A Star Is Born

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A/N: I know I haven't posted in a while so I decided to make this chapter much long. :)

Molly Pov

Months has past and everything was getting back to normal. As I was on bed rest Alex and max were sending me funny pictures and video of themself acting goofy at work. I was also helping Sophia packing her stuff since she will be leaving in a few days. 

"Thanks for helping me cleaning up my room, Molly."

"You're welcome. Hey since you're leaving is it possible that I have some of your stuff?"

"Like what?"

"Like.... maybe your cute poke-a-dot banket or maybe your pink fluffy pillow or maybe your stuff bear." I was saying some stuff that I wanted as I was picking some stuff up. 

"Hey that's mine give it back." She got on top of me and was trying to get some of her stuff back. She was chasing me around the room, yelling to give her stuff back. I said no and she tackle me to the ground. We both started laughing and heard mom coming upstairs. 

"Girls. Girls. What is all that noise?" Mom said opening the door. "what are you two doing?" 

"Molly was trying to take my stuff."

"She tackled me." 

"Nu uh."

  "Yeah huh."

"Sophia. Molly. You're both are going to be late for work. Now get yourself ready." She then left. I followed mom and before I could shut the door. Sophia threw a pillow at my head. It was the pillow I liked. She stuck her tough out and said we will finish this up later. 

We both said bye to each other and went our job.  

I saw that everyone was in the store including Alex.

"Hey Alex it's Tuesday why are you here?"

"Today we get our Christmas bonus check. But Christmas is on a Friday why are we getting it early?"

"Our CEO is trying to have a good impression for this guy."

"What guy?" 

"Well there's rumors that there's a guy name Romero that is part of the modeling industry. He comes out once a year to find the next model. He's like Santa Claus but for young adults." I saw Max jogging to us. 

"That's how my mo- Oh I mean that's how Naomi was discover."   

"Hey guys sorry I was in the bathroom. Did she hand out the check yet? Oh never mind she's doing it right now." She was handing out the envelope to everyone until she got to me before I could grab it I heard a loud gasp. We all look and it was a person with a photo in his hand. 

"It's you. You're the guy I was looking for." He pointed at Max. We were all confused. Max pointed at himself confused. 

"Yes you. I am Romero and I looking for attractive people to model at Abercrombie & Fitch." 

"But why me I'm not that attractive."

"But isn't this you?" He gave Max the picture and it was Max surfing a big wave. "I was taking pictures on the beach trying to find some models and then I saw him. I saw this guy surfing a big wave. That pose, that look, that body. You're perfect."  Mrs. White clear her throat. What about everyone including my niece, Rachel." She lightly push her to the front. 

"How about this. Everyone line up and I'll decide who gets in." Romero said. We all line up and I was push and shove to the back of the line. 

"No. No. No. No. Yes." Rachel smile and got out of the line. "No. No. Of cores Max." He got out of the line. "No. Oh I love your smile. It's a yes for me. " Alex smile. Then out out of the line. "No. No." The he got to me. He looked at me and put his finger on his chin. "You look familiar. Have I seen you before?" 

Crap if people find out that my mom is Naomi Bell people will treat me differently. I want to do this on my own but I really want this modeling gig.                 

 "Uh I did some modeling when I was a kid." 

"Really? Hmm Maybe that's it. Well since you have some modeling experience.....I guess you're in."  My mouth drop. 

"Really. Oh thank you, thank you, thank you." I hug him tightly. I let go of him quickly and apologize. "Okay for the people that made it here is my email address and number contact me and I will give you the info. 

 Mrs. White. said we were dismiss and everyone headed back to work. I quickly walk away and went back to work. Max hug Alex and I. 

"I'm so excided that we all got in." Max said happily. 

"Well we have to thank you Max. If it wasn't for you surfing we won't have gotten it." Said Alex hugging max. "Okay boys lets start working before we get in trouble." I said.     

Hours has pass and was about to leave the mall until someone grab my wrist. I scream. It was Romero.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I -."

"Molly, are you ok. I hear-. Uh who are you." Sophia said.

His eyes widen. "You're the daughter of Naomie Bell!!!" He yell and I put his hand over his mouth. 

"Shhh. Okay Fine you're right. We both the daughters of her. But don't tell anyone please." I beg. 

"I knew it. I knew you looked familiar. But why. Why didn't you tell me and why don't you want me to be quit about it. It's great."

"Romero the reason why I didn't tell you was because I wanted to do modeling thing on my own. I didn't want any  help with it. And I didn't what anyone else to know because if they do they'll treat me differently. So please don't tell anyone."

"But you're going to be famous eventually."

"I know and I will tell people in the future but until then I don't want anyone to know." 

"Okay. You have my word. What about you." He said looking at Sophia. 

"Sophia this is Romero. The guy that got me the modeling job. Romero this is my sister Sophia." 

"Nice to meet you and I rather not be famous. I have a new goal in life. Plus I like my privacy." 

"Well you have my card contact me when you get home." He left and Sophia and I were on our way home.

 I went to my bedroom and decided to email him and once I was done with the email my name was call from downstairs. I went downstairs where I saw my mom and sister in the living room. Mom came up to hug me tightly. "oh my baby congratulation. We should celebrate I'm going to go out to the store and get you a cake."

"Sophia you told?"

"Hey where my cake? I starting my first job next week."  

"Okay how about this you decide on a cake that you both like and I'll pick it up. Mom said.   

"Mom, I'm going to do modeling soon I can't eat a lot of calories." I said. Sophia came up to me and said, "Common Molly, let this be your last week to pig out and on January 1 you can start your diet."  

"Okay fine." Mom kiss me on the forehead and did the same with my sister. 

"While I'm gone you two finish cleaning your room and no fighting." She gave us a serious looks. We both said okay and she went out. 

We both headed upstairs and I remember the email I sent him. 

"Sophia I'll be right back." She said okay and I headed to my room. 

I got a notification on my computer and read the email.

Congrats Molly

You will be moving to LA California to do modeling. You will be Leaving on Jan. 1 and here is your ticket.                

I scroll down and saw the ticket. Oh my god. Yeah I'm moving. Oh I should start pacing my bag.

I ran to Sophia's room and told her everything.

"Well if I were you I would start packing before your late for your flight."

I ran to my room and start packing making sure that I got everything. I still left some clothes out since Jan 1 is next week. I heard my mom coming in and decided to take a break. 

I went into the kitchen then I heard my sister coming down the stairs. 

" I hope you both like the cake."

"See Molly I each got on with some fruits on it since you were worry about the calories." 

"Thanks mom.

"Mom is at less chocolate."

"Yes Sophia it is."

"Oh by the way I got an email about me leaving. It's January 1." 

"Oh well at less we can spend Christmas one last day together as a family before you both go."

We had a slice of cake and watch T.V. together.  

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