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A love like no other is a love that embraces a person whole, with all their beautiful flaws.
Linden O. Everlin.


"I was finally fully awake, my mind wasn't hazy,  I knew where I was and all my heart wanted was to have him in my arms, I was slightly going out of my mind with the waiting game but I've been a master at the waiting game, so I waited patiently.

It's funny how I've always waited for so much in my life that I've learned to be patient myself as well, I never dated anyone knowing my one guy would come, I never pursued anything besides art even when I messed it up because I knew my day would come and I would shine, my patience was pretty much spread out.

I chuckled to the thought of having to wait on our wedding day, it made me blush and amuse me. I just needed to know he was okay, to let him know that I was okay and we didn't need to worry anymore, I was free to be with him, love him and never let him go, that's what I hoped for anyway, a fool in love can only dream.

The door opened slowly and there he stood, my heart rate picked up, it was no longer beating steadily, my palms were sweaty and a weird breeze went up my spine, he was irresistibly beautiful and he made my body haywire, my senses go out of sync and my body even more so bent to just anything he said.

He stood there as I looked into his eyes, he did the same with me, no words had been spoken but the tears that stung my eyes were evidence enough I was unbelieving that this was real, he was a disheveled mess but he was mine.

"Starfish." He mumbled. "Seamonster." I replied and within seconds I was wrapped up in his large arms, I felt the block on our mind link disappear and everything he felt hit me like a truck, I held on to him, relishing the feeling of his happiness, of the reassuring hold that he was indeed there.

I cried in his arms because I thought I had lost him, that I would never see him again, never touch him, feel him, breathe in his scent, most of all I was terrified of never getting a chance to love him, it was all that I was afraid of but in his arms, I felt better, I felt reassured and the negativity that had circulated in my thoughts and emotions vanished.

It was replaced by a warm fuzzy feeling, the feeling he had always brought when he held me. "I thought I lost you." He mumbled and I scoffed at the sheer coincidence that we felt the same thing, feared the same thing. "I thought I lost you, my sea monster of the deep." I replied and he squeezed me again in his large arms.

"Is this real?" I mumbled and he nodded. "You're not dreaming starfish, I'm real, you're real, everything is okay my baby."' He reassured and I clung to him for dear life. I cried all over again, but these tears washed away my doubts and insecurities, I knew it was time to have that talk so that the gap between us could be bridged.

I had to do it for him, he had taken my pain and I was going to take away his doubts and fears, it's what mates did for each other, its what I'd do for him, now and always. So as I moved to lay my head on his chest and he laid on the bed I heaved a sigh along with a sniffle and made myself comfortable on his broad chest.

"I know about everything." I mumbled and the shock wasn't all too far away along with panic. "Don't fret it's okay Train, calm down." I tried soothing him as I brushed my hand on his ripped torso. I knew he would have questions but he needed to calm down which as we lay on the bed he did.

"Linden and Emric told me and showed the morning before we went on our road trip, they told me your reason for not telling me, and I kept it to myself because I thought you would tell me, but over time being in here I realized how terrified you must've been so you didn't tell me, I know you fear being left alone and I understand, but sea monster you have to understand that I would never leave you not in this life or the next." I confessed and wordlessly he pressed a kiss to my head.

"Thank you, thank you." He responded and I held onto him till he was calm again. "So you're not going to freak out, panic and faint?" He questioned and I shook my head. "Not on this one lover, I want you, all of you." I stated and he beamed a smile toward me. "I didn't know how to tell you, I'm sorry that I took this long but I'm not as brave as most." He confessed but I really didn't care though.

"Brave or not my love, I don't care, you're all mine and I don't mind if you're not the strongest or smartest, or the most courageous wolf in the pack, that's not why I fell in love with you, I fell in love with you even before you bit me and sealed our fate together." I exclaimed and the bashful smile never left his face. "I love you, Andrew." He mumbled and I knew he loved me with all his heart I could feel it with our bond.

"No more blocking the mind link, no more avoiding questions when things are weird with your eyes, okay." I asserted and he grinned. "I promise my starfish no more." His charming attitude had finally started to show as the tension that lingered between us was dissipating now, I was happy in the moment we were in.

"I have to tell you something." He asserted and I hummed in response. "I went on a rampage, my wolf had control, I was so angry at your parents for what they did and I just couldn't control myself." He stopped to gather himself and I remained silent to hear what he wanted to say.

"It was after your surgery, I needed air so I went outside, your blood was still on my hands and so I shifted so I could clear my mind with a run, but it did no good, I attacked your parents." He confessed. "I'm so sorry starfish, I didn't mean for it to go that far but it did." He added and some part of me was proud for whatever he did.

Karma was well on its way to my parents and what better way to deliver it than an angry beast. "Whatever you did I forgive you and your wolf." I reassured and Train seemed shocked by my response. "But you don't know what we did." He accused. "I don't need to know, my parents were in karma's bitch list for a while so if they got it then I don't care really." I expressed my feelings on the matter.

It wasn't because I was angry but because I wanted my parents to feel what I felt, to know how much they hurt me, aslong as they were not dead and would live with the consequences of their actions I was strangely okay with that. "I guess when you read the headline for today you won't be shocked." He mumbled and I chuckled because of how amused I was by his relief.

I was consumed in my desire for Train, nothing he could do in my eyes would have me stop loving him. "I would like to see your wolf form once I'm out of this place." I stated and he smiled making me blush. "You have no idea how much my wolf would love that." He replied his eyes changing from blue to gold, I could stare into them forever.

I inched closer to him, until our lips met in a breathtaking kiss, suddenly he was on top of me hands roaming my skin, and lips leaving bruises and bites on my neck. "Train uh."  I moaned when his large rod ground on mine, he kept grinding eliciting moans from me.

My hospital gown was torn off and his shorts discarded, his hard shaft slapped on my belly making me drool at the length and how wet it was. "See how hard you make me." He teased again as we kissed.

"Fuck I missed this." He grunted whilst his cock and mine were in his palm, he jerked us both and pleasure exploded all over me, he kept stroking us together faster and faster making ripples of pleasure roam my body. "Make me cum please." I begged as both our cocks were wet with the precum oozing from his.

It was large with veins protruding from every part of it pulsing with need, as he stroke again his cock released more precum wetting both our cocks, he grinded with a slight thrust making me moan, his mouth latched on to my nipple sucking and biting making me feel everything intensified.

"Please let me fuck uh—." I was cut off when he pumped both our lengths, I couldn't contain it any longer. "I'm about to cum on you cum starfish, want it?" He teased but incoherent words came from my mouth as he jerked again and seed spewed from my cock, squirting on my stomach and his, his own cum spread all over my stomach and the sheet below, it always amazed me how his load was always big.

"You still got it." I mumbled as he panted beside me. "Wait till I get you out of this hospital, I'm gonna make sure you don't walk for a day." He retorted and somehow I was looking forward to that.



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