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After the freak show had left Void turned to me and gave me an apologetic look. I raised an eyebrow. 

"Well, she seems like a real ray of sunshine," I say sarcastically. Void's lips twitch up a little and his own smile makes me want to smile too. 

"Sorry about that." He says as he walks to me.

I smile as he sits down next to me. "Was that your sister?" I asked him as I looked up at him through my eyelashes. 

"Yea," He sighs as he runs a hand through his hair, "well, sort of." He murmurs. 

I look at him confused. 

"We're not actually siblings. We're just..." Void hesitates. "Close." He finishes with a shrug of his shoulders. 

I nod slowly, "was I a bit rude?" I ask trying to sound sincere but not really giving a fat fuck about whether or not I was rude.

Void shakes his head. "No, not at all. Malena can be a bit forceful sometimes. You were just standing your ground." He says as he plants a kiss on my head that makes my heart flutter. 

I smile at him as he goes round to pull down the cornflakes from the shelf. "Last night was fun," I say smugly. 

Void's lips turn up into a smirk, "you remember that huh?" He asks his voice hiding his smile.

"Mm, just a little," I say smiling and he looks up from his bowl to smile at me. I spin around on the seat as he makes the cornflakes. 

"I should probably talk to Malena at some point." Void admits as he sits down next to me. 

This spikes something at me and I turn to him with furrowed eyebrows. "No. You don't need to." I say still smiling. 

Void's facial expressions waver but then he smiles again. "You're right." He nudges my bowl towards me and I smile at him. 

I love having everyone wrapped around my finger. 



As the movie we were watching ended I ended up drifting off as I was leaned up against Malia's legs. I was woken up by Malia kicking my back as she tried to get rid of a dead leg. 

"Piss off," I mutter as I roll over so I'm lying on the floor. Malia snickers and moves her feet to put them on top of my stomach and presses them and winds me. "Gah." I hiss as I look up at her and she's smirking. 

"Whoops." She says still smirking. I reach up and jab her stomach and she lets out a laugh. Just then I'm hit by a pillow coming from the opposite direction of the room. I look up and Lydia and Kira are struggling to keep a straight face as they're both looking in different directions. 

"Oh, it's on!" I say loudly just as Malia throws a pillow at my head. I giggle as I throw the pillow at Lydia's head and she ducks and smirks as she throws another one at me. 

We start with teams. Me and Malia verse Kira and Lydia but we all begin to turn on each other and pummel the others with pillows. 

We all collapse into a pile on the floor laughing our asses off. Lydia pulls me into a side hug and I smile at her. She smiles back at me. 

The four of us lay tired on the floor until Lydia's mom comes home from work to find us all giggling on the living room floor and she kicks all of us out. 

Once we're outside in the driveway Malia and Kira climb into my car and we wave goodbye to Lydia who pokes faces at us as we pull out of the drive. 

I drop Kira and Malia off at their house and return not to mine, but to Scotts. I didn't want to have to run into Void or Isabella. If I was lucky they wouldn't be at school tomorrow. 


The next morning before school I decided to go downstairs early so I can read before school. I creep down the stairs as quietly as possible so as to not wake Melissa who had a late shift the night before. 

Scott's already sitting at the table reading his own book and looks up at me and smiles as I sit down next to him. 

"Scott McCall reading a book?" I ask teasingly. "Jeez, the world really is ending." 

Scott nudges me. "Ha Ha." He says sarcastically. I look at him and he grins. "There's some coffee over there if you want some," Scott says gesturing to the half-empty pot on the bench. 

I stand up immediately and move to it. "Caffeine," I murmur dreamily as I pour myself a cup.

"You're a bloody caffeine addict I swear," Scott says shaking his head as I sip dreamily from my cup. 

"Go back to reading your first book in 2 years and then judge me you bum," I murmur into my cup. Scott crumples a napkin and throws it at my head and I slop some coffee onto my front. "Hey!" I groan. I look down at my shirt and its ruined. "You asshole." I snort. Scott looks up from his book again and starts to laugh too. 

"Better go change huh?" He says grinning. 

I flip him the finger and walk up the stairs. Melissa smiles at me in the hallway and I smile back. I walk up to her and give her a hug. 

"Hey, sweetheart! How'd you sleep?" Melissa asks rubbing a hand over my head. 

I smile up at her. "Perfectly. How was the shift?" I ask as I pull back from her. 

"No biggy. Didn't have any outstanding memorable issues." Melissa says and she rubs my back. "Go get ready for school, okay?" She says as she pats my back once and I nod as I pull back from her.

I move back to my room and she pats me on the shoulder and moves to go down the stairs to see Scott. 

I change out of my clothes quickly as I can and flop back down onto my bed and pick up Romeo and Juliet to read a few chapters before I go back downstairs.

I'm skimming through the pages just as I hear, "Oi! If you want to get to school on time we need to leave now!" 

I jolt up and look at the clock on my bedside table. It was almost 9'oclock and school started in 5 minutes. "Fuck." I muttered as I grabbed a black zip-up hoodie off the foot of my bed and reach for my bag and book and race down the stairs."Bye Melissa!" I call over my shoulder. 

"Actually learn something today okay!" She calls back and me and Scott girn at each other. 

He follows me to my car and we both climb in and I reverse the car out of the driveway before Scott even has his seatbelt on. 


Once we arrive at school with minutes to spare I walk in with Scott and we sit down in our homeroom just as the bell rings. I sigh as I look at him and he already has his attention on the teacher walking in. 

I look around the room for Stiles but don't find him. "Where's Stiles?" I whisper to Scott. Scott looks up as though he hadn't realised that Stiles wasn't here in the first place. He shrugs his shoulders.

"I didn't see him this weekend." He whispers back. That surprises me. I saw Stiles well Void yesterday after all. I nod my head slowly as I turn back to the teacher. 

Just as I was about to pull out my phone to text Void the door opens. Our teacher turns to the door. "Ah, there you are! I was beginning to think you got lost." He says as a girl walks in through the door. She smiles at him. 

"Class, this is Isabella Borne! I hope you all do your very best to make her feel welcome. She's an exchange student and will be here for a couple of months." The teacher explains. Isabella steps further forward and a figure is straying behind her. Void. "And this would be a late Stiles Stilinski." The teacher says disapprovingly. 

Void holds up his hand as if to say sorry and takes his seat next to me and Scott. He turns to me. "Exciting day huh?" He asks casually. 

My jaw drops as Isabella sits down next to Void and smiles at him. Oh hell no.  

She turns to Scott. "Hi! I'm Isabella." She smiles at him and Scott blinks at her and then smiles back.

"Scott McCall. This is Malena James." Scott says gesturing to me. 

Isabella turns to me and I smile at her and scrunch up my nose. "Wow. Have we met before?" I ask my voice squeaky with fakeness. 

I can feel Void's eyes on me but my gaze doesn't waver from Isabella. 

"No. I don't believe so." She says sneering. 

I look her up and down. "Well, I do hope we can be friends," I say looking away so as to hide my smile.

This shocks Void who was looking down at his lap but his head flicks up and his attention is now on me.

"I just lost one 'friend' and would love another," I say as I look back at her. Void and Scott pick up on my sarcasm but Isabella seems oblivious to it. 

"Yea, no. I don't hang out with psychos who call me a hookup." She says as she looks down at her nails. 

Scott looks at me confused. "Hookup?" He asks. 

Isabella smiles at him. "Yes, didn't you hear? Void and I are dating." She says grinning. Her eyes are full of malice as she looks at me.

My jaw falls as I look at Void who is determinedly not meeting my eyes. 

"Jealous?" Isabella counties as she smirks at me. 

This girl was so going to get it. 


guys, I'm so sorry I hate that chapter. 


anyways i have no idea what episode we're at from the teen wolf plot so it'll be a while before I update and figure it out. 

mwah, i love you all! please vote!

thoughts? ————>

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