Chapter 12

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"Fuck yeah, we're in Canada!" Danielle screamed into her microphone once she bounded onto stage. The large crowd shouted with her. "Damn, I'm loving this crowd. You're an energetic bunch, aren't you?" They screamed once more, causing her to laugh.

"These past few days have been some of the most stressful days of my life. But I've come to the conclusion that you guys will always come first before anything else. I love you all more than words can describe. No matter what, I know I can always count on you more than anyone." The crowd shouted in reply. A genuine smile spread across her face. "We're going to start off with a cover song from The Veronicas called Everything I'm Not—sing along if you know the words!"

In some way, she was hoping Austin was nearby, listening, but she didn't dare look over at the side of the stage or anywhere in the venue, hoping to see his face. Once she got to the chorus, she screamed her heart out;

"I was losing myself to somebody else – but now I see – I don't want to pretend so this is the end – of you and me – 'cuz the girl that you want – she was tearing us apart – 'cuz she's everything, everything – I'm not."

She felt like a bottomless pit formed inside her stomach. Tears pricked the corner of her eyes but she continued on with the song, regaining her composure.


Austin sat in his tour bus, scrolling down the "Daustin" tag on Instagram. He was waiting for Danielle to go on so he could see her play and possibly catch her before or after her set. He wanted nothing more than to have her shut her mouth for two seconds so he could explain the whole Alyssa situation to her, but she just wouldn't listen. He understood why; he hurt her—unintentionally, of course—and she wouldn't just sit back and let him ruin her life like Trace did. That's what scared him at the moment, losing her over a stupid situation.

Alyssa came out from the back, still in her pajamas. "Morning, sunshine." she said cheerily. He didn't respond. She curled up on the couch next to him, watching as he scrolled through the pictures. "What are you doing?"

"Wishing I wasn't such an idiot."

She laughed. "You're not an idiot." She attempted to kiss his cheek but he stood up quickly, shoving his phone in his pocket.

"What's wrong with you?" Alyssa snapped.

"Nothing's wrong with me." He put on his jacket and stuffed his hands inside their pockets, walking toward the door. "I'm going to watch Danielle's band play."

"Why do you seem so interested in her?" Alyssa asked defiantly.

He stared menacingly at her. "We've been through this."

Alyssa raised an eyebrow. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you two were dating."

Without responding, he left the bus and trudged across the parking lot, pulling his hood up as he entered the venue. He walked quickly toward the Ernie Ball Stage. Just as he got there, he saw Danielle run up on the stage energetically. He sat on one of the steps, hidden in the back, while she began her introduction like she did before every set. Once she started the first song, he watched as she became more immersed in the music than she's ever been, running around the stage and reaching her hands out to the kids that reached at the front of the barricade—and then he started listening to the lyrics.

He banged his head against the column behind him, cursing under his breath. He stood up at the same moment Danielle was turning in his direction. Their eyes met; fear flashed in her eyes, but she didn't stop singing. Jeff followed her gaze. Once he saw Austin, his eyes turned cold. Danielle quickly turned back to the crowd.

"What are you doing?" Jeff mouthed angrily.

"I want to talk to her." Austin replied.

Jeff shook his head with an advisory look in his eyes. "She doesn't want to talk."

Austin took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Once the song ended, Jeff turned back to the crowd, smiling. Danielle introduced the next song—a song she wrote about her addiction. His mind flashed back to last night when he saw the handkerchief around her wrist. His eyes flashed toward her wrist now. Still decoratively tied there was the handkerchief.

While the music started, Austin got up and walked away, realizing Jeff wasn't going to pay any more attention to him. He listened to the pain in her voice as she sang. He wished he didn't have to leave. But he knew she wouldn't even bother looking at him.

He messed up. Big time.


"No," Danielle said, signing her name furiously onto a poster of her and her band before sliding it to Jeff next.

"He wants to talk to you, Dani," Jeff said in a whisper, signing his name and sliding it to Erick. "And people keep asking about you two."

"I don't give two shits." Dani said angrily. "I'm not messing around with relationships right now, Jeff. It's over."

Jeff sighed frustratedly, leaning back in his seat as the next fan walked forward. After Dani gave the girl a hug and posed for a picture, someone came running over.

"Danielle, can I talk to you?" Ronnie Radke asked, stepping into their booth.

"If this is about your friend, I'll gladly pass on that conversation." She smiled sarcastically at him.

Ronnie leaned down so he was next to her face. She suddenly felt highly uncomfortable.

"I don't mean to be a dick but—okay, scratch that, yes I do—you're being a stuck up, selfish bitch and jumping to conclusions before you know the whole story. You get out of an unhealthy year and a half long relationship and then dump one of the nicest guys you know barely after two weeks because of something you thought was going on."

Danielle considered this fact. Ronnie didn't budge. None of the guys were backing her up either. She knew they all agreed with him. Why wouldAustin cheat on her? It made no sense. But at the same time, he never even officially called her his girlfriend.

"The fact is he never even officially asked me to be his girlfriend. Explain that to me."

"Oh, sorry, didn't know you needed official recognition. Honestly, Dani, I thought you were more down to earth than this. Do you think you're of some high importance because he wants you? It doesn't work like that."

"Why are you such an ass?" She asked loudly.

"Because you won't talk to your sulking boyfriend. His fans are getting mildly suspicious at this point. Trust me, Danielle, if they find out you broke his already poor heart, they would slit your throat." Ronnie raised his eyebrows at her. Danielle swallowed hard. "Go talk to your boyfriend before I have to drag you to him myself."

"He's not my—"

"Shut the fuck up and go talk to him."

Ronnie stepped out of the booth after that and walked away, leaving Danielle even more pissed off. She looked down the table at the rest of her band; they all looked away from her gaze awkwardly at the same time. She was right—they all agreed with Ronnie.

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