Chapter 16: Illuminated

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Scott, Stiles, Sabrina, Kira and Lydia all stood outside the power station when a couple of squad cars pulled up to it. No doubt it was to see what was behind the blackout. Among those cars was the Sheriff's and he stepped out of the car and just gave a look at them. Lydia cried out that Barrow was inside while Scott had his arm around Kira who was very interested in her shoes. The Sheriff sent his deputies inside while he went over to them, to his son who was just staring at him.

"What happened here Stiles?" he hissed at his son. "How did you guys find Barrow here and who is she and why did he take this girl?" he asked as he looked over at Kira.

Stiles sighed. "Do you want the truth or the truth?" he asked with narrowed eyes.

Stiles then looked over at Kira and Scott looked up and caught the Sheriff's eyes with the same kind of look that Stiles had when he told him about Lydia. "Oh you gotta kidding me," he sighed out tirelessly. Twice in one day.

But then Stiles stiffened. "Dad."

The Sheriff turned around and saw a new car pulling in. Agent McCall's car. He got out and looked at all of them with a narrowed set of eyes.

Before they knew it, they were all back in the Sheriff's office back in the station.

The place was still dark as the power hadn't been restored. Scott, Stiles, Sabrina and Lydia gave Scott's dad an abridged and vague version of what had happened after Barrow had kidnapped Kira and took her to the substation. The Sheriff just sat at his desk patiently as he easily read between what his son and his friends were saying. He knew that Stiles would tell him the full story, in confusing and frightful detail, later on so he just sat there, letting himself watch as Agent McCall get frustrated by the vague explanations he was getting with disguised amusement.

"So when did you get there?" Agent McCall asked them.

"At the same time," Stiles said as simply as he could. "Same time as who?" McCall asked. "Same time as me," Scott said to him. "By coincidence?" "What do you mean coincidence?" Stiles asked him. "That's what I'm asking you," he said raising his voice a bit. "The three of you arrived at the same time. Was that coincidence?" That made all of them just look at him.

"Are you asking me?" Scott asked him. Stiles looked over at him. "I think he's asking me." "No, I'm pretty sure he's asking me," Sabrina said. "I think he's asking the three of you," Lydia said to them.

"Okay," McCall cut in. "Let me answer the questions." That made them all widen their eyes at him, except Kira who just looked down as she twiddled her fingers silently. Behind him, the Sheriff tried to keep a professional composer but he still hid his smile behind his hand. "Let me ask the questions," McCall corrected himself. "Just so I have this absolutely clear. Barrow was hiding in the chemistry closet at the school and someone left him a coded message on the blackboard telling him to kill Kira. Then Barrow took Kira to a power substation and tied her up with the intent to electrocuting her, which blacked out the entire town."

Stiles nodded. "Sounds about right," he mumbled. McCall looked straight at him. "How did you know that he'd take her to a power substation?" "Well, because he was an electrical engineer. So where else would he take her?" he shrugged at him. "That's one hell of a deduction there, Stiles." "Yeah, what can I say? I take after my pops. He is in law enforcement," he said with a smile before he sent his dad a wink.

One which made his dad almost laugh but he quickly covered in with a cough. "Stiles, just, uh...answer the man," he tried to say seriously even though it was clear that he was enjoying this.

"We made a good guess," Stiles simply said.

McCall sighed before he looked over at his son and Kira. "What were you two doing?" "Eating sushi," Kira said at the same time that Scott said, "Eating pizza." They looked over at each other before Scott said "Eating sushi," and Kira said, "Eating Pizza." That only made McCall narrow his eyes at the two of them. "Eating sushi and pizza," the two of them managed to say together.

"You believe this?" McCall said back to the Sheriff.

But he shrugged and shook his head. "To be honest, I haven't believed a word Stiles has said since he learned how to speak. But I think these kids found themselves in the right place at the right time and that girl sitting there is very lucky for it."

McCall then looked over at the new girl. "Kira, is that how you remember it?"

At that moment, Scott, Stiles, Sabrina and Lydia looked over at Kira and even leaned forward a bit towards her when they did. Kira looked at each of them and saw them with the same pressing look. She then went and looked in the waiting face of Agent McCall and she nodded. "Yes," she mumbled. "Can I get my phone back now?"

McCall shook his head. "Sorry but no," he said sternly to her. "I'm afraid that its officially evidence." So, he went and gave them all permission to leave as he handed Kira's phone to a deputy for lockup with Evidence. 

"Scott, Sabrina," he called to his children before they could leave with their friends. Scott and Sabrina stopped and turned back to look at him. "I don't know why you guys are lying. Or why Stilinski is content to listen to this crap. But try and remember something. If half this story about Barrow is true, then not only did someone help set him loose, but he was a pawn in their little game. A mass murderer is bad enough. A mass murderer being controlled by someone? Far worse," he warned the two.

Scott narrowed his eyes as his father said that. "Yeah, we get it." He already knew that someone had to have pointed Barrow in Kira's direction seeing as how Stiles, Sabrina and Lydia had found that message at the school. Someone that knew something about Kira. Something that none of them did.

His father nodded. "Alright, go home. It's a school night."

Sabrina scoffed before walking over to Stiles. Scott stepped out to find Kira standing off to the side with Lydia while Stiles and Sabrina were talking with the Sheriff. Kira was looking his way but when he tried to catch her eye she went and looked away as she seemed to be hugging herself nervously. He could sense how nerved Kira was from here and supposed that he couldn't blame her. Maybe now wasn't the best time to try and talk to her about what had happened.


The high school's hallways were darker than usual with the scattered windows and doors providing the only source of light. The power was still out but classes would still be resuming. A fact that Coach Finstock wanted to make sure was loud and clear. And by loud and clear, it was literally meant by him strolling through the halls with a bullhorn in hand.

He hit the buzzer button on it before he put it back to mic. "Class starts in five minutes. Just because there's no power don't expect there to be no school."

He passed by Stiles and Sabrina who was finishing putting some books in his locker. "That was a triple negative. Very impressive there, Coach."

"Copy that," Coach said back to him with the bullhorn.

Stiles was getting ready to close his locker when he accidentally knocked his keys over. "Stiles, your keys," said Sabrina. He picked them up when he narrowed his eyes as he saw that there was an extra key on his ring. "Hello, where did you come from?" he mumbled. "You mean that key isn't yours?" she asked. Stiles shook his head.

The two didn't think much more on it since they turned and noticed Scott walk through the doors. They then saw Scott stop and look over to the side. Stiles and Sabrina looked over and saw that he was looking at Kira. As soon as she noticed Scott, she quickly turned around and started to move off quickly. Scott went to try and catch her but Stiles and Sabrina quickly went over and grabbed him. "No, nope," Stiles said pulling him away. "Stop."

"I need to talk to her," he tried to argue.

But Stiles and Sabrina didn't let Scott go. "No, you need to remember that someone left a coded message telling Barrow to kill her." "Which is why I need to talk to her." "Scott, no way." "I agree with Sabrina. Look, until we figure out if she's just another psychotic monster that's going to start murdering everybody, I vote against any and all interaction." 

"But what if she's like me?" Scott tried. Stiles narrowed his eyes. "That girl walked through 1.21 gigawatts of electricity. She's not like you and Sabrina." 

"Yeah, Scott. When Stiles and I found you two last night, you were completely stunned and helpless by Barrow and that was only from a small zap," said Sabrina as Stiles nodded his head. "Plus Kira got shocked so badly that the power went out for the whole town and she didn't even get a scratch." 

"Fine." Scott just let a frustrated sigh out and then walked off in the opposite direction. Stiles smiled at his girlfriend, he was so proud of her that she got through Scott. His smile dropped once he started turning the keys in his hands before he remembered finding the new key on the ring. He wondered what it was for.

"Come on," said Sabrina making Stiles look up at her. "We will figure out where that key came from later but for now," she held out her hand. "We have to get to class." 

Stiles smiled at her again before taking her hand into his and the two made their way to class.


Sabrina placed her books into her locker before closing it. She jumped a little when she noticed Danny, leaning against the lockers next to her. 

"Hi, Sabrina," he greeted her.

Sabrina smiled. "Hey, Danny. Why haven't you been texting me lately?" she asked as she crossed her arms. Danny shrugged. "I was having trouble with my blackout party but it's all fixed. "What blackout party?" she asked. "And why was I not invited?"

Danny laughed. "Don't worry, you are definitely invited. Sabrina smiled. "Great! Where's the party at?" "It's at one of Aiden and Ethan's friend's apartment." 

Sabrina's eyebrows furrowed. "Is their friend named Derek?" she asked. Danny nodded. "Yeah. Why?" Sabrina shook her head. "I was just wondering." "Okay. Well, the party's tonight. Don't be late." Danny said before he walked away.

"Don't worry, I won't!" 


Isaac and Allison pulled open the sliding door to see that Derek's loft was abuzz with blacklight, music and tons of dancing and drunk people. Everyone was dressed or painted in fluorescent paint that made them all light up with the blacklight making the whole room seem brighter. When Danny sent the mass text out, the two of them had recognized the address immediately and went to check it out. But, the two of them hadn't been prepared for any of this when they finally got there.

"Derek can never know about this," Isaac said as his eyes scanned the room. He could only imagine what he would do if he did find out. From the look on her face, Isaac guessed that Allison agreed with him.

Over at another part of the room, Danny was surveying the room with a proud grin on his face. It seemed that his party was a success. A grin that grew wider when he spotted Sabrina, dancing in the crowd. She had her body painted in neon streaks and she looked like she was having the time of her life.

Sabrina glanced over towards the doors and smiled when she saw Scott, Stiles and Kira walk in. Sabrina pushed her way through the crowd and smiled widely at Stiles. "Hey babe-" Stiles froze when Sabrina placed a kiss on his cheek. She pulled back and smiled at the fact that Stiles had her lip print on his cheek.

"Happy Halloween babe!" She cheered before she danced her way through the crowd again. Stiles turned back to Scott and Kira. "It can wait. It can wait," he mumbled before pushing his way through the crowd. He finally reached Sabrina who smiled up at him again.

"Hey!" Stiles yelled over the loud music. 

"Hey babe! You finally made it!" she yelled as she began dancing. Stiles watched her. "Are you drunk?" he asked her. "Yeah! I'm really drunk!" Stiles' eyes narrowed at her. "But werewolves can't get drunk." "I know! I'm just acting like I'm drunk for Danny," she nodded her head over to Danny and Stiles waved at him. "Got it," he mumbled.

"Do you want to dance?!" she yelled over the music. Stiles smiled and nodded as he took her hand and the two began dancing in the middle of the crowd. Sabrina shook her body and her head in a circle while Stiles began doing the sprinkler. 


The couple soon grew tired of dancing and sat down down on the stairs of the loft. Before sitting down, Sabrina had grabbed them two beers. She handed one to Stiles and kept the second one for herself. 

"Do you have a bottle opener?" asked Sabrina.

"Yes," Stiles nodded as he took his key ring out. He searched his key ring until he found the mysterious key and was about to use it to open his bottle but Sabrina stopped him. "Your key has phosphors on it," she mumbled. "Look," she pointed the phosphors out. 

"Yeah," Stiles mumbled as he looked over the key. He then looked over at Sabrina who surprised him by leaning in and was now kissing him. "Oh! Oh!" Stiles mumbled in shocked before realization kicked in. He caressed her cheek with his hand and licked her bottom lip. She granted him access and the two were exploring each other. Sabrina then wrapped her arms around his neck while his hands ran through her hair before settling firmly onto her hips.

Stiles pulled away to get some air. "Not that I'm complaining but what was that for?" he breathed out. Sabrina smirked at him before leaning in again. "I've missed our make out sessions." Stiles nodded. "I have as well," he whispered before he kissed her.

Sabrina began to enjoy the kiss again but Stiles pulled away, leaving her frustrated. 

"I am sorry. What are phosphors?" he asked her. "Oh, they're any substance that luminesces," she began to explain. "It's in your teeth and your fingernails. Laundry detergent," she listed off. She looked at his lip and brought her fingers up to it. "It's also in this," she said as she wiped away her lipstick from his lips. "Reacts to the UV lights, that's why it glows," she finished.

Sabrina never failed to impress Stiles with her smartness. He kissed her again and Sabrina smiled into the kiss but dropped it when he pulled away once again. "What's your question now?" she asked him.

"How would I get phosphors on my key?" Sabrina shrugged her shoulders. "Have you been handing chemicals?" Stiles shook his head. "No, I don't think-" he paused when he noticed one of Sabrina's keys glowing as well. "Your key," he mumbled. "What about it?" she asked. "It's glowing," he said as he pointed to the key.

Sabrina looked down and took the key off her key ring and looked confused. The key didn't look familiar to her and it also had phosphors on it...just like Stiles' key. Stiles took the key from her and held it up along with his.

"We have to go," he said before taking her hand into his. He navigated the two through the sea of dancers and together they left the loft.


When Derek got a full hold of his senses again, his eyes narrowed. He could hear the sounds of music and a large amount of people above him. He stomped on up for his loft and he grit his teeth and what he found. His place was full of people, teenagers, who were using it as their own personal party spot, complete with a DJ. There were only a handful of people that knew he had been gone and he hadn't told any of them that he had come back to town but they were all suspects. He didn't know which one or ones had done this but he silently promised himself to deal with them later, right after he dealt with the current problem. For now, he felt that party time was over.

He stomped on for the DJ but was he was stopped by a bouncer who went and pushed at his chest. "Bro, sorry, but The Bloody Beetroots doesn't take requests," the guy said to him. Derek nodded but kept going for him anyway. The bouncer pushed at him again. "Bro, seriously," he spat at him. "I said the DJ doesn't-

But Derek huffed and reached for the guy's neck. "He'll take mine," he said before throwing the guy off to the side. Derek then reached for the table and flipped it with all the sound equipment off to crash into the floor. The music in the loft shut off and everyone stopped dancing and looked right at him. Derek looked towards them all before he exploded. "GET OUT!" A second later, everyone took off including the DJ.

Aiden's eyes widened at seeing Derek again and he went and moved Lydia over to Danny. "Get her out of here," he told him.

"Go find Scott," she groggily told him as Danny pulled her off to help her out of the loft.

As the people were leaving, none of them stopped to notice that five shadowy figures were standing still in the room. The only ones to lay eyes on them were Aiden, Derek, Scott and Kira who had come down from the roof, and Allison and Isaac who was carrying Ethan out. When all the partiers were gone, the five turned as one and faced in Aiden's direction.

"Guys, they're all looking at me," he said out nervously. "Why are they all looking at me?"

Derek turned to get to another one but the one he got didn't fall. In fact, the air around it got darker as it seemed to repair it's broken neck instantly. Derek turned to look at it just in time for it to grab him and throw him off into the wall. Derek's back hit the wall so hard that he couldn't bring himself to pick himself up. Scott tried to attack another one but it easily back away from each of Scott's claw swipes before it finally just slammed its palm into his chest and launched Scott off his feet and fly across the room. Scott hit the wall so hard that he thinks he had dislocated his arm.

With the two of them down, the five masked ninjas continued with approaching Aiden. Isaac let go of Ethan and went over and readied his claws. The one closest to him turned to him and then seemed to dig its hand into its chest and then pulled out a samurai sword. It then went to slice and dice at the air and hissed at him when it was done. At the impressive display, Isaac quickly went and backed away leaving it to return to facing down Aiden with its friends. Two of them grabbed Aiden by his arms and held him as a third stepped in front of him.

"Somebody do something," Allison said desperately.

But Scott, Derek, Isaac and Ethan could only watch along with her as the third figure went to grab at side of Aiden's head. It held him and stared straight into him with glowing yellow green eyes.

Then it let go of Aiden and he

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