16 | surprise, sam uley

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— surprise

— sam uley x Evangelia257

hello honey ! i did a few
changes and added more things
in your imagine ( and a
character ) as i was caught up
writing, hope u like this one ♥︎

and to all my patient readers out
there, i love you with every beat
of my heart, i cannot be more
thankful that you've given me
enough time to rewrite these and
for you to have time on re–reading
it, i love you guys so so much.

btw, word count is 4932
andd 57 pages ♥︎


→ 2 Years Ago ←

I can't believe we're here, Sam! The view is amazing!

Sam shifted from his feet to the other, nervously laughing for a reason. He took a small box from his jean's back pocket, his hands behind as he toyed with it. Sure enough, he has planned everything through. From where you two should be, what were you two going to eat and how he would be saying his words that would supposedly bind you two with a ring.

But of course everything was more than the ring itself, but even this event in time he found himself hyperventilating— not really a good timing.

Hey Sam, are you okay? You look . . Funny.  Eva choked out, chuckling when the Alpha glared at her. She tilted her head as he waited for his answer, though he could only sigh out as he felt her burning gaze.

But Eva remembered something, something she had to tell him. How come she had forgotten to even mention? And so as the Alpha was contemplating, she decided to approach the matter first instead. 

Hey Sam? . . I have something to tell you.

Hey Eva— 

The two looked at each other as they burst into fits of laughter. Shaking her head, she pointed his way– trying to give a message that he'd go first in spite of her chuckling still. Though the Alpha shook his head, referring to her.  No, go ahead.

No you, go ahead.

Come on, Eva.

Alright alright, ladies first I know. . Sheesh. She exhaled, the wind picking up as she rubbed her arms to hopefully create the warmth she sought for. She wanted to be strong while delivering the message, and so when her eyes snapped back to reconnect with his and his hand was behind as he held the velvet box. .

I'm working off to Phoenix.

And time suddenly slowed down for Sam, he felt his grip loosened with the velvet box in hand. He looked at her eyes, indulging himself as he hoped that she was joking. Maybe she was just joking, none of it even made sense to him. If she was to leave, why? Why now when she has him? What's so special with Phoenix, anyway?

Wha–What? What do you mean, Eva?

She cringed, clenching her hands to fists.  I'm working there, Sam.

His heart dropped just as how the atmosphere between them did, he bit his lip as he placed the velvet box into his pocket once more. Smiling down the bitterness, he nodded.

And all the thoughts of a diamond ring was pushed back to his mind.


❝ So, is that the last one? ❞ A friend of mine asked, I looked around trying to check if something was left out, also capturing last memories with my apartment here in Phoenix. I dug through my bag to see the necessities I needed. I sighed out and nodded, looking back at her with a sad smile.

She gave me one too, walking over as she opened her arms and I willingly hugged her back. Tears were already brimming,  ❝ Oh honey, Eva, this ain't gon' be the last time we're seein' each other. Cheer up, girl, I'll come to Forks from time to time if it makes you happy. ❞

I withdrew myself as I nodded, smiling wide as I held her hands.  ❝ Thank you, Harper. I'm going to miss you, We'll see each other soon, yeah?  ❞

❝ Definitely, now off we go! We don't want you to be late, now do we? ❞

The whole ride from my apartment complex to the Airport did took awhile, I cherished the counting minutes with the talks Harper and I indulged ourselves with. I also took my time looking around, trying to capture the moments I sure will be missing here in Phoenix. In spite of the Heat, I will always love what had been my home for two years.

But even though I will miss Phoenix and the people I have met, I am also aching to see my family and especially my mate– Sam. Yes, an Alpha of a pack and though that might sound terrifying, I've been way past those days in which I felt like crawling towards a psychiatric ward hoping to find out if I am sane or not.

❝ Hey honey, we're here. ❞ Harper said, parking her car near the entry way as one of the helpers of the Airport already took a luggage trolley for my baggage. I inhaled as I looked back at her, smiling in bitterness.

❝ Oh come on now, don't pull that teary–eye trick on me, Eva! Or I might be forced to tell your pretty–ass of a mate that you'll be staying for another year so you could help me out with the restaurant. ❞ I chuckled as I shook my head, leaning over as I gave her a parting hug. With a kiss on her cheek, I managed to get out of her car gracefully without sobbing like a baby.

I thanked the helper who had previously welcomed himself to help me with my luggage, I waved goodbye to Harper's way as I turned my back. Already hearing the wheels of her car leave, as I exhaled and hope for the better as I leave this city.

Throughout the travel time I was anxious, there is no denying as my left leg kept on bouncing up and down. First of all, I know things have changed over the years that I have left off to work in Phoenix. Maybe the people changed too, their appearances of their relationship status but who knows? I might just be overthinking.

I tried to read and to at least contain my excitement mixed anxiety by reading, but I feel like the old woman beside me was getting annoyed by how loud my foot is making contact with the floor. And so I realized I really had to calm down or not sooner or later she'd be yelling at me to stop.

Finally, as the agonizing hours passby we finally landed and I hadn't realized I was too smooth with my actions that moments after– I was already by the pick–up of luggage near the exit. The moment I placed mine on the luggage trolley, I roamed my eyes just to realize that the airport was just as it is as before.

❝ Eva! ❞

I snapped my head to where I think I heard my name being called, furrowing my eyebrows as I looked around in questioning. Do I feel like I look like a deer stuck in headlights? Sure did! But I knew for sure that in the small population that Fork has, it's not too many to have the name such as mine. And the last time that I have been here, I'm pretty sure no Eva was any other owner's name asides from well, myself.

I look around once more only to see a smiling Sam, I swore my heart skipped twice a beat as I left my trolley and ran towards his directions. People might have looked at me funny, but dear is it amazing to be back to your lover's arms.

The kiss was the most amazing thing that I could ever have for the day, a few seconds then Sam and I both knew we had to get going. I was then on my feet when my arms are still around his neck, a smile was on his lips as I mirrored with mine.

❝ Hi. ❞ I breathed out, surely the run was not that long but the kiss was what left me breathless. He grinned, leaning in to place another kiss on my forehead.

❝ Hello, Eva. ❞ He said it with tinge of amusement that I thought I would be over his deep voice already but after years of being together and apart? Everything felt like it was the first day I've met him all over again.

I gave him a shy smile,  ❝ Sheesh. . I missed you, Alpha. ❞

Damn it, I knew I saw his eyes sparked when he addressed me back.  ❝ I missed you more, My Luna. ❞

After our short and yet blissful meeting, he went over to grab the trolley with my luggage as we walked hand in hand. We let silence fall between us as it is the most comfortable thing that we could ever indulge on. Though once we neared his car, he placed my belongings inside as I went to the passenger seat– him following the same once he was done arranging.

Turning on the ignition, he looked at me with a grin.  ❝ Well, did you eat something earlier? Perhaps. . Brunch? ❞

I snorted,  ❝ Really? Brunch? It's a thing here now? ❞

❝ No. . I just heard Embry mentioned it. .  ❞ He trailed off, looking ahead of him as he placed one of his hand on my leg as the other was on the steering wheel. I laughed out at his response,

❝ Oh, so I see the Alpha is getting familiar with the modernity of the society– well . . Human society, that is. ❞ I chirped, laughing when he pinched me softly as I shook my head.

And then suddenly, silenced fell until he spoke again.  ❝ I missed your laugh. ❞

I looked at him with a small smile, studying his features once more as he added yet another line that might have had my stomach party with a darn zoo.  ❝ I missed you. ❞

❝ I can't believe you quoted Godzilla on this one. .  ❞ I tried to retort, shaking the feeling of the fuzziness he intend to make me feel.

❝ Hey! It was cute! ❞

❝ Surprise! ❞

❝ So this is why your Alpha asked me earlier if I had eaten something for Brunch. . ❞ I said, looking back at Sam who seem to pale when I announced it to his pack members. Embry was the only one who audibly gasped, acting as if he was a great mother for teaching his child.

❝ My child. . You've grown, ❞ Embry choked out, managing to act like a lady as he covered his mouth to which we all groaned out.

Shaking my head, I let out a chuckle.  ❝ Thank you guys, I didn't know I'd be going home to a surprise Lunch party. ❞

Rachelle, Paul's mate, walked in front of me as she tackled me into a hug.  ❝ Well, honey, It wouldn't be a surprise party if you'd know! ❞

Duh, ❞ Embry retorted as I rolled my eyes, though after I stuck my tongue out at him, I withdrew myself from Rachelle who had a grin on.

❝ I missed you, Rach.  ❞ I sincerely said, smiling when her grin impossibly just grew wider. Having no idea how she did it,

❝ Oh, Eva! I missed you too! Now come, let's eat! Your mate said you didn't take your uh. . Brunch so, let's eat now– yes? ❞

When I was finally sat on the table, Sam took the seat next to mine as he filled my empty plate with every viand that was presented before me. The others were quick to get whatever they wanted as they went over to the sofa and eat as they watched TV. Though Rachelle was quick to bark at them as her mate, Paul, then went to the other side of the room and took in charge for the songs that should be playing.

Sooner or later all of us were full as we all huddled together in the living room, I had no idea how many hours were spent as we continued to chat and talk about how things were when I wasn't present with them. And majority of the storytelling consisted of humor, so in each story that was laid out for me to catch up on– it'll be a good twenty to thirty minutes before we move on to another story.

❝ Oh Eva! Did you know how heartbroken Sam was when you left? He was drinking! And though we have these strange yet amazing werewolf abilities with alcohol consumption or whatever— he was so hurt that he was drunk! I swear, I'd never want to be near a drunk Alpha next time. ❞ Seth shuddered, as if remembering the event like it was yesterday. I looked at him and squinted my eyes, yet he returned with a shrug and an innocent face was on display.

When everyone decided to laugh at him, he then interrupted the storytelling.  ❝ Alright you guys, Eva's probably tired from the trip. Now go home, she'll be resting. ❞

I looked up at him as he made the announcement, sure did I feel a little bit exhausted so it would clearly help me out if I took a nap. Now that I moved in with Sam, the other pack members doesn't have to drive to and fro my place because apparently— we're only a few feet away from each other having to be in a pack.

They all nodded and said their goodbyes to me, I could only give them a smile and somehow small nods from here to there until the last one left the living room. I leaned back on the sofa as I closed my eyes– I never knew I was so drained.  ❝ Hey princess, we have to go upstairs. ❞

❝ No no, I'm fine here. ❞

❝ Not for me, you're not. ❞ When I didn't move, I heard him sigh as suddenly I felt his arm wrapped around my waist and the other was gentle on the back of my neck. He was holding me bridal style as all I could ever do is sigh, I would've freaked out if I wasn't too tired. But his warmth fills what I needed too, the body heat.

Eyes still closed and seconds after, I felt the sheets of the bed touch my skin and my head on a pillow. I opened my eyes to look at him who was already looking at me with a small smile,  ❝ You creep, staring at your mate like that. ❞

❝ Keyword, mate. No matter what you say, we both know we'd end up married with kids one day. I can stare at you all day and night long without being sued. ❞ He softly replied, I could only bit my inner cheek in response as I tilt my head to see a better angle of him.

Though he is handsome in any angle, I won't let him know that.

❝ Sleep tight, my Luna. I'll be back here by 7:30, I have to go out for some pack business.  ❞ He exhaled, as if totally stressed out with his job. I hated how after the whole helping–with–the–Cullens thing he had more members to come by and somehow, he's suddenly a known Alpha to neighboring pack.

And somehow, he has to be busy on the day I arrived.

I nodded in understanding,  ❝ It's okay, for as long as you come back. Do we have any plans for later? ❞

❝ Yeah, actually we do. Dress nice and comfy, yeah? We're going out. ❞ He said, leaning over as he placed a kiss on my lips. And as it lingers, I find myself asking him for further details– in hopes of my blush vanishing soon.

❝ Where to? ❞

He looked at me, sending a wink when he said.  ❝ Surprise. ❞

I woke up by the sound of knocking, right away I looked at the the digital clock by the bedside table to see it was already 6:00PM, shrieking and shooting upright– I went over to the door and opened it.

Just to see a smiling Rachelle.

❝ Hey! Hot date tonight? Let's get you dolled up! ❞ She invited herself in to Sam and I's room only for me to sigh out, Rachelle knew how I suck with a mascara wand and everything from makeup to proper date outfits. I can only dress well for work or when I'm at home, other than that I knew my fashion sense would bother her.

She looked around, walking over to my vanity only to shriek in horror realizing that my makeup products are all overdue.  ❝ Sheesh! Do you still use these?! ❞

❝ No, Rach. I've settled with oil powder and lip tint for years, those aren't my thing. ❞ I said, pointing over to the makeup products I had. I heard her sigh as I slumped on my bed, looking at her and possibly asking what I should do next.

Looking at me, she sighed for the nth time.  ❝ Honey, you go ahead and wash yourself as I try to fetch some dresses and makeup for you. ❞

I nodded and so I went over to the bathroom and started a warm bath. Recently I have been having thoughts about when Sam would possibly propose, it has been years and ever since— I feel so worn out that whenever we go out, it would be the time in which he would bow down to his knee and open a velvet box with a ring on it.

Not diamond earnings, not necklaces, but a ring on it.

I have been waiting for so long and yet apparently, even I felt my soul had grown tired that was until I had to leave off to Phoenix to work. Sometimes I even want to just face him and command him to be ❛ done with it ❜  just so it'll be all over.

Once I was done and I am already on my undergarments as I dried my hair with a towel, I heard the bedroom door open only for Rachelle to speak up.  ❝ Hey

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