Chapter 27

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Finally having our first barbeque tomorrow for Warped! Stoooooked!

Austin pressed the 'post' button in the top right corner of his screen. His phone made a bird tweeting sound to confirm that his tweet was sent.

He looked at Dani, sitting next to him on the bus. She smiled at him, happy to finally feel at ease with all the drama that's been going on in her life lately. It seemed like things were finally getting back to normal.

Vic hopped on board, singing an inaudible song in a high exaggerated octave. He sat down beside Dani and smiled widely at her.

"Tell me you guys are just as pumped as I am."

"First barbeque on Warped ever." Dani said, smiling.

Vic raised his eyebrows. "Never got GL'ed for anything?"

Dani shook her head. "I was never special enough."

Austin wrapped his arms around her and kissed the side of her face. "The specialist of people don't even need to be GL'ed," he said. "They get in just by pure recognition."

Dani rolled her eyes. "All right, enough sweet talking me." She craned her neck back so she was only inches from his face. He kissed her quickly before getting up even quicker and grabbing her hand.

"Set's in twenty minutes, babe. Remember if you think you see Trace in the crowd..."

"Don't take my eyes off of him and snap my fingers. Austin, I know." Dani smiled sweetly, annoyed by the fact that he had taken such a cautionary hold on her. But she knew why he did it.

He smiled and pulled her to her feet, kissing the top of her head. "Coming, Vic?" He asked cheerily without waiting for his response.

All the guys said their hellos to Dani as they made it to the stage. Jeff handed her a water bottle and her mic. Hanging the chord over her shoulder, she slowly sipped the water and exercised her voice.

After several minutes passed, her eyes searched for Austin but he was nowhere to be seen. Instead she saw Vic, sitting on one of the steps scrolling through his phone.

She walked toward him and kicked his shoe, disrupting his concentration. He looked up at her and grimaced. She grimaced back.

"Where'd Austin go?" She asked.

"Had a phone call. Probably more people asking to be GL'ed tomorrow." Vic shrugged.

"You got any GL'ed girls for this barbeque?" Dani teased.

Vic laughed and shrugged. "A few. Just girls that live in the area. Most of them I've known."

"Any guys?"

Vic looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Nah, I don't invite guys to these things. Guest lists are almost always 99.9% chicks."

"Of course." Dani laughed to herself.

"Should've seen how many girls used to beg Austin to guest list them."

Dani was quiet.



She caught something in the corner of her eye and looked up to see Austin, shoving his phone back in his jeans pocket. He smiled and waved at her. She smiled and waved back.

"Guest list?" Vic asked.

Austin nodded. "Lizzie, friend from around here." He grimaced, stretching his arms back and cradling his head in the palms of his hands. "She's got a thing for Alan. Always has. Used me to get his dick."

Vic laughed. "Classic GL bitches."

Andrew whistled. Dani turned toward the sound. He was motioning for her to come out on stage as he walked up himself. She looked back at the guys.

"See you after?" Dani smiled, looking up at Austin. He pulled her into a hug and gave her a quick kiss. "You gonna walk me out after, Vic?" She asked.

Vic nodded. "You know I'm always here for you."

She smiled widely at him before running out on the stage as the guys started their first song.


Across the lot, she could see Austin's band playing on the Monster Energy Stage as she finished her last song. A few seconds afterward, his first song ended. They both stared in each other's directions but Dani couldn't tell if he was looking at her. When he started talking in the microphone, her question was answered.

"And if you do a 180, folks, you will see my beautiful girlfriend and her band just about to get off the stage."

She could feel her cheeks burning as a huge smile spread across her face. "And there's my sexy boyfriend, beginning his set behind you guys now!"

Everyone turned around and cheered loudly. From all the way across the lot, she could see Austin smile and laugh.

"I love you, Dani." He said deep into the microphone. She could hear his crowd just as equally loud enough as her own.

"I love you, too, Austin!" She said more loudly into her own microphone. Half the crowd "aww'd" and her smile stretched even wider.

She could never be happier to have this moment happening in her life right now.

As she, Vic, and the rest of her band were walking across the lot, talking about how excited they were for tomorrow, someone pulled her shoulder back. She spun around and came face to face with someone whom she had never met before.

His arms were covered in tattoos; he was really skinny; slightly taller than her; had short, curly, dark hair, and caramel colored eyes. In all honesty, she found this guy really attractive.

"Hey, you're Dani Perry, right?" He asked. His voice was incredibly drawing and sexy. Dani had to picture Austin's smile just to forget how attractive she found this guy.

"Dani?" She heard Vic behind her suddenly realize she had gone missing. The rest of her band was waiting several feet ahead. "Is everything okay?" Vic sized up the guy she was talking to.

"I'll meet you at my bus." She waved him away quickly. Hesitantly, and with one last glance at the guy, Vic turned and left Dani.

"Sorry, I don't mean to be a bother..." he said.

"No, no!" Dani said with a laugh. "It's all good. I just have a lot of protective guy friends is all."

The guy smiled, exposing his imperfect, slightly crooked teeth. "Understandable." He stared at her for a few more seconds before coming back to reality. "My name's August. I'm not in any band or anything, I'm just a regular guy who comes to shows, likes to party, get drunk, you know...the whole nine yards. From what I understand, you're having a barbeque tomorrow, right?"

Dani laughed nervously. "I see where this is going. Look, August, I really don't even know how to guest list someone. I'm here because of another guy getting my band put on the list."

August laughed. "Yeah, I know, I've heard. Hey, I've been guest listed before and I guarantee if you ask someone, they'll tell you how to do it. I just want my buddy and myself to be able to go to a party and have a great time with some awesome dudes and ladies like yourself."

Dani blushed. "I mean, I can't promise much." She bit her lip and narrowed her eyes. "What's your friend's name?"

"Jackson Ferrelli."

"And what's your full name?"

"August Winters."

"That has to be the coolest name I've ever heard." Dani said with a laugh.

August laughed as well. "I've had people tell me that before. So, think you could get us on there?"

Dani pursed her lips and rocked her head slowly from shoulder to shoulder. "Yeah...I think I can get you on there somehow."

August smiled. "You're the best." He pulled out his phone. "Here, give me your number and I'll text you to remind you."

Dani watched him as he typed in her number and then smiled at him. "I'll be hearing from you, then!" She said, turning to walk away. "Nice to meet you!"

"No, the pleasure is all mine, Danielle. Really."


"A guy asked if he and one of his friends could be GL'ed?" Vic asked. They were all in Dani's tour bus, watching a movie on the flat screen hitched on their wall.

Dani shrugged. "How do I do that?"

"I can get them on there for you, but isn't it kind of weird that you didn't even see his friend?"

"They probably split up to look for someone. Have you ever considered that?" Dani said.

Vic shook his head. "You shouldn't agree to guest list someone you haven't seen face to face...not you personally as a girl anyway. Guys are skeez balls and will take advantage of any girl who can GL them. It's happened to Jenna before."

"I have you. I have my band. I have Austin." Dani argued. "I'll be fine, Vic."

Jeff suddenly spoke up. "Have you heard from Trace at all?"

Dani sighed. "He hasn't texted me since the other night at dinner when Austin found out he was still creepily watching and texting me but I highly doubt he's done with me."

"This guy could be a friend of his." He said.

"Trace isn't getting into the barbeque. And there's no way he knows him. We're miles away from New York."

Vic shook his head. "I'm scared for you." He grabbed her hand. "I'll put them on the list because I don't want to make you out to look like a bitch, but if I see any sketchy activity from either of them, I'm kicking them out."

"Fair enough."

Vic pointed a finger at her, close to her face. "Don't get too drunk."

Dani's eyes widened. Vic's expression didn't change. He was serious.

"And if you do get drunk enough, keep yourself and your genitals near Austin at all times."

Dani laughed. "I'm not going to get smashed."

Vic gave her a skeptical glance. "Promise me."

Dani rolled her eyes. "I promise, Vic, I won't get too drunk and sleep with some guy I barely know."

Vic put out his pinky and with a small smile, Dani hooked her own around his. She looked him in the eyes and he stared back at her, expressionless.

"I trust you," he said softly. "Please keep yourself safe."

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