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"Okay, his name is Fred Lloyd, he lives in Algiers, he's a rogue, but living in the city he's more civilized than most, you can barely tell he's a rogue unless he's got a pack he belongs to any way he came here a month ago." My best friend explains the information he's getting off the man's phone who was supposedly my father.

"I didn't know you could hack into phones or laptops" Andie pipes in and Linden chuckled. "I have a lot of free time now, I learned how to do it in one day." Linden smugly replied but I wasn't surprised, he was impressive. "Back to the matter at hand, mama munchie do you have anything else?" Emric asked his mate with a smile.

"Oh yeah, he has a birth record probably Train's, and there is a DNA report in one of his documents, but you need some sort of DNA from the person you want to run it against, like hair, nails or saliva how could he have gotten that and used it to have that report." Linden argued baffling me, it seemed Fred had been busy the month he had been here.

"Is it possible he followed him around and somehow was able to get his DNA, like at school, there, it would have been easy or his car." Andie suggested and all his claims held water, had this man followed me in pursuit to prove I was his son. I knew I had to confront him that was the only way.

"The only way to know for certain is if you confront him, that's the best way to solve all this, and he needs to go back to wherever he came from, he's not wanted here." Linden voiced out and those were my thoughts as well, I didn't want to know a man who knew I existed for eighteen years to finally show up now when I was finally an independent adult.

I would've welcomed the idea when I was a naive four year old but not now, he had to leave and I had to make sure of it, mom and dad didn't need the worry of me going with him or sitting at a round table entertaining him, I couldn't do that to my parents, therefore this man had to go before they knew.

"You're right Linden, I will meet up with him, and tell him to leave, I can't do this now when I've accepted who I am, completely happy with the parents that wanted me." I reassured my own conviction in those words and my starfish hugged me, I breathed in his scent and it calmed me down.

"Let me text him." I explained and Andie handed me my phone. I texted Fred and told him to meet me by the diner on the west end, I was hoping it was refurbished by now, they had a lovely patio, and the sun would be just right. "I'm coming with you." Andie asserted but I shook my head.

"But babe." He argued but this was best. "I need to do this on my own, I need to confront him myself and if anything goes in any way wrong you'll be okay." I argued and he nodded in understanding. "I know you want to be there for me, but you already are, you're my mate and I always have a piece of you wherever I go." I added placing a kiss on his forehead.

"I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." He mumbled in response. "Be careful peanut, and remember don't give in to any crap okay." Linden instructed and I nodded whilst placing a kiss in his hair. "Link is open!" I yelled as I got out of Linden and Emric's house.

I drove to the diner and found it newly refurbished even after Emric threw a wolf out the front window, it seemed to being rich and an alpha always had its perks. I spotted Fred by the patio enjoying the sun and sipping juice.

I scoffed looking at the man, for some reason he claimed to be my father but I looked nothing like him, Lex Everlin wasn't my father but I had pretty much inherited his looks, which I'm proud to say that I'm hot.

After texting Emric and turning on my phone location so Linden knew where I was, I got out of the car and headed for the man, the closer I got the more I saw the resemblance between our eyes. "You're here." He mumbled standing up and I quirked a brow. Had he not expected me to show up when I was the one who approached him first.

"I heard you're looking for me." I stated not caring for formalities. "Uh, yes I have, it's nice to meet you, after all this time, you've become a fine young man." He expressed as my anger flickered. "And you expect me to know you how and why?" I questioned and he seemed baffled by my response.

"I know it's a lot that I'm about to say but please keep an open mind." He urged and I nodded. "I'm your biological father, the man you've lived with all your life, Lex and his wife are not your parents, I'm your parent, your mother died during childbirth." It wasn't the blatant lie that baffled me, it was the audacity to even try.

"You're not a good liar Mr. Lloyd, the alpha you casually spoke of is my father and his wife is my mother, I know I'm not their biological son because they told me the truth, showed me the hospital footage of what happened that night, my mother didn't die during childbirth, she gave me away, and you were never around." I argued and his face paled.

"I tried looking for you, in North City, Algiers, SandBury but I could never find you." His statement made me look back at a question I wanted him to answer. "How long have you known about me being alive, and did you know where my mother was?" I questioned and the question seemed to take him off guard.

"I knew ever since you were born, I'm a wolf so I knew, I was a rogue and a coward son, I couldn't take care of you and your mother so I ran." His response made my wolf angry. "So you left us, and she in turn abandoned me, all this while you knew I was alive, you knew about my parents therefore you knew where I was." I asserted and any sort of denial left his eyes.

"I wanted to take you with me, but you had found a good home, one I couldn't provide son." He tried to defend himself, which made me angry. "Stop calling me son!" I punched him as he sat on the chair opposite me. "You had the chance to be a father, my whole eighteen years of life, now you come trying to weasel your way into my life when I've become independent, not gonna happen." I spat out sitting down.

He wiped the blood away from his nose and mouth and looked at me. "Understand that I made bad choices I'm just trying to rectify them, give me a chance to be part of your life please." He pleaded and I scoffed. "Answer my second question." I probed and he froze.

"She's back home in Algiers, she wanted to come meet you but your siblings had no one to babysit." His answer made every emotion I felt just drain away, I was their unwanted child, after she gave me up they got back together and forgot they had me, and on top of that, had more kids, I was hurt, betrayed even.

"I want nothing to do with you or your family, you're not my father you're just a sperm donor and your wife was just a surrogate for my parents, don't come near me or my family, don't ask around about me claiming I'm your son, because I am not, if you don't heed my warning I swear I will rip your throat out with my fangs and hang your head on a spike as an example for people who want to meddle in my life." I growled before standing and heading to my car.

I didn't want anything else, I felt hollow and betrayed, I just wanted to go home, so I drove straight to the people who always felt like home.



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