Party favors

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Luka Laughs so hard at me and it causes me to awkwardly laugh with him. "If only you could see your face right now it's honestly priceless" he shakes his head laughing silently all while grabbing a cigarette out of his pocket and lightly it. " You probably shouldn't smoke around me" I say covering my face  but all I got was a questionable look from luka as in asking me why he shouldn't. " I have asthma."

I say , he chokes on air and coughs, then immediately puts his cigarette out. " I am so sorry it won't happen again" luka fans the air trying to clear the smoke and this time it was my turn to laugh at him. "Seems like we've been off to a bad start, maybe we can try this again?" Referring to meeting all over again I thought it was kinda sweet so I put my hand out "Laken carter professional dancer and choreographer" his eyes widen he forgot that my  hand was in the air leaving me high and dry "This doesn't seem like a good start either "  I joked which caused him to smile " Sorry it's just-" "just what?" I unintentionally interrupt him. " I've heard of you before didn't you use to date Jaden Smith?"

I face palm myself and slowly nod my head "yah but it was a mistake" you laugh "Also don't you choreograph for like big artist like Cardi b , and Rihana, and a bunch of other artist?" I couldn't believe he actually knew who I was but I only played it off with another joke "I guess I'm not the only person who heard of them but never seen them" we laugh some more before he  said something that completely caught me off guard. "Lets go outside so that we can have a decent conversation" my eyes widen and I almost said 'no'  only because I didn't want to take him away from his own party but it seemed like he really didn't want to be here anymore anyways.

I'm sure he sensed the hesitation because before I could answer he began talking again " I only wanna talk don't worry" I thought what the heck why not? I legit had nothing better to do so I said what any other sarcastic asshole would say "Well if you insist" I stood up and he followed right behind me. We walked through the crowd of people and out the door "Luka where you going man?"  a boy with long dirty blonde hair rubs up to us and catches up .

I'm guessing he was a friend of Luka but  I couldn't help but noticed that he had a camera around his neck "don't worry Noah I'm just taking a walk I'll be back before it the park ends.. hopefully"  Luka quickly turns on his heels and grabs my hands dragging me along while he walks off at a very rapid pace. Luka didn't want to hear anything  his friend Noah had to say nor did he want to face his judgement. "Where are we going anyways?" I ask between a fit of giggles. " I don't really know exactly" I've never met someone sound so sure of himself even when he had no idea what he was doing.

We walked around the city, street filled with never ending people. I remember thinking 'Whoever called it the city that never sleep was absolutely right' as we got to know each-other more the time flew past and before we knew it , it was almost 4 am . I checked my phone to see if Ryan had call me but to no surprise, no texts or missed calls from her.  All  the text messages I got were from my friend Z wondering why she wasn't invited.

What did surprise me though was when I looked at my lock screen I saw that the time read 3:56 am . "Oh I can't believe we've been walking around for almost 6 hours!" You could hear the shock in my voice. " Well not exactly" Luka states as we stand there in the cold weather New York weather  " We did sit down for at least half an hour and" He puts emphasis on the word 'and' " We also stoped at 7/11 to get snacks , which reminds me I need to throw this slurpee cup away".

We were conveniently standing next to a trash can so he threw his cup away that he's been holding for god knows how long,he probably forgot he was even holding it until I brought the subject up. He then tucks his hands in the pocket of his jeans. " I honestly can't believe you got a slurpee in 30 degree weather " I slightly giggle he shrugs nonchalantly at my comment . "We should probably head back though I need to get back and drive my friend home" he the talk boy just lead the way back and even though it was super late some part of me didn't want to leave.

Was it crazy to want to spend a little more time with this guy? It was so easy to talk to them and I haven't had that in a while not even from my best friends. I mean no shade to Ryan and Z but the could be hard to talk to sometimes. Especially when I'm younger so they see me as a younger sister. It's nice to have a different perspective ya know?

We finally arrived back the party and enter I thank him for the breather and the nice conversation. He smiled and waved me goodbye. I hope I see him again one day I know the industry is small so maybe just maybe if I'm lucky enough I'll run into him again. I scan the build again for Ryan and went I finally found her I felt so relieved. "Hey kiddo having fun?" She smiled I roll my eyes " we went over this just because I'm 5 years younger than you doesn't mean you can call me kiddo I'm 19 I'm not a 12 year old" I cross my arms and pout " you ready to go?" It was more of me telling her rather than asking her because I was actually the one driving.

I never liked the taste of alcohol and I can't drink anyways so we both agreed on me driving my car knowing I was most definitely gonna be sober walking out of this party. Not saying that she was gonna get super drunk or anything but there was no way I was getting in a car with her and he bad driving skills especially when she wasn't sober. "Let's go grumpy pants she says her goodbye and we finally leave.

On our way home Ryan and  I sat in a very comfortable silence. I thought it was gonna stay that way but I was obviously mistaken. "So, Laken" Ryan elongated the word 'so' meaning she wanted to say or ask me something. "So, Ry" I mimicked her and waited for her response "everyone at the party said they saw this short curly haired girl with half black half yellow shirt? Ripped black jeans and a long giant black long jacket leave disappear with luka " my eyes widen because that was my exact discrimination. "Yeah , and" I briefly look at her before instantly putting my eyes back on the road. "How is he, is he cool? Is he cute? Is he funny?" Ryan suddenly gasped after asking all those questions as if she had thought of a better one. "Is he an asshole? Is he full of himself? Is he a weirdo or a psycho? Is h-"

"Can you at least let me answer you please" I  didn't mean to sound, I knew she was curious I just didn't like be bombarded with questions at the moment. She sat the in silence with a big smile on her face, waiting for my answer but all I could think of saying was "he's pretty cool I guess" I could see her slouching in disappointment from my perifial vision. To be honest I don't really quite understand what I think about him. At least not yet.

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