mrow. Do not listen until the right part!!!! You'll know when
"Juliet! Whither art thou?" It took Kara a few minutes to realize that she was the one her mother was calling. She hastily stood up from a window seat she'd found and went to find Alura. Or, Lady Capulet. Whatever.
"I'm hither, Moth—" The words died in Kara's throat as she entered the dining room and saw who her mother was sitting next to.
She barely suppressed a gasp. It was him. William.
Lady Capulet was oblivious to her daughter's distress and smiled brightly. "Daughter Juliet, this is Paris. He wanteth to marry thee!"
Kara could only stare as the man who looked like her dead friend rose to his feet.
"Good morrow!" he greeted her cheerfully, then gestured towards the door. "Shalt we walketh?" He sounds weird without a British accent...
"Uh..." Kara looked at Lady Capulet, who smiled encouragingly. She swallowed hard and followed Paris.
As soon as they were outside, his whole demeanor changed. The friendly smile dropped, and he quickly pulled her into the woods and out of sight or earshot of Lady Capulet. Kara was starting to get suspicious. Just because he wasn't a bad guy in real life didn't mean he wasn't here. That certainly hadn't stopped a few of the villains of her last Music Meister encounter.
Paris took a deep breath and faced her. "I has't to beest honest with thee about something," he confessed, and she quirked an eyebrow, wondering where he was going with this.
He cleared his throat. "I wanteth not 't marry thee. Mine father did force me into asking for thy handeth." Kara breathed a sigh of relief. She missed her friend dearly, but had no desire to be married to him. At least she got to see him again, one last time.
"I wanteth not 't marry thee, either," she told him.
Paris' face broke into a wide smile. "Thank God!" A mischievous glint appeared in his eye. "Hast another sir stolen thy heart?"
Kara stopped walking, staring at him in shock. Her brain felt like it was short-circuiting. If Paris noticed her strangled gasp, he didn't let on, merely smirked.
"What's his name?"
"There's no–I don't–"
"Ah, not sure if 't be true he loves thee back?" What the hell? She didn't remember him being psychic in the—What am I talking about?! She definitely didn't love Mon-El anymore! It had been years, and he lived in another freaking century. There was nothing between them. Nothing.
Shaking herself out of her thoughts, Kara noticed Paris watching her internal argument, looking amused. She cleared her throat awkwardly.
"'Tis just......complicated. Thither art a lot of things keeping us from each other."
He studied her face, his expression serious but gentle. "'Tis been mine own experience yond love is worth it. Every time."
"Romeo! Cometh on! Thou art holding us up!" Mon-El tore his gaze away from the beautiful forest they were riding in and prompted his horse to catch up with his friends. He had never ridden a horse before in his life, but thanks to the dreamworld magic he seemed to know exactly how from the moment he sat in the saddle.
Mon-El had to say, the wind whipping through his hair and feeling the power in the animal below him was almost better than flying. It was a shame horses were extinct in the 31st century.
They stopped at the top of a tall cliff, admiring the view below. It was breathtaking.
"So, Romeo. Who is't the lady?"
Mon-El blinked at Mercutio's question, noting his teasing smile. "What lady?" he asked cautiously. Could they have seen him with Kara? Or was he talking about Rosaline? (whom he learned looked exactly like Imra, incidentally)
"The one we did see thee talking to at the party!" Benvolio answered. "Has't thee found a new love?"
Mon-El opened and closed his mouth soundlessly like a fish. How was he supposed to answer that?
"I see I wasn't the only one who hath decided to wend riding today!" They all turned at the voice, and Mon-El's relief at not having to answer turned to horror when he saw who it was.
Lex. Mon-El was about to demand what he was doing here, but Mercutio beat him to it.
"What art thee doing hither, Tybalt? Begone!"
Tybalt? Wasn't that the character who—killed Mercutio. He had to stop this.
"Leaveth us! Thee has't nay business hither." 'You have no business here'? Smooth, Mon-El. He's scarred for life for sure.
Lex Tybalt merely smirked at Mon-El's admittedly wimpy attempt to chase him off, and his horse sauntered closer. Clearly that thing about pets resembling their owners was true, because that animal was glaring at him like he'd stolen her hay or something.
Tybalt fixed Mon-El with a piercing gaze as he jumped down from his horse, and they followed suit. "I did see thee at the party, talking to mine own cousin. Stayeth hence from that lady, 'r thee shall payeth dearly. Montagues and Capulets card not."
"We cannot control who we falleth in love with, Tybalt," said Mercutio. "'r else thee might has't moo than one person who cares about thee."
Tybalt's face contorted with rage, and within seconds he had pulled out his sword and swung it at Mercutio, missing him by an inch. The man barely had time to dodge before Tybalt swung again, and they started to sword fight as Mercutio pulled his own sword out.
Looking down, Mon-El realized there was a sword hanging from his belt, and he drew it to help his friend fight Tybalt.
Like horse-riding, the skill of sword fighting seemed to come out of nowhere, but it hardly seemed to matter since despite being outnumbered Tybalt was quickly gaining the upper hand. Benvolio tried to help, but there wasn't much he could do unarmed.
Mon-El saw the sword coming towards Mercutio a second before it happened. "Careful!" he yelled, but his friend got the message too late.
Tybalt's sword impaled him with a sickening sound, and he fell to the ground, dead.
"No!" Benvolio yelled, falling to the ground beside him. Tybalt merely smirked and directed his sights to Mon-El. He stuck to defense, dodging and blocking, but Tybalt was slowly backing him towards the edge of the cliff.
When he thrust his sword straight at Mon-El's heart, the Daxamite did the logical thing. He jumped out of the way.
And watched as Tybalt fell to his death.
Kara slipped out of the house as bells echoed through the night. Twelve chimes. It was midnight.
She breathed in the chilly night air as she waited, hoping something hadn't happened to Mon-El. This place was as unpredictable as it was dangerous, judging by the end of the play.
Thankfully, he appeared soon enough, a half-smile forming on his face when he saw Kara. "Good morrow," he greeted her.
"Good morrow," she replied with a grin of her own. "So, um..." there was an awkward silence. "Any idea where to go?"
"I did see an abandoned church on mine own way hither," Mon-El said. "'Tis not far."
Kara nodded, and they lapsed into silence, walking side by side.
He was awfully quiet, and something told Kara it wasn't to avoid speaking in Shakespearean English. It was hard to read his expression in the dark.
"Art thou in good humor?" she ventured. Mon-El just sighed.
"Doth thee recall the part in the play whither Romeo kills Tybalt?" he asked abruptly. Oh no....
"Aye..." Kara said cautiously. It dawned on her. "...thee hath killed him, didn't thee?"
"'Twas an accident," Mon-El said miserably. "We wast fighting on a cliff, and he swung at me. I stepped out of the way and he hath fallen off the edge."
"Thee knoweth they're not real," Kara said gently.
"I knoweth," Mon-El said. "But Tybalt dying is basically the tipping point in the play. Our fate may as well beest sealed, if 't be true we escape not."
Kara didn't have a response for that. So she went out on a limb and hesitantly slipped her hand into his, interlacing their fingers. He looked up at her, surprised, then smiled slightly. They walked like that, hand in hand, until they arrived at the church and quietly entered.
"Whoa," Kara breathed, unable to keep her amazed expression at bay.
The church was beautiful. Rafters stretched across a ceiling that arched high over their heads, skylights showing off the starry night sky and leaving patches of moonlight shining on the dusty floor. Vibrant stained glass windows adorned the walls, having stood the test of time unaffected.
"'Tis wondrous," she said softly. Mon-El smiled softly at her reaction, and nodded to himself, still looking at her. "'Tis wondrous indeed," he murmured.
Kara blushed and opened her mouth to playfully ask whether he meant the church or her, but before she could, he stepped in front of her with a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Dance with me?" he asked, so quietly she wasn't sure if she'd imagined it or not.
"Dance with me," Mon-El repeated, a little more confidence in his voice.
"Without music?" Kara said, ignoring how her heart beat a little faster at his request.
He simply shrugged, and she gave in, letting her arms wrap around his neck as his went around her waist. They swayed in place, letting the peaceful silence be their music. Kara remembered their first dance at Lena's party, the thrill of not having to worry about breaking someone's toes. It seemed like so much longer than just four years ago.
She hadn't noticed the music starting until Mon-El sang the first line.
You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
Kara raised her eyebrows, and he smirked.
I know you want me
So don't keep saying our hands are tied
This song. Why did it have to be this song? The one so painfully similar to their situation? She pushed her thoughts away and focused on the present, on Mon-El's voice and the music swelling.
You claim it's not in the cards
That fate is pulling you miles away
And out of reach from me
But you're here in my heart
So who can stop me if I decide
That you're my destiny?
He spun her gently as they stepped into a patch of moonlight.
What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart
You'd be the one I was meant to find
Kara closed her eyes as she listened, enjoying the soothing sound of his voice. It was smooth and deep, and reminded her of when they used to sing songs from Krypton and Daxam to each other, reveling in the fact that they were with someone who understood, and remembered. It was a heavy burden to bear.
It's up to you, and it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours tonight
He stopped singing as the music played in the empty space. Kara licked her lips, knowing her part was next.
You think it's easy
You think I don't want to run to you
They switched to a waltz as the tempo grew faster, smoothly traveling across the moonlit church.
But there are mountains
And there are doors that we can't walk through
I know you're wondering why
Because we're able to be
Jus you and me within these walls
The line reminded Kara of the time she lost her job at CatCo. Supergirl is what I can do, Kara is who I am. She never had to hide with him. Mon-El had showed up at her loft, Chinese takeout in hand, and told her that she had so much to offer this world, and not to let anyone tell her differently. She'd smiled, kissed him, and said maybe being Supergirl and having him was enough. Because he gave her a gift no one else could; he let her be Kara Zor-El.
But when we go outside
You're gonna wake up and see
That it was hopeless after all
A twinge of heartbreak crept into her voice, and she didn't try to hide it.
No one can rewrite the stars
How can you say you'll be mine?
Everything keeps us apart
And I'm not the one you were meant to find
She spun away, then locked eyes with him as she twirled back into his embrace. She needed him to understand that the lyrics spoke the truth. They couldn't be together. Fate had torn them apart again and again, remaining them that they couldn't be selfish. Or they wouldn't be who they were.
It's not up to you, it's not up to me
When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?
Say that the world can be ours tonight
With that last word, the music swelled and quickened, and Mon-El joined her as their voices rose to the starry sky.
All I want is to fly with you
All I want is to fall with you
On the first line, he gripped her waist and lifted her up, and she spread her arms wide. This was flying. No superpowers. Just his arms holding her up in the air. They sang the second line together when he lowered her to the ground, never breaking eye contact.
So just give me all of you
It feels impossible, (it's not impossible) is it impossible?
Say that it's possible
The last line they sang together, holding the note for a long moment.
How do we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing can keep us apart
'Cause you are the one I was meant to find
For this one fleeting song, Kara let herself forget everything that weighed them down. They were together in this moment, and that was all that mattered.
It's up to you, and it's up to me
Νο οne can say what we get to be
And why don't we rewrite the stars?
Changing the world to be ours
She spun back towards him as the tempo lowered, and they moved into a slow dance position, foreheads leaning together, revolving on the spot.
It was here that reality came crashing in. They weren't characters in a musical, guaranteed a happy ending. They were Romeo and Juliet. And their love would only bring tragedy.
You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
Her voice was different now, low and heavy with sorrow.
But I can't have you
We're bound to break and
My hands are tied
With that last line, she stepped out of his embrace and left the church, slipping into the still night as unshed tears stung her eyes.
Welp, that chapter was exhausting! I hope you liked it, let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote. Love you guys!
moo = more
wend = go
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