Chapter 25

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It had almost been a week since Vic kissed her.

And she still didn't tell Austin.

Kellin, and her own band, were getting annoyed.

"I'll do it today," she promised. Kellin shot her a skeptical glance behind the Monster Energy stage. "I really will."

"Are you also going to tell him about the creepy messages from Trace?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Her mouth dropped but she closed it quickly. "That's not important. I can handle him."

"He's stalking you, Dani. And none of us know how."

"I can handle him," she repeated.

Sleeping With Sirens went on stage and she stayed in the back, chewing her cuticles while she was leaning against an amp. She had no desire to be anywhere else right now.

But unfortunately, anxiety found her. Vic climbed behind the stage. Her eyes widened and she stared at him. He smiled, taking a seat next to her.

"Your band's been looking for you. You have a set in fifteen minutes."

"Yeah," she laughed nervously. "I'll head over in a few."

"I'd be happy to walk you."

"No." She snapped. She took a deep breath, realizing how harsh that sounded. "No. Thanks though."

As she got up and was about to make her way out, the thing she feared the most was spoken behind her.

"I know you haven't said anything yet, Dani." She turned slowly to face Vic. Every inch of his face was covered with concern. "I'm honestly trying to be your friend again, that's all. Just tell him."

She nodded, turning quickly and heading toward the Ernie Ball stage. She tried her hardest to ignore the vibration in her pocket as she strode across the venue.

"About time you got here!" Jeff said, throwing Dani her microphone. She was shocked to find Austin there, smiling at her.

"Glad to see you made it today," she said with a forceful smile.

"I had to make it up to you." He shrugged, kissing the top of her head. "Be amazing as always."

She flashed a small smile before heading out on stage.


Uncomfortableness settled everywhere she went. Kellin's words rang back in her head about the thought eating away at her like the Trace secret she had kept for so long.

She was headed across the venue to her signing booth, knowing she had to make up for not being there the past few days. She sat down next to a surprised Erick and planted a fake smile on her face while their next fan came up.

While the hour passed, unsurprisingly, Austin showed up and took his seat next to Dani. Once the crowd died down, he finally said it; the words she'd been dreading for a week.

"What's up with you?"

She looked at him, heartbreak crossing over her face. Erick nudged her, signaling for her to leave. She grabbed Austin's hand and pulled him away from the crowd and into the bus lot. She knew the conversation wasn't private to Trace at all; he was about to hear every word, but maybe that was a good thing.

She stopped in front of her own tour bus, shaking excessively. She could feel her whole body breaking out into a cold sweat. Her throat felt scratchy and dry. She didn't know if she could do it.

"Dani, what's the matter?" He asked, placing his hands on her shaking arms. "You're shaking so much..."

She stared up at him. Her mouth opened but the words didn't come out. She swallowed over the lump in her throat and tried again.

"First, I want you to know that you're amazing and I care about you and you're the only guy I've ever felt completely comfortable around..." Her voice cracked on several words but she kept her composure with slow breaths in and out.

Austin's face turned to remorse but he nodded slowly. She took another deep breath and closed her eyes, instantly knowing she was going to regret this.

"Vic kissed me."

It was quiet. She was still shaking. Austin turned unbelievably still. She opened one eye and looked up at his face. It was emotionless. It was like he turned off completely.


"When?" He asked sternly.

She felt like shrinking into a ball. "Almost...a week ago."

Austin's hands dropped from her arms. He turned and headed further down the lot. She found movement in her legs and sprinted after him, turning him around.

"But it was harmless and he apologized for it. It wasn't for any revengeful purpose or anything."

"Dani..." he said softly but sternly yet again. "Let go of my arm."

Swallowing hard, she loosened her grip on his arm and he continued through the lot. She watched with wide eyes as he headed for the Pierce the Veil bus. She quickly ran after him and followed him on board.

Vic was sitting at the booth on his phone. It was almost like he prepared for this. He didn't seem surprised to see Austin. Dani stood back, unsure of what to do. Her eyes darted to Austin, standing several feet taller than Vic was right now.

"Why?" Austin's voice sounded hurt.

"I'm sorry, Austin. It was impulsive and stupid."

It was quiet. Austin was gripping the other booth's seat tightly. "If this is because of—"

"It's nothing like that," Vic interrupted, meeting Dani's eyes. "All three of us here know where Dani's heart truly lies. I accepted that weeks ago, Austin."

Austin stared at Vic and Vic at Austin. Danielle was afraid of what might happen if she even blinked.

"Don't...ever...ever do that again," Austin's voice was eerily calm. He turned away and walked past Dani and out of the bus. Vic stared at her, suddenly looking terrified.

"Thank you, Dani." he said softly. "Thank you for finally doing that."

Without saying another word to him, she turned and left herself, following Austin to his own bus. When they got inside, he went straight for the alcohol, pouring himself a shot. He gulped it down quickly and winced before turning to Dani.

"You should've told me sooner," he said, heading to the mini fridge for a Monster.

"I'm sorry..." she said timidly. Austin placed his Monster can on the counter. Instead of opening it, he clenched the edge of the counter, squeezing his eyes shut.

When he opened his eyes again, he looked at Dani. She stared up at him, her eyebrows pulled together with shame and concern. She was taken by surprise when he pulled her into a hug tighter than she's ever experienced.

"I love you, Dani," he said quietly into her hair. He sounded like he was about to cry. She hugged him back even tighter, pressing her face into his shirt. "I love you. I really, really do. I never want to hurt you the way Trace has. I never want to hurt you ever again. I love you."

She smiled. She had waited years to hear him say that. "I love you more."

He laughed lightly. "Let's not play that game," he said, resting his chin on top of her head. "But I do. I really, really do."

She smiled even wider.

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