Chapter 32: Weaponized

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Scott, Stiles and Sabrina listened to the tape they found in Garrett's bag. A voice, that was no doubt masked, was explaining the procedure for obtaining payment once visual confirmation was given. After that, a wire transfer would occur for the payment of each mark on the list. Scott quickly shut it off when they were done listening.

"You ever made a wire transfer?" Stiles asked the twins.

Sabrina shook her head while Scott answered. "We never had enough money." Stiles nodded. "So you two didn't understand a word of that either."

"I don't understand any of this. Why would someone use all this money just to kill us?" Sabrina asked. "Someone who really wants you two dead. Badly." Stiles mused glumly.

Scott went and started packing up the cash. "Whoa, what are you doing?"

"We have PSAT's in the morning," Scott answered. But Stiles shook his head. "No, I meant the money Scott. Five hundred thousand. You know how much money that is?"

"It's five hundred thousand," Scott said blandly.  

"It's half a million dollars. Scott," Sabrina pointed out. "What are you going to do, just slide it under your mattress and hope that our mom doesn't find it?" 

Scott sighed. "I have to talk to Derek. The money's his." "Actually it's his and Peter's," Sabrina said pointedly. Stiles pointed at his girlfriend, "See, she gets it." 

Scott narrowed his eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?" Sabrina went and picked herself up from the floor. "It means that we should...proceed with caution." Stiles stood up from the floor as well. "We should absolutely proceed with caution."

"What are you two saying? That we shouldn't tell Derek?" "No," Sabrina huffed out. Stiles sighed, "We have to tell him. And we will...but what we're saying that some of that money is Peter's." 


"So?" Stiles repeated back to him. "Scott, it's Peter. Homicidal killer? Remember? You want to give five hundred thousand to him? We should take some time and really consider it."

Scott shook his head as he picked himself up too. "So wait, you two want to give Derek his money back, but not Peter?" "We didn't say that." "Stiles, Sabrina, what are you two saying?"

Suddenly, a banging noise was heard on Scott's door as the three looked over at it. The door opened and Scott quickly kicked the bag of money under his bed and looked up.

It was Malia. 

She was drenched from the pouring rain that was happening outside. Malia noticed that Scott had kicked something under his bed and looked back up at him.

"We found Satomi's pack. Derek and I. But they're dead." Scott's eyes widened. "All of them?" "All the ones we found." "Then where's Derek?" Sabrina asked. Malia begin to explain to the three what had happened in the woods and that they found an injured Braeden. Derek ended up bringing her to the hospital to get treated.


Sabrina heard a faint honking noise and looked out her window. A faint smile tugged at her lips as she saw the jeep parked by the curb of her house.

She grabbed her phone and bag before running out of her room. She stopped by Scott's door and banged on it. "Scott, Stiles' here. Hurry up." 

"I'll meet you outside." he yelled back.

Sabrina shook her head before running down the stairwell of her house. She opened her front door and halted as she saw that Malia was standing on her front porch.


The past couple of days, Malia had felt like her friends was hiding something from her and she had enough. She tilted her head at Sabrina. "Is something going on that I should know about?"

Sabrina's mind flashed back to that night when Lydia broke the third of the list. The three were shocked to find out that Malia was a Hale.

That night, after Stiles drove Sabrina home, he talked to Scott about Malia's last name and the two agreed not to mention to Malia...all expect for Sabrina who did NOT want to keep this secret from her friend.

But she had to, even though she hated keeping this from Malia.

Sabrina shook her head. "No. There's nothing going on." Malia eyed her friend suspiciously and was about to speak again but Scott appeared behind Sabrina.

"Alright, let's go." 

Sabrina nodded and made her way over to the jeep while Malia waited for Scott to lock the door. Sabrina hopped into the passenger's seat.

Stiles smiled at his girlfriend and kissed her quickly before Scott and Malia hopped into the backseat. The four of them drove off.


In the school hallway, there were a line of juniors who were waiting to be let in to take the PSAT. Among them were the pack and they were trying to calmly and quietly pass the time. Kira suddenly looked around as she noticed someone was missing.

"Where's Lydia?" she asked them. 

"Lydia's not coming. After what happened with Meredith." Sabrina's voice dropped a little at that and they all understood. "Besides, she already took it her freshman year. She tried to get me to do so as well but I didn't want to." Sabrina told her.

Malia narrowed her eyes at Sabrina. "Does that mean I could have taken it some other time?" Scott gave her a look. "Malia, you studied harder for this than any of us." "Doesn't mean I'm going to do good," she all but spat out.

"Well," Stiles mumbled.

"Well what?" she asked. "Uh, it's do well, not do good," he explained to her. "Oh, God," she huffed at him. Sabrina slapped Stiles' arm and he rubbed at it. "Sorry," he said backing off.

"Hey," Scott cut in. "You're doing this because while we're trying not to die, we still need to live. If I survive high school I'd like to go to college. A good college."

Kira shrugged. "It's only three hours," she pointed out. "We can survive three hours." Stiles sighed. "Knock on some wood." "Guys, it's okay. We'll be okay." Scott assured his friends.

That made Kira smile a bit before the door of the classroom opened. The test proctor stepped out into the hall.

"Please step inside," he said to everyone.

One by one, the students filed into the classroom where there was a stack of test booklets set up on a desk next to Lydia's mother, who was assisting.

"Cell phone in the envelope, Sabrina. You'll get it back after the test." Sabrina gave Ms. Martin her cell phone to be placed in a bin before moving to sit next to Stiles.

"Please do not open your test booklets until you are instructed to do so," the proctor announced as the last student put their cellphone away. That made Stiles close it quickly as Sabrina giggled quietly at her boyfriend.

"The test is two hours and ten minutes. There will be two twenty-five minute critical reading sections. Two twenty-five minute math sections. And an essay writing portion that will last thirty minutes." He then looked over at Ms. Martin. "There are supposed to be two teachers monitoring this exam."

She stiffened. "Uh, I know. It's Coach. He's not exactly, punctual." Natalie reached for her phone. "Let me just try him again." She then grabbed her phone to try and call for him out in the hall. She started to look for his information when her eyes fell on the door on Coach's office.

She returned back to the classroom, moments later.

"I can't find him," she told the test proctor. At that, Malia and Sabrina shared a small look before they looked back over at Scott who had a small gleam in his eyes. The three of them had heard the whole thing and knew Lydia's mom was lying.

"Uh, Mr. Yukimura is upstairs grading papers. You want me to go and get him." The proctor shook his head. "We have to start. We could ask for his assistance during the first break."

At that, all the students in the room tensed up. Some started to take deep breaths while others began to twirl their pencils nervously. The proctor then went and started his stopwatch. "You may now open your test booklets and begin."

The students then began to start their tests and Natalie moved over to the side to calmly begin overseeing them. As for the proctor, his eyes scanned the figures of Kira, Malia, Sabrina and Scott. He was a little disappointed that Lydia Martin wouldn't be there as well but he would still be ending the day with millions of dollars.


As the test hit its half hour mark, Malia was starting to feel the weight of the situation come down on her. She was feeling quite agitated and it didn't help that she could smell all the anxiety and tension of all the students around her, which started to make her feel hotter.

She took off her jacket and let her eyes take in her friends. She saw Kira rubbing at her forehead as she was circling her answers. Scott was stiff as he was reading his test and Malia could see him tapping his foot incessantly. She saw that Sabrina was shivering and kept pulling her jacket closer to her body to keep warm.

She then saw that Stiles had two pencils out, one in each hand while a third one was in his mouth. His pencils moved with speed as he circled his answers. He suddenly stopped, his eyes furrowing at one question before dropping the pencil from his mouth. He leaned back in his chair and tugged at his hair.

Everyone was moving their pencils, filling in their answers and Malia's anxiety shot up as she just moved to try and fill out the answer to her next question. But she jumped when she heard a loud sound behind her. All the students jumped as they looked back and saw a girl had collapsed.

"Sydney," Natalie Martin cried out as she ran to her. "Are you alright?"

She helped the girl get back to her feet and she shook her head. "I'm okay," she breathed out. "I kind of dizzy." Natalie narrowed her eyes as she grabbed her wrist. "Sydney, how long have you had this?" Her arm had some red swelling on it, like a deep rash.

Sydney's eyes widened at it. "I don't know."

"Ms. Martin, do I need to stop the test?" the test proctor asked her.

Suddenly, Natalie had a terrifying thought. "No, it's fine." She then helped Sydney back to her seat and went to grab her phone. "Everything's fine," she told the students. She then lowered her voice to speak to the proctor. "No one leaves this room," she told him before she left herself.

Scott narrowed his eyes. Sabrina went to catch Malia's worried eyes while Scott looked over at Sydney's swollen wrist.

Natalie quickly made her way back to Coach's office to find that he was the same as she had left him. She grabbed a tissue and took a look at his wrist. There was nothing there. No rash.

But when she checked under his shirt, she saw his back was covered in red splotches. She then jumped back in shock and ran out of the office.

Her eyes widened when she saw some students coming in from playing out in the courtyard. She quickly ran to them and told them to go back inside and shut the doors. Her screaming drew out the students from the test including Scott, Stiles and Sabrina. She told them all to go back inside the classroom.

While most of the students started to file back inside, Scott, Stiles and Sabrina stood there and kept their eyes on her. She told the three to go inside the classroom.

Natalie then went and asked to be connected to the CDC. Scott stiffened when he heard her call for them. Stiles looked over at his girlfriend, "Who is she calling?"

"The CDC," Sabrina whispered.

Stiles immediately looked over at Malia who was confused while Scott saw that Kira was looking worried.


Within an hour, the entire school was turned into a madhouse. The parking lot was full of medical personal in hazmat suits and they were sealing up the school in a plastic bubble.

The school and all those inside were in complete quarantine. They had taken Coach, as well as Sydney, and put them into a makeshift hospital in the gym.

In the classroom, some of the students were milling around as they tried to relax and not think about the situation they were in. Stiles, Sabrina, Malia and Kira were off in a corner of the room.

"Bet they're thinking smallpox," said Stiles. Sabrina opened her mouth but the proctor beat it to her. "Not likely. Smallpox was eradicated worldwide in 1979. We've only managed to completely eradicate two viruses in history. The other was rinderpest. It killed cows."

Stiles' narrowed his eyes, "So we should be comforted by that, right?" The proctor shrugged. "Unless it's something worse," he said. Stiles turned back to his friends.

"Whatever it is, they're taking it pretty seriously. They're a lot of cars and trucks out there," said Sabrina. "We're doing the best we can." "Your dad's with them." she informed Stiles. "Hey, I should probably call him." Stiles said as he went for the bin holding everyone's phone. He reached in and quickly found his phone.

"Don't bother," the proctor told him. "They would have shut off any access to all outside communication by now. No cell service, no WiFi. No one starting a panic. Looks like we're all just going to have to wait here and see what happens."

He went and saw that the man was right. His phone wasn't getting a signal so they must be jamming them. Huffing, he put his phone back in the bin and walked over to his friends.


Mr. Yukimura brought Stiles, Sabrina, Malia and Kira to the locker room where they saw that Scott's eyes were glowing on and off as he tried to blink and make it stop.

"It's still happening," Kira's father told him.

Malia was shaking her hands. "I can't make them go away," she said holding up her clawed hands. 

Sabrina was still shivering as she wrapped her jacket tighter around her to keep warm. She lifted her hand up and tried to bring her claws out but couldn't. "Guys, I'm freezing and I can't shift." she said as her teeth chattered. Stiles pulled Sabrina closer to him and rubbed his hands up and down her arms, to keep her warm.

"Obviously the virus is affecting the three of you in a way it won't hit any human being." Mr. Yukimura said. "You guys have to stay out of sight. We have to quarantine you from the quarantine." said Stiles.

"But where? I mean, what if they get violent? Like on a full moon," said Kira. "We shouldn't stay in here then," said Scott. "Not in a locker room. "A classroom is not going to be strong enough to hold us," Malia put in.

"What about the basement," Kira suggested. But Sabrina shook her head. "Too many ways out. We need something secure. Somewhere nobody can find us." Stiles' eyes widened. "The vault," he breathed out. "The Hale Vault." Scott lifted his head and nodded. "The Hales always have an escape route. Like their house. There has to be another way in."

They then went into Coach's office and pulled out some blueprints for the school. Malia was starting to feel herself burning up, Sabrina could feel her body getting colder and Scott was trying to hold himself up by the desk.

"Okay," Stiles said as he pointed at the front. "This is where the school sign is, so the vault's got to be right about here." "I suppose if there's a second entrance, it would probably he accessible from the basement," mused Mr. Yukimura.

"It's probably somewhere in this hallway. West corridor." Stiles said as he slid his finger down a passage. But as he moved he slipped but Mr. Yukimura caught him before he fell over. Stiles went to rub at his arm but his sleeve pulled back to reveal that he had a deep rash.

Sabrina's eyes widened at her boyfriend. "It's happening to you too," she sadly said to him. "You're getting sick. You all are." Mr. Yukimura said to the pack. Kira shook her head. "I don't feel sick." "I think it's affecting you differently, neurologically. I found your test answers here in a pile with the others."

They looked and saw that Kira's answers were all circled outside the actual bubbles. It was as if she had been seeing double. Kira's breath hitched as her father looked over at her with fear and concern.


Scott, Stiles, Sabrina, Malia and Kira were making their way down the stairs for the basement while Mr. Yukimura went to help with keeping all the students calm. They got to the area that was on the blueprint and started to check the walls. They ran their hands along the bricks, and knocked their knuckles against it for any indication for an entrance into the vault.

Stiles was looking behind a shelf when he moved a box over and saw a carving in the wall. "Guys," he called out to them. "Over here." They moved the shelf over and they saw that there was a light engraving of a seal with a triskelion in the center. Right in the middle of the three spirals was a contraption with holes.

"Look at the cracks in the wall. It's like the entrance outside, it only opens with claws. Anyone's claws, right?" he asked as he looked over at Scott.

Scott stiffened. No, it wasn't anyone's claws. It would only open with claws from someone in the Hale family. That was why Kate had to use Derek to bring her there. And, right now, there was only one Hale with them. Stiles narrowed his eyes at him and Scott sighed but gave a subtle nod.

"Um," Scott said before he and Stiles looked over at Malia. "Malia, can you try?" "Why me?" she asked. Scott held up his hand. "I don't have control." "Well, what about Sabrina?" 

Sabrina avoid Malia's gaze and looked down at the ground as she rubbed her hands up and down her arms, trying to stay warm. 

Only a Hale can open the vault. 

She wanted to tell Malia the truth, so she looked up and opened her mouth but Stiles beat it to her.

"She can't, remember?" Stiles said as Sabrina frowned at her boyfriend. He looked over at her and his eyes pleaded not to tell the truth to Malia. Sabrina sighed as she held up her hand, still clawless.

Malia nodded. "Okay." The two of them sighed in relief. "But first tell me what you've been hiding from me." "What?" Stiles mumbled nervously as he quickly tensed up.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "I know you think you're trying to protect me, but I can handle it." Scott and Stiles tried to avoid looking at one another. Malia just shook her head and sighed at them. "I know I'm on the list."

That made the two of them, Sabrina and Kira sigh in some relief. Scott lightly tapped Stiles' shoulder and he decided to run with it. "Yes," Stiles breathed out.

Malia pulled back a bit. "So, how much?" "How much what?" Stiles asked her. "How much am I worth?" "Four million," Scott answered. Malia then froze and diverted her eyes to the ground. "Are you okay?" Sabrina asked.

Malia was silent for a second before she looked back up at her and nodded. "Yeah," she said a little brightly. "You and Scott are worth 25 million and Kira's six. They'll take you guys out way before me."

Stiles nodded and scratched the back of his head. He turned and looked over to see that Scott and Kira were looking at him, with a speechless look on them. He shrugged. "It's progress," Stiles calmly told them. "He's right," Sabrina defended him.

Malia went over to the wall and brought out her claws. She then inserted them in the holes. She began to turn it and they started to hear the sound of something clicking inside the wall.

Once Malia was done turning it, the lock was pushed inside and the wall slid open. Inside was the Hale Vault. After the five of them stepped inside, the wall closed behind them.


Scott was just sitting against a shelf of the vault while Kira was pacing herself in a corner of the room. 

Sabrina was laying on the ground with her head planted firmly on Stiles' lap

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