[ 17 ] valentine !

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[ 17 ] valentine !

" don't know how i lived without you 'cause every time that i get around you, i see the best of me inside your eyes "


"i cannot tell you just how much finn is gonna flip out when he sees you." nick was saying whilst he walked you to finn's room.

you chuckled, feeling your cheeks burn in anticipation. you and finn hadn't seen each other in quite a while, a bit more than a month. you two were really busy and hadn't really found a proper moment to visit each other.

but today was valentine's day, your first valentine's day with a boyfriend, a person who you could celebrate and who would be more than happy to celebrate you. there was no way you were missing out on that, you both deserved it.

"gosh, i'm waiting for it." you couldn't help but comment. you checked the time on your phone. "it's 9AM dude, he's gonna be so asleep." you chuckled.

"that's the cool part. you're gonna be the next thing he sees when he wakes up." nick said before shaking his head with a snort. "why am i so sappy? jesus." he chuckled, making you laugh. "your boyfriend must be rubbing off on me. fuck it, i'll just wake him up myself so we can forget what i just said." he rolled his eyes, faking annoyance as he opened the door to finn's room. you put your index finger against your mouth, indicating him to be silent.

you could hear finn's little snores and you could swear your knees almost gave in. you knew those sounds so well due to all the times you had woken up to them. and to think it had been a while since you had last heard them... you couldn't wait for him to wake up and see you.

nick walked towards the drapes of finn's room, perhaps too abruptively because you could instantly hear finn groaning in discomfort. "rise and shine, you little shit!" nick exclained, shooting you a little look; you were right behind finn so he couldn't see you.

finn slightly got up, placing his entire weight on his eyes. "the fuck are you doing, man?" he protested. his voice was scratchy as low, as it usually was in the morning.

you tapped his shoulder. he turned around and the confusion on his face turned into shock. and all of the sudden, without a word said, his arms were around your neck and he was yanking you down on the bed with him. you shrieked in surprise but let out a loud laugh when you two rolled so quickly that he ended up on top of you.

"shit, shit, fuck, i missed you so much y/n holy crap, holy crap." he was rambling softly against your ears as his hands started trailing down softly until they reached your hips.

you tangled your fingers in his hair. "hey, you. happy valentine's day." you smiled, pulling him closer to you in a bruising and passionate kiss.

god, you hadn't kissed him in a while.

and when your lips met his, you suddently knew exactly what to do all over again. he let out a little sigh of relief against your mouth, he clearly had been wanting to this just as much as you.

"god, i missed that." you let out, not being able to hold yourself now that you had him in your arms again. it was only a matter of seconds before you two realized nick had left, clearly sensing that you and finn needed some privacy.

finn pulled away slightly. "fuck, let me look at you." he murmured, straddling your face with his face. you blushed under his comforting gaze. "you're so beautiful. i swear to god, you're so perfect, i missed this face so much..." he ranted a little more as he burried his face on the crook of your neck, gently kissing it, as if he was greeting an old friend. you welcomed the gesture by pulling him a bit closer. "this is the best valentine's day ever." he said against your skin.

"you can say that again." you chuckled. "shit, i can't believe i managed to survive a month without this." you said, and you meant it.

"oh no, me neither. fuck, i missed being like this with you so much." he kissed your jaw, slowly working his way back to your lips, that he was already missing and craving for. you shared a few more kisses before he laid down next you, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. "so," he said. "what do you want to do today?"

"oh gee, i have no idea." you chuckled. "anything just as long as i'm with you." you smiled.

finn nodded. "okay, cool. wanna clean my room with me?" he said, wiggling his eyebrows, as if the offer was somehow tempting.

"anything but that, mister." you warned him, pointing at him with your index finger, but you backed off when finn pretended he was gonna bite on it.

"okay, fine, how about..." he trailed off, leaning in closer and closer to you. "... we just stay here. for a little while longer." he whispered against your face, leaving a little peck on your lips.

"mhm. sounds nice." you closed your eyes, burrying his face on the crook of his neck as his hands went up and down your back, making you sleepy.

you two ended up sleeping for another couple hours before finn's snoring woke you up which resulted in you hitting him with a pillow to wake him up. you got up and made out for a while until it was time for lunch. you two didn't really feel like moving too much so you just ordered some burger king in and watched a couple movies.

you spent the entire afternoon together, locked in finn's room, just fooling around and catching up. when the night came, you were still in front of the tv, half watching whatever rom com you could find, half letting your lips wander all over over finn's face.

overall, it had been the best valentine's day ever.


i'm late i know but happy belated valentine's day ❤!!

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