Chapter 20: Echo House

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Stiles and his father were in his van, neither one of them was speaking.  

The truth was that neither of them really knew what to say. Stiles had gone over everything that had happened over the time from when he had gone missing from the hospital with him and filled in the blanks about the recent terrible things that happened in town. The first thing they talked about was finding some way to not let the nogitsune keep using Stiles to do more horrible things. That and to find a way to protect him from getting attacked by the Oni who were still after him. According to Deaton, this was the best course of action that could both protect Stiles and protect others from him. The van pulled to a full stop right in front of the gates into Eichen House. They didn't get out of the car right away. They both just gave the place a timely look before they went to share a look. They had to do this now, before either one of them changed their minds. They then pulled themselves out of the car and gave the building another good look. They were going to start moving in but the sound of a motorbike stopped them.

Scott quickly hopped off his bike and pulled off his helmet as he walked over to them. "Why didn't you tell me?" he said to them.

"Because we wanted to avoid something like this," answered the Sheriff.

Stiles shrugged his shoulders. "It's only for 72 hours," Stiles muttered. Though he silently thought it should be a lot longer. Scott shook his head. "This is the same place where Barrow came from. The guy who had a tumor inside him filled with flies." He looked at his friend's dad. "You don't know everything yet."

"I know enough. Nogitsunes, Kitsunes, Oni or whatever they're called." Stiles bobbed his head. "Wow, that was all actually surprisingly correct." His dad wasn't finished. "Scott, I saw an MRI that looked exactly like my wife's...and it terrifies me. I'm headed down to LA tomorrow to talk to a specialist." "But why are you putting him in here?" Scott asked him.

"He's not," Stiles said. "It was my decision." "Stiles, I can't help you if you're in here." "Yeah and I can't hurt you," Stiles argued. "Deaton's got some ideas. Argent is calling people," Scott said trying to not let his best friend do this. "We're going to find something. And if we can't-" Scott stopped right there. He knew that there was something that he could do. One thing that could help Stiles get passed his terminal illness.

But Stiles' eyes narrowed. He knew what Scott had in mind. But he also saw the fear and hesitation in his eyes so he went and leaned in. "If you can't then you have to do two things for me, okay?" Scott nodded. "Anything." 

"One, make sure I never get out." Scott nodded again. "And the second thing?" Stiles let out a breath. "Please find Sabrina," his voice cracked. "Just...please find her." he finished. Stiles then pulled away and looked to his father so that they could move on inside.

Scott just stood there, watching as Stiles just resigned himself to being locked up in a place like Eichen House without putting up any kind of fight. He kept his eye on him all the way up to when he walked in through the front door. He then went to his bike and moved to head on for Deaton's to keep looking for something to save his twin and his best friend.


Stiles and his father walked on through the lobby of the institution. Stiles saw that there were some people around in smocks, some of them seemed to be in a few fugue states or quiet in a corner. Stiles didn't know if it was because of the nogitsune but this place Cold, even though it was pretty warm. It made him get goosebumps.

"Mr. Stilinski," a voice called out, nearly making him jump. It was a doctor. "This way please," she said to them with a small calming smile that clashed with the atmosphere of this place. The two Stilinski men followed after the doctor into the office where she quickly handed the Sheriff the papers to sign before running down the rules. "First 72 hours there is no phone calls, no e-mails and no visitors. We will be taking you from here for a brief physical. In the morning, you will be assessed by a staff psychologist, speak to a social worker and attend group therapy."

The Sheriff looked at the bottom line where it asked for the signature of a parent or guardian. He eyed it for a moment as memories of the cellar came back to him and went and circled parent. He then looked over where he saw an orderly use a key card to open a door that wasn't made of wood but prison bars. He was starting to feel his stomach turn and throat close up. He swallowed and then shook his head as he put the pen down without signing. "I feel like we're forgetting something."

The doctor continued as if he didn't say anything by putting a pair of slippers on the table. "You'll be wearing these, Stiles. No laces allowed. You don't have a belt do you?" "No," Stiles mumbled shaking his head as he took the slippers. She then placed a tray forward. "And please empty your pockets in here."

The Sheriff heard that metal bar door open again and his discomfort rose and his heartbeat started to speed up. "Uh, your pillow," he said suddenly. "Your pillow, we forgot your pillow."

Stiles gave his dad a look. He could see that he was starting to have second thoughts. "Dad, it's okay," he said as he finished taking his shoes off and was now putting the slippers on. But his dad shook his head. "No, you're never going to be able to fall asleep. We've got to go back."

"It's fine dad. I don't need it." He did but Stiles knew what his dad was trying to do. He was trying to use this excuse in front of the doctor to try and talk both of them out of him doing this but Stiles couldn't back out. If he was going to protect everyone then he had to stay here.

But his dad was relentless. "I can't believe I forgot it. I mean, every time that we've stayed in a hotel, the first thing you pack is your pillow." "You can bring it tomorrow," he politely argued in front of the doctor. "Sorry." He then went and kept emptying his stuff from his pockets.

But the sounds in the hallway and the surroundings were starting to further aggravate the Sheriff's nerves and he just stood up. "No, okay stop, that's enough. Stiles, get your stuff. I am not checking you in here if you are not even going to get one good night's sleep."

But Stiles stood up, gently took him by the shoulders and looked him in the eye. "Dad...I haven't had a good night's sleep in weeks." He then went and hugged him. 

That made the Sheriff return his son's hug, tightly. They then broke apart and Stiles gave his dad one last look before he moved to head off with the doctor. This time, it was the Sheriff who just stood and kept watching Stiles until he disappeared from his line of sight. 

Stiles kept walking after the doctor as they went deeper into the building. Stiles caught some movement. He turned and saw the outline of a girl down the hall. It looked like she was watching him. Stiles didn't know why but, he felt something familiar even though he couldn't see her face.  

"Stiles," the doctor said pulling his eyes away. "This way."

Stiles looked back and noticed that the girl was already disappearing from sight. He then moved to follow after the doctor as they climbed up some stairs. As they did, Stiles noticed that there was someone at the top. "Hey, do you see that?" he asked her.

It looked like the person was tying something to the railing and he could faintly hear and make out some of what he was mumbling as he did. "What part of the bird is not in the sky?"

"Stiles, wait for me!" the doctor called out as Stiles rushed on ahead to get a closer look. But he didn't stop. "That guy up there."

The guy was still mumbling that same thing for a few seconds before he started mumbling something else. "I can swim in the ocean yet still remain dry." He kept repeating it, louder ever time as he finished tying what appeared to be a noose.

Stiles began to run faster. "Wait! Stop!" he screamed out at him. But the guy didn't stop. He climbed the railing, still ranting the same thing. "Somebody stop him!" Stiles yelled.

But the guy then jumped and fell but suddenly stopped when the noose caught him. He had hung himself and was dangling just a few feet above Stiles and the doctor's heads. There was some gasps and cries and Stiles looked down to see some people looking on from the bottom level. They were all still and watching the guy swinging but Stiles squinted his eyes when movements caught his eye. They then widened when he saw that it was the bandaged up form of nogitsune, snarling and right next to him was Sabrina who was smirking at him. 

Stiles blinked and went to call out her name but she was gone.


Stiles was taking a walk through the institution, trying to find a way to call his father, and Oliver had decided to shadow him. Oliver was walking in step with him giving him the low down of life in Echo House.

"Most of the people here are okay. The violent ones are in closed unit." He then pointed to a girl sitting with her arms enclosed around her legs by a corner. "That's Hilary, she has OCD." He then pointed to a guy being led by the arm by an orderly. "That's Gary, thinks he's Jesus Christ." He then pointed to a guy leaning on a support beam that was just rubbing at his arm obsessively. "Dan, he's also Jesus." Then he pointed to a girl on a couch. "That's Mary."

"Mary Magdalene?" Stiles guessed though not really caring as he had finally spotted a payphone. "No, she's also Jesus. You'd be surprised how many Jesuses we get." "Great," Stiles huffed as he stopped because he saw that a girl was already using it.

Oliver read his impatience. "Hey, how come you want to use the phone already?"

"Because after one night, I've changed my mind about this place being safe for me or anyone, ever." Stiles wasn't going to stay here another minute if he could help it. Even in the bright sunlight, this place still sent chills down his spine.

"No, I think you're wrong." Stiles turned and saw that the girl on the phone was starting to speak louder. "I really think I should tell them. They're going to want to know the story. The whole story." Stiles shook his head to try and lose the craziness that was pouring at him from this girl. "I really think they should know. Yes, I do. One of them is standing behind me."

At that, Stiles turned to look back at the girl. He watched as the girl hung up the phone and move off. "Who was that?" he asked as he moved for the now empty phone.

"Oh, that's Meredith." Oliver shrugged. "She's a little weird." Stiles gave him a pointed look. "You're a little weird. She's a lot weird." And that kind of weird usually meant trouble. He took the phone but found there was no dial tone. "It's dead."

Oliver nodded. "Yeah. They turn off all the phones for 24 hours after a suicide." "Why didn't you tell me that before?" he asked him, annoyed. "You didn't ask," Oliver said as if it was obvious.

"Thanks." Stiles then slammed the phone harder than necessary. He gave a look at Meredith as she walked off. So, she wasn't talking to anyone but it was clear that she had something to say. That, or this place was already starting to get to him.

"What are you going to do now?" Oliver asked as Stiles started to stomp off. "I'm getting out of this nut house," he said resolutely. Oliver let out a nervous laugh. "That's not really the appropriate way to describe a facility like this."

Stiles just kept walking until he spotted a familiar wave of brown hair. He caught a glimpse of the girl's face and he stopped. "Malia?" She turned fully around and saw that it was Malia. Malia Tate. Stiles had a flash from last night and realized that Malia was the one who had been watching him when he had first come in. He wondered what she was doing here. She was just staring at him with a surprised look on her face. "Uh hey, it's Stiles. Do you remember me? I'm friends with Scott and S-"

"Sabrina," Malia said, finishing his sentence.

Stiles nodded. "Yeah. Remember, we were the ones who helped you out with-"

But he didn't finish as Malia went and threw a punch across his face. A second later, they were surrounded by orderlies. "Hey, Malia!" one of them, a big one, yelled as he went to take her arms and pull them behind her. 

Another orderly came behind Stiles and pushed him to the ground to restrain him. "Hey, what the hell?" Stiles said trying to fight through his hold. "She hit me!"

Malia struggled and so another one came to help the first one.

"A few more like this, Malia, and you're headed to the closed unit," the big orderly restraining Malia spat out. He and his fellow orderly then lifted Malia and moved to carry her away.

Stiles was still being restrained and pushed to the ground. "Okay, wait. Stop. I didn't do anything," he argued with the guy who didn't loosen his grip on him. "Stop!" 

Stiles tilted his head but he froze when he took a good look at the floor that he was being pushed against. The glass fixtures built into it were familiar. It took a moment but then it came back to him. They were the glass fixtures that helped provide the source of light for the basement that he had been kept by the Nogitsune in his hallucination when he had disappeared.

"Enough!" a new voice shouted out at the orderly. It was Ms. Morrell. "Enough!" The man then let Stiles go and stepped away from him. She then bent down next to Stiles who was still staring at the floor. She noticed the look on his face. "Stiles," she said making him look up at her. "You saw something, didn't you?"

"The basement. I've been down there before."


Stiles moved off to find his way towards the basement level. That had to be where the room was where he found the Nogitsune. There was something in that room that was important and he had to find out what. It might help to finally stop this thing. He checked the halls and silently moved through them until he found the corridor where the stairs were to gain access. He went for the door and tried to open it, but he found it locked. He tried to push his way in but the door wouldn't give.

"What are you doing?" a voice asked spooking him.

Stiles gasped but relaxed when he saw that it was just Oliver. "Uh, I need to get through here. To the basement."

Oliver smiled at him. "Doctors don't even have a key to this door. Only Brunski." "Is that the head orderly?" Oliver nodded. "He's got keys to everything in here." Stiles had to get those keys. "Does he keep them on him all the time?" he asked.

Oliver nodded as his smile turned a little mischievous. "If you want'll probably have to find a way to trick him."

Stiles narrowed his eyes. "Yeah well a part of me is getting very good at playing tricks," he said spitefully.

Stiles then moved to head on off. Oliver looked over at him walking away with a small, dark smile on his face.


The lounge area was full of people and noise as they watched Oliver pushing Malia to the ground before moving to keep her from getting back up.

"You're lying!" he screamed at her. "You're a liar!"

The noise quickly drew the attention from the orderlies and they ran at breakneck pace over for them. "What the hell's going on?!"

"Get this nut-job off of me!" Malia hissed at them.

"No! You're a liar!" Oliver spat as Brunski and another orderly went and started to pull Oliver off. "She said that they drill holes in your head. She said they're going to put a hole in my head!" he cried as he was dragged off.

"Okay?" Stiles mumbled as he went over and helped Malia to her feet.

Malia subtly put the keys in his hand which he quickly pocketed. The two of them went off and looked at Oliver who sent them a wide smile before he resumed fighting against the orderlies' grip.

"No, please. Come on, please don't! Please don't drill a hole in my head!" Oliver cried as he was led away.

Stiles then loosened his hold on Malia who had a big smile on her face as she watched Oliver being carried off kicking and screaming. "You okay?" he asked her. She nodded. "Yeah," she breathed out to him with a breathless smile.


Stiles made his way for the basement door and began to try to open the door. Unfortunately, Stiles didn't know which key was the one. And it looked like there were at least two dozen of them. He tried one after the other but the door wouldn't open.

"I thought this guy had a key to everything," he mumbled heatedly as he couldn't open the door and moved to try another key.

But then a hand slammed right on his shoulder blade. It was Brunski. "I do," he said happily at him. Stiles let out a defeated huff before he held the keys up to him. Brunski went to snatch them away. "But no one has the key to that room."

He then went and yanked Stiles away from the door before he led him off. Stiles tried to fight through Brunski's grip on him but the man was too strong for him. His tight grip on him began to put a painful pressure on his arms in his weakening state. He flagged down two orderlies on the way and they grabbed him as Brunski led them off further into the institution. Their joint grip was even more stronger than Brunski's was and Stiles' couldn't move to get away from them. Stiles then noticed that they were in a part of Eichen House that he didn't recognize.

"Yeah, uh I don't think my room is this way," Stiles said to them.

Brunski let an amused snort loose as he kept leading the way without stopping. Stiles began to notice that the windows of each of these rooms were barred up. They finally stopped at one of them and Brunski went to open it.

"You're not going to your room tonight. For you, it's the quiet room little man," he said as the orderlies led Stiles in. He then lifted the bottle of pills that he took from Stiles' pocket. "Want to tell us where you got these?"

"A vending machine," Stiles snipped out even though he was still being held by his arms.

Brunski shook his head in amusement as he reached for a syringe. "I always love the sarcastic ones." He then held the needle out to one of the others. "Give him five of Haldol," he told him.

Stiles' eyes widened as he tried to back away but the orderly still holding him tightened his grip and moved to keep him from moving. "Wait. What is that?" Stiles cried out. "Is that a sedative?" Stiles' heart start racing. "Hang on, no. I can't go to sleep. Okay, I'm sorry," he said trying to keep fighting to get away. "Get off me, man!" But the orderly went and stuck the syringe and pumped him full of the sedative. Immediately, Stiles started to feel his body get heavier and the orderlies dropped him. "I can't go to sleep. You don't understand," he mumbled weakly as they started to walk away. "I got to stay awake I got to-."

But Stiles found himself lying flat on the floor as his vision started to blur. His last clear image was of Brunski smirking and laughing down at him. Then everything went black.

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