did you do? ❞ he asked, looking at you intently especially the cake.

you looked at him brows furrowed, ❝ wished . . ? ❞

his hands found themselves into the pockets of his sweater and rocked his heels back and fourth, ❝ how old are you? ❞

he asked making you more confused, ❝ excuse me mr, i know this is not the perfect timing because really i still got a lot of things to do. so if you would please just step aside-❞

❝ i said, how old are you? ❞ he asked yet again,

❝ 19, ❞ you answered abruptly, not wanting this weird conversation to go on.

he sighed and shook his head from left to right, setting his eyes back again with yours,

❝ well, if you're not aware. i am your soul mate, and you just blew the candle to call me. ❞

you looked at him, sure you've read things about soul mates too. and heard girls around the school talking about it, so you don't find this thing more crazier.

❝ well, if you're not aware. i am the girl who wished for a boy friend and yet here you are, perfect timing. ❞


oml this sucks, i'm not really good on writing emmett an imagine since i don't want his character to go ooc of some point. but anyways thank you guys for the 600 views and im shookt,

i've been gone for like i have no idea how many days and yet i recieved this? dang, it's unfair! but anyways thank you guys so so so much! and thanking this certain reader who voted for my chapters endlessly ( well it actually ended bc i didn't update lyke rlly tho )

@satansoo0 thank you so much!

and if you don't know yet, this is inspired by the kdrama i've been watching called ' Goblin ' but it's not about soul mates, i changed things here.

gotta go bbs!

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