Enemy Of My Enemy

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~My POV~
We're spying on TCRI while Martin holds the watch that Tuxedo Mask has before Kunzite took him away from us, he's still heartbroken from what happened. His back was on TCRI, he don't want to have bad memories of Tuxedo Mask. 'I hope Mamoru can make it, cause I sensed something isn't right.' I thought as I felt something's not right from him inside before I clenched my fingers to hold my rage and senses on Kunzite, cause I can sensed things are happening, even from far away places, but need to focus on today. "Anything yet, Leo?" I asked before I pushed my glasses back. "Nothing happening at TCRI, E.C." Leo said after lowering the periscope. "Yet." Donnie said as he and Miah checked on his t-phone. "This game is awesome, the combat is so realistic." Mikey said before Waunu sighed dreamily at him softly while sitting almost close to him. "You wanna me to make it more realistic?" Raph asked. "Guys, stop messing around!" Leo said. "According to the Kraang storage device that Miah and I decrypted, some kind of scouting ship is coming through the Kraang portal tonight." Donnie said. "So, what's that mean?" Knuckles asked before he scratched his top head. I facepalmed. 'Can't he learned one lesson?!' I thought madly but calm down. "It means we all have to stay alert, at all times." I said sternly. I felt presence on my shoulders. "She's right, who knows what can sneak up on you." A voice said. I looked up to see Miwa. I smiled widely as Martin smiled brightly, ran up and hugged her tight. "Hey girl! How ya doing?" I asked. "Doing good except Baxter, Zach and Eggman being gone." Miwa said as Miah, Waunu and Erika nodded softly. But Chris is still not trusting her. "We all don't blame ya for that mess, they have been through the maze and a monster too while Miah, Waunu, Martin, Erika and myself were stuck in a glass case, which by the way, is uncomfortable." I said before rubbing the back of my neck. She nods softly. "Really cute, but my friends and I aren't in the mood now, sister." Chris said sternly as he walked in front of us. "Then I'll make you learned your lesson." Miwa said before Chris took out he and Martin's dad's old katana and started to charge at her. Miwa pushed Martin away and charged as well after taking her tanto out. They clashed their swords together while defended theirselves. "Uh oh." Amy said before taking her piko piko hammer and started to block Chris's attack from hurting her. "Chris, we all don't have time for this confrontation of yours." Amy said. "Then we shall see. Booyakasha!" Chris said as he ran and tried to get her but she dodged his attack and moved out the way. "Booyakasha? What does that even mean, E.C?" Miwa asked me after she faced me. "Have no clue, but it's fun to yell, just in case." I said before moving the strand of my hair. Chris growled before taking the chains from his bag and threw it at Miwa. She use her tanto and twirled before using her foot to step on the chain that made Chris fly to her and kicked him away from her. He landed next to Tails with a spinning headache. "He knows how to make a girl feel welcome. I heard the purple one mentioned the Kraang. What's going on?" Miwa asked. "None of your own concern." Chris said before he gets up and charges at her. "And they have names. Donnie's really special on science." Miah said before she wipes her glasses off with wipes. "So that's his name." Miwa said. "That's Donatello for ya, girl." Erika said before I get into position to get Chris or else he'll hurt her. Chris still fights with her, I ran and tackled him down to the ground and pulled the katana out of his hand and gave it to Martin. He took it from my hand. "Chris, enough! Give her a chance." I said before getting off him. Chris growls and gets up. "Please E.C, I need to know." Miwa said before she puts her tanto away. "Listen, we're all trying to stop the whole beginning of the Kraang invasion here! So why don't you do all of us a big favor and scram!!" Chris said before I pushed him back to the group. "Chris, stop making this day worse here!" I said. "An alien invasion? Is he serious?" Miwa asked. I turned to face her. "He ain't kidding, the beginning of the invasion will come through the portal any moment." I said before I heard a thunder. We all looked at TCRI before the walls opened to reveal a scouting ship.

"Or it's here now!!" Sonic said. We all gasped to see it. "This can't be good." Leo said. "Nope, not one bit." I said confidently. It's heading at one direction towards us. "Um, guys, I think I need to change my shell." Mikey said. I remembered the episode. When it comes at one direction, it saw all of us. We all walked back a bit. "It spotted us, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!" I said before we all run as fast as we can, away from the scouting ship when it starts blasting. Knuckles, Tails and Sonic yelped with fear before we all jumped into the alley and run from their scanners. "What the heck was that?!" Miwa asked me as Waunu and I ran side by side. "That's a Kraang scouting ship!!" I said as we ran to the road and kept going. I grabbed Miwa's hand and dragged her along with Waunu, Miah and Erika into the alley and I hid with them. We need to fix our hair, it's a mess. "So what's E.C.'s plan?" Miwa asked. "You'll find out, once we're done." Erika said when we loosen our hair and let them flow with grace. "Wow." She said before we put it back up. "What? What is it?" We asked in unison. "You four should let your hairs down more often." Miwa said. The four of us blushed a little cause April, Miwa, Amy and Sticks are the only ones telling us that we could keep our hair down more often. I looked up at the roof. "Got an idea, come one." I said before we head up to the roof. We see the scouting ship scanning for the rest. I counting from four . . . three . . . two . . . one. "Now!" I said before we made enough noise to get its attention. When it started to flow up, we all hid. I looked at Miwa whispering 'retreat'. She nodded and left. We ran to the next alley, jumped down, I opened the lid, the girls jumped in, I jumped in and closed the lid. We ran to see the guys. "You guys ok?" Waunu asked. They looked at us and smiled in relief "Could've been better." Chris said. I looked to see it's invisible. I can see the edges. "I actually can see it." I said. "Same here." Martin said before the rest looked at us shocked. "Great, so it wasn't scary enough so we can see it." Raph said before Miah hit him on the forearm hard. We see the helicopter coming in with a light on and we all hid in the shadows. We heard the cops coming in. "Let's head back now." I said before I pushed mt glasses back. They nodded before we headed to the lair.
~At The Lair~
The girls and I saw Raph threw his sais to the dummy. I see Leo pacing around. "The Kraang ship is incredibly dangerous. We all gotta figure out what it's doing here." Leo said. "Or we could just skip to the part where we all destroyed it with E.C.'s strategy of intelligence." Raph said while he threw the dummy down. Knuckles, Mikey and Chris picked it up. "You're pretty tough when they can't hit you back." Mikey said. "Whoa, better write yourself a big prescription from that flu of burn." Chris said. Raph raised his knuckles that made the three yelped in fear and hid behind the dummy. "So what are we all waiting for? Let's load up the shellraiser and challenge that thing to a rematch." Raph said. "First things first, we all gonna find a ship that's so invisible that we can't see." Tails said. "I know. How about we shoot it into the air till we hit it." Raph said. "That doesn't sound too smart, plus it'll be a big waste of ammo." Miah said before she pushed her glasses back. "Yeah Raph, not too smart for it, buddy duddy." Knuckles said before Raph raised his knuckles again that made the echidna screamed in fear and use the dummy to protect himself. "Actually, Raph's got something there." Donnie said when he came in. "Yeah Miah, Raph's got something there." Knuckles said, that made Sonic, Amy and Sticks facepalm by that. "But instead of shooting objects, we all can shoot waves of electriomagnetic radiation. In the Turtles words, radar." I said before Donnie pulled out a radar beacon. "Now, I build some radar beacons to set around town. If the ship gets near us, I'll get the alert on my t-phone or E.C.'s." Donnie said. "Good work Donnie." Leo said. "That's the same thing I was thinking, Donnie." Miah said, that made Donnie blushed softly and chuckles softly. "Ok, y'all. We'll go into three groups of five. It'll be faster to set up the beacons if we're in groups. Come on guys, let's split into three groups of five and place the beacons." I said before I walked off along with the rest.
~At The Surface~
Martin set the last beacon on it. Once it's installed, he wiped the sweat off his forehead. "That should do it." Martin said. Waunu gave a thumbs up, Miah pulls out the t-phone and called Donnie. "Alright, we finished our half of the turf." Miah said. "That's the last of them, the rest are finished too." Donnie said on the t-phone. I went up to Miah's t-phone. "We'll see y'all back at the lair." I said before Miah hanged up. I sensed presence. Martin got up, turned around and almost punched Miwa. He yelped and back away a little, almost lost his balance. "You know how to make dramatic entrance, but to tell ya the truth, this is starting to get old here, Miwa." I said before I pushed my glasses back. "I want to help you guys fight the Kraang." Miwa said, that made us shock in surprised. "For real?!" Martin asked excitedly. We looked at him weird, he cleared his throat and act natural. "I mean, for real?" Martin asked naturally. Miwa gave him the 'I'm not kidding' look. "Hold up, we can't lose you in this fight. Sure, we're now allies, playing pretend on Shredder and help us fight him off. Are you positive sure you're gonna help us fight the Kraang?" Miah asked. "Look, if the Kraang wins, we don't have a planet anymore, which includes you four and Martin's. That makes a fight seem pretty pointless, doesn't it?" Miwa asked. "No, but I bet it'll make Shredder stronger if he allied with the Kraang." I said before pushing my glasses back. "Why's that?" Miwa asked. "What she was about to say is it means if we all don't stop the Kraang scouting ship on time, it'll bump into Shredder and makes alliance with him." Waunu said before she pushed her glasses back. "Also, I've heard Shredder have a new member on the team." Miwa said. "Really? Who is it?" Erika asked. "Not 'who is it', it refer to 'what was it?'. Its black cloak has been covered his whole identity for weeks and I don't know who it is, but I got one clue, it has red streak when it runs fast. Also, Shredder know what it is, he's a hedgehog like Sonic, but in the evil way." Miwa said, it got me to shock a bit. 'C-can it be?' I thought to myself but I quickly shook it off and focus on today. "Listen to me, even though my point of view is really crazy, but I know each and every episode inside of my heart, no matter what." I said. "Then let me help you five, please Martin, Erika and sisters?" Miwa asked. I sighed softly, that she's right. I pushed my glasses back and faced her, full time. "Alright, you can help us. But just one quick question before we all leave, why are ya kept calling Waunu, Miah and myself sisters?" I asked. "You don't think I actually know that you three have crushes on my brothers?" Miwa asked again, that Miah, Waunu and my faces blushed a pink tint color. "Isn't that oblivious for you to ask that?!" Waunu asked. Miwa laughed and nodded softly before Martin sighed in frustration. "Oh man, this will be the best thing I've ever got." Erika said. We looked to see Erika have a phone out, . . . AND SHE'S RECORDED THE THREE OF US!!!!! "Girl, whatever you do, do NOT show that to the guys! We'll be embarrassed by them." Miah said. "Relax girls, I'll show Chris, Sonic and his gang, which includes our family. Not the guys." Erika said before she puts her phone away. "It better be, or else there'll be consequences." Waunu said before she pushed her glasses back. I sighed softly. "Looks like we better get going, we don't want the rest worried about us and start a search party on us." I said with Twilight Sparkle's voice tone before I pushed my glasses back. "You're right, girl. We should go. We'll see ya soon. If you have anything on the Kraang or that new member of the Foot, you know who to call." Martin said before he winks at her and we head back to the lair. I sensed her smiling. "Touché." I whispered.
~At The Lair In The Dojo~
Tommy and Shaudiin are helping April with her training as the fifteen of us are talking with Sensei. "I know she wants to help us. And with her help, it'll be a bigger difference. But with you-know-who in the way, it's different." Miah said. "But what really concerns me is that new member in the Foot, she gave us two clues that he can run fast with red streaks and he's a hedgehog like Sonic and Amy. We got those clues, with ease. But the cloak on it, she doesn't know who is it or what is it. But you-all-know-who, knows who he is." Martin said. I can sensed Sonic's tense of worry. 'I know who they're talking about.' I heard Sonic's thought. "But what if she's been discovered?" Raph asked. "Don't worry, Waunu and I promised each other that she won't being discovered." I said before pushing my glasses back. "It is possible. Loyalties have been known to shift. But the kunoichi's train to use deception to her advantage." Sensei said. "So does that meant she either might or might not betray us all?" Miah asked before she pushed her glasses back. "Correct, Miah. You all must trust your instinct. But beware the trap of believing something to be true simply because you wished to be so." Sensei said before turning around and walked to his room. "So we all have to trust our instincts, unless our usual instincts are wrong." I said. "Correct, Erwina." Sensei said before kept walking. I nodded slightly. "Thanks, Sensei." I said. "Whoa, you, E.C., really know everything when it comes to good advices." Mikey said. "But are you sure we can handle and fight the Kraang with her?" Raph asked. "Yeah, but inside of my heart, it tells me that she still isn't being trusted. Besides, I think she might betray us all." Chris said madly. "Aw come on, Chris. Just try to give her a chance for once. I agreed with E.C on this one, forever and always. Besides, I say she's trusted to be allies with us." Amy said. We all agreed. "Well, it's a good thing we all, except Chris, trust her. It is amazing to have another kunoichi on our side." Donnie said. I got an idea and smirked. "And what about us, Donnie?" I asked. "Well, I'm saying is that you some of you girls aren't the real ones, just that Karai's better, I-I mean Karai is not better than you seven, just she's more experience - - is it hot in here?" Donnie asked getting really nervous that made Miah smiled softly and act along with me, knowing what I'm doing. "It's alright, I get it. She may be your only sister in this family but hey, she's pretty." Miah said before pushing her glasses back. "No she's not, you're way prettier than her - - not that I think your pretty - - I mean you're not ugly, it's just that I - " Donnie got cut off by Raph covering his mouth both blushing along with the other three, Erika and Waunu laughed their butts off, Raph walked away while dragging Donnie with him. "Don't fight it, you'll thank me later." I heard Raph said before they left the dojo. Sonic, Tails and Knuckles laughed their hearts out while Amy and Sticks giggled at the sight. Martin just finished recording what Miah and I have done. "Ha, you two know how to do this, huh?" Martin asked. "Sometimes, Miah and I can be a little deja vu." I whispered the last parts of the sentence before Miah and I gave each other high fives.
~Time Skip At The Surface~
We're driving the shellraiser. "Guys, i think I've got something. Doesn't match any flight patterns." Donnie said while looking at his t-phone. "That has to be the Kraang ship!" I said while checking the monitors. "Or Santa!" Mikey said excitedly. We came to a stopping point to see the Kraang ship. "Nope, that's a Kraang ship. That's a bummer." Mikey said. "What now?" Miah whispered to me. I looked up at the hatch. "Follow me." I said before the girls and I secretly snuck out from the shellraiser and we jumped to the rooftop. It's about to blast them, but the shellraiser drove off. We folllowed it. We see Miwa next to Erika. "Hey." Waunu said. "Hey. Did any of you girls got a plan for this?" Miwa asked. "Just one." I said. The shellraiser took the dead end. It blasted the shellraiser. "NOW!!!!" I shouted before the five of us jumped and landed on the scouting ship. The girls and I punched through the metal and Miwa stabbed it with her tanto. Then it started to move around. Miah hold Miwa and Erika while I hold Waunu and we two hold the strongest wires it got from the hole. "Hold on, Lassies!!" Miah and I said in unison. It went crazy like an untamed bull.
~Martin's POV~
"That was Miwa and the girls! We all better go back and help them." Leo said while driving to get the girls. I stand next to the vending machine. Chris came up to Leo. "We're gonna get the girls, but forget Miwa. Then we all have to put the distances between that ship and all of us!" Chris said. "No!" Leo said. "But the shellraiser can't take another onslaught right now." Donnie said. "Then Leo and I will get the girls and Miwa to safety!" I said. Leo got out of the seat of the driver spot. "Drive!" Leo said, that made Chris gone jumpy, went to Leo's seat, buckled up and drives it, like he's driving the torgaira. "We'll meet you guys back underground." I said before opened the lid and Leo jumped in. "Hey, the stealth bike's Raph's thing!" Chris said. I jumped in while holding it. "Now your new thing is sucking it up!" I said before heading in and the door closed behind me. "Hey, that's my thing!" I heard Donnie said. We been launched out and Leo skidded it to a stop. "Anything yet, Martin?" Leo asked me. I looked around than I heard a sound, it doesn't sound like the plane. 'The ship!' I thought to myself. "Duck!" I said before we ducked down or else we'll go short term memory. We looked up to see the Kraang ship off with the girls and Miwa. We got a little stern. "Step on it, Leo!" I shouted before Leo revved the bike and we drove off to save them or they'll be flatten for sure.
~My POV~
"YEE-HAAA!!!!! IT'S JUST LIKE THE RODEO BACK IN NEW MEXICO AND ARIZONA BUT IN A DIFFERENT STRUCTURE AND MIAH AND I ARE THE RIDERS!!!!" I shouted while Waunu holds my glasses. "SOUNDS LIKE THOSE TWO ARE HAVING FUN!!!!" Miwa yelled. "WE KNOW!!!" Erika said. I looked up to see we're heading straight towards the side of the building "HOLD ON, LASSIES!!!!" I said before we slide through the building. We survived, Miah and I are still holding onto the girls and the ship. Then I knew we all have to get going. "Hang on!!" I said in Dolly Parton voice before Miah and I pulled the wires off and jumped with Erika, Waunu and Miwa. I placed Miwa in front of Miah, Waunu and Erika, then the five of us landed on something soft. I looked up to see Leo and I looked behind to see Martin holding Miwa close. "You girls ok?" Leo asked. "Yeah, we're ok. Are

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