10. Confused

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Lydia's pov:
"I feel like everyone is staring at me." I mutter to Allison, people passing down the hallway throwing me intrigued glances before continuing on their way.
"I think they are." Stiles says, also watching passing classmates.

Allison closes her locker, readjusting the books in her hands before we make our way down the hall.
"It's kind of creeping me out." I comment. Eventually Scott joins us, grabbing not Allison's hand making me notice Stiles hand brushing against mine as we all walk.

I roll my eyes before grabbing his hand and he stiffens.
"Wh-what are you doing?" He stutters.
"It was bothering me. You either grow some balls and hold my hand or you don't." I groan, never looking over at him. I can practically hear him thinking about it until he grips my hand tighter, getting more comfortable.

"I'm still not okay with him." Scott says, referring to Stiles and I roll my eyes as we walk into our first class. We take three seats in the back, Stiles sitting criss cross on top of my desk, but as class starts he sits on the floor instead. Why the hell is everyone still staring at me? I think, looking around the room.

"Excuse me, are you supposed to be in here?" Miss Blake asks and I look up from my paper, furrowing my brows.
"Yessssss." I draw out.
"No, not you Lydia. The boy on the ground next to you."
I freeze at her words, glancing at Stiles and he stands politely looking around. And it hits me. Everyone was staring at him.

"He's, uh, a foreign exchange student. From France....doesn't say much." I lie and Miss Blake seems to buy it.
"Bonjour." Stiles mutters and I internally groan.
"Comment allez vous?" Miss Blake asks. My face pales. Oh my god.

"Très bien, merci." Stiles responds. WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING?
He sits down in the desk next to me with a smirk and I throw him a "what the hell?!" Look so he shrugs.

"I can't breath." Stiles takes deep breaths as we sit down in the cafeteria, fanning his eyes as though tears will spill over at any moment.
"I'm so confused." Allison comments and I nod in agreement as Stiles leans back with a groan.

"I'm gonna throw up." He squeezes his eyes shut tightly, wheezing and I roll my eyes.
"You can't throw up. You don't eat." I say.
"It's called word vomit!" He spits. The whole situation was confusing alone. People can see him now? Why? It's not like everyone just started to randomly believe in him at the same exact time.

"Alright, we're going home." I stand abruptly, grabbing Stiles by the arm and yanking him up. He looks between me and Allison, getting ready to protest.
"What? No way! I haven't gone to school since ye olden times."
I raise my brows. "You like school?"

He licks his lips and cocks his head, thinking about it.
"Well....no but-" I drag him away from the table, saying a quick goodbye to Allison before heading to the front of the school.

"Lydia!" A voice calls.
I immediately slump, slowly turning around with a fake smile.
"Hi Jackson." I greet.
"Where you going?" He asks making me glance over my shoulder towards the school doors that lead outside. My attention then catches on a confused Stiles and an idea pops into mine.

I grab his hand, intertwining our fingers before stepping closer to him.
"Just skipping class with my boyfriend." I beam, leaning my head on Stiles shoulder and I can hear him swallow harshly as Jacksons face drops.
"Oh." His smile is lesser now and I nod.
"Yeah he's French." I add for affect and Jackson gives us a courtesy nod.

"So I...guess I'll see you later?" Jackson asks hopefully.
"Mmm or never. Bye!" I wave with an enthusiastic smile as the roach starts to back away. Then, just to be sure, I roughly grab Stiles by the collar of his shirt and connect our lips in an awkward kiss. I'm pretty sure it looked like I was trying to eat his face off but as soon as Jackson leaves I push him off of me and wipe my lips on the back of my hand.

"Okay, please explain!" Stiles exclaims, pointing to where Jackson was just standing.
"He's had a schoolgirl crush on me since the fifth grade. Very obsessive and he still thinks he has a chance with me." I say, grabbing him by the hand and dragging him out of the schools doors before he can ask anymore questions.

"I just rode in a car!" Stiles jumps up and down like a little kid.
I grab onto his arm and pull him into my house and upstairs to my room.
"Lydia, I just rode in a car!" He repeats in the same excited tone.
"Don't you think something weird is going on?" I ask.

The question kind of brings him down from his high and he flops down in my desk chair with a sigh, not answering.
"Stiles, you're practically human!" I shout, stepping closer to him as his gaze meets the ground.
"I know! And it's the best thing that's ever happened to me! I'll get to be normal. Or at least try to be..." He trails off. "I'll get to be with you." He adds silently.

I press my lips to a thin line before speaking again. "Stiles look at me." His eyes stay to the floor. "Look at me." I say through gritted teeth and he obeys.
"This? Us? It's not a thing. It's never gonna happen." Though the words were harsh, I speak as gently as possible.

He stands, cupping my cheeks with his hands before enveloping me in a kiss in a matter of seconds. And I kiss back. Long and gentle and sweet.
"You're a terrible liar." He whispers once we pull back.
"I know."
Authors note:

So I had this chapter ready last night but I was at my brothers wedding and then I had to get on a plane early this morning and it was just very exhausting so please except this chapter late😬

Comment, read, enjoy!

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