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Song suggestion| Stay A Little Longer

Myra's POV:

It was now nearing 1 o' clock. We sat in his car once again and headed to his house because he needed to pick something up.

His house was beautiful. Much bigger than the mansion I used to live in the states. There was a fountain at the curbed parking space and when you walk up the three rock steps, you find a similar fountain, just more compact in size.

A woman, I believe in her late 30's, too young to be Kishan's mum walked out. The two didn't look a thing a like. She was mesmerizingly beautiful.

Her jet black straight her fell to her mid waist, showing no sign of ageing. Her skin flawless. Her eyes an emerald grey unlike Kishan's whose were chocolate brown.

Feeling a little awkward to be holding her son's hand in front of her, I decided to let go, but he only tightened his hold. I looked up at him and his expression had changed.

He had returned to who he was.

"Hi, I'm Ridhi, Ruhaan's mum" she said coming closer to greet me in a hug, "nice to meet you, Mrs-"

"Stay away from her Ridhi. She's the one and only thing I have left now, don't steal her. Just get lost."

Ridhi's eyes teared up and she moved back. Kishan dragged me up the stairs behind him and I never removed my gaze from Ridhi as I ascended behind Kishan.

We entered a room I assumed was his bedroom. It had a huge king size bed in the middle with two steps leading up to it with a quilt covered with the picture of a red Lamborghini.

There was a punching bag to the side, a study table, iMac, dresser, a chest of drawers and a door to the right of me.

He walked up the steps and grabbed something off of his bed, "what was that?"

"What was what, Mira?" he said seemingly puzzled. Realisation dawned upon him, "oh that, that's normal."

"How can it be normal Kishan, where are your manners? She is your mum-" he walked towards me dropping whatever he was holding onto the mattress, "she is not my mum!"

Huh? I think I've done it again. How can I be this stupid?

"I-I'm so-rry. I-I did-n't mean.." I stuttered as he once again returned to the Kishan I love, "It's fine Mira" and he walked back to the bed, turning around counting 5 bundles of notes of british currency.

"All this money..."

"The only thing my dad has given me Mira. I have a lot of money. But money is just something I need, not want," he sighed,

"Sometimes those who have nothing, have everything."



Kishan had just dropped me outside the dorm, promising to pick me up once again at 7 tonight for a date.

This was the happiest day of my life. I felt like a pampered princess for the first time in my life. Not because of the riches he was showering me with, but the love he was giving me, knowingly or unknowingly, it didn't matter.

I greeted Mrs. Jolly once again and she winked back asking how Kishan, uh, well Ruhaan is. I replied before heading towards the flight of stairs as the elevator was preoccupied.

I opened the door to dorm no. 124 to see all three girls standing in front of me with a smile on their faces.

"How was it?"

"How was what?"

"Your day out with Ruhaan?" Amelie teased.

"It was fine" I reply, a blush creeping up my cheeks.

"DETAILS!" they shriek before pulling me inside, towards my bed. They all sat down comfortably, and encouraged me to narrate the story. I did, blushing at the intimate parts, with him holding my hand, him kissing me, me kissing him, everything other than what happened at his place.

"So is he a good kisser?" Nia questioned.

"Why do you want to know?" I replied, my jealous instincts kicking in.

"Possessive much" she cooed as I shook my head simply.

The next question was fired by Nat, "I bet he's the best kisser in the world" she said bursting into giggles.

They all laughed until a small, quiet whisper escaped my mouth, "I-I wouldn't know. He's the first person I've kissed."

They gasped as if I had revealed why Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt had broken up. I shrugged, just presumimg that they were thinking that I had been living under a rock, and by God, I was, until now.


When a knock sounded on the door, Nia jumped to her feet to open it. She called many times asking who it was, but no reply came.

She came back inside with a gift wrapped rectangular box in her hand. Reading the note on it, she handed it to me saying it was for me.

They all gathered around me once again as I unwrapped it bit by bit. I slid the lid off of the box and inside was a very delicate looking material in the color white. Taking it out, I realised that this is the dress I had seen on the mannequin.

Finding the price tag, I discovered that it didn't have one. All it had was writing on it rather than numbers. It read,

Happiness doesn't come at a price, neither does love. Nothing comes at a price until you put on a tag.

I smiled clutching the small piece of paper in my hand and the white fabric to my chest as the other made comments that I was head over heels when it came to Ruhaan.

And yes, I am in love with Kishan.


I flipped open the lock to the beautiful pink box in front of me. As it slowly opened up, a ballerina flopped up, and a beautiful tune, which held the deepest meaning in my heart, played.

Remembering the tune, I closed my eyes to when I had first heard it.

"Mumma, just this once. Please? I've always wanted to hear you play" I begged. Mumma shaking her head looked down at me as I gave her my most adorable puppy dog eyes.

"Alright then, just this once" she said walking towards the grand piano, with me following her, clapping my small clammy hands.

She picked me up twirling me in my white nightgown similar to hers. Putting me down on the bench of the lavish piano, she pecked the tip of my nose, sitting down beside me and lifting the piece of wood covering the keys.

She held my tiny hands in her large, dainty ones, and placed them onto the keys, with her fingers above mine. Slowly, a soft tune rythm started playing as mumma and I pressed different keys.

Her voice was something my dad had fallen for, other than her gorgeous blue eyes. Yes, my mum was white, and my dad, well he was an Indian. But love knows no boundaries and the same happened with them.

Her angelic voice sounded out exposing some of the most meaningful words to me.

Will you ever come and find me,
Will you ever come and find me,
Will you ever be mine?

Need you now, oh, hold me closer,
Need you now, oh, hold me closer,
Stop the wings of time.

When I close my eyes you're here, by my side,
All I ever really need is your love,
Nothing I could ever say will be enough..

Flashback ends.

My mum had captured the tune in this jewellery box. She played this tune for the last time. This is the closest thing I have to her.

Well that, and the bracelet she gave me. I pick up the bracelet from within the box as the music continued to play.

Holding it in my hands, I put in the last missing charm. The 1000th. The key to my happiness.

It was the charm Kishan had given me and held the most value among all the others.

This was the sweetest chapter I've ever written.

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