The side of one square represents 250 kilometers.
NEW SKEYNVALD, otherwise known as Valchtnalla, a former province of Old Skeynvald, currently held as a province of Scorvald by Lady Astnorden Valchtnalla under the rule of Queen Lleona Steliste.
OLD SKEYNVALD, otherwise known as the Night Kingdom, formerly held by Skeynvald, conquered and currently ruled by Queen Lleona Steliste in the War of the Crimson Knights.
SCORVALD, otherwise known as the Scorched Lands, currently ruled by Queen Lleona Steliste.
SLAGVALD, otherwise known as the Kingdom of Stones, rumored to be the home of elves and mythical creatures, currently ruled by King Sirok Hyrling.
STROMVALD, otherwise known as the River Kingdom, currently ruled by King Glion Erwyn.
SVANVALD, otherwise known as the Ice Kingdom, the Mountain Kingdom, or the Invisible Lands, traditionally upholds peace in times of war, currently ruled by Queen Majaeyra Skaenhet.
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