Chapter 5

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Spottedpaw padded away from the spot she and Hawkfall had been speaking at. She sighed.

Should I be a medicine cat apprentice? Starclan seems to think so.

She shook her head. "I'm a warrior."

Lilystream, Redpaw's mentor, nodded at her as she walked into camp. Spottedpaw smiled at her.

"Do you know where Redpaw is?" She meowed. Lilystream shook her head.

"Sorry. I gave her a break, but we're going out soon to do some battle training. You can tag along, if you'd like. I think Vinefoot's on patrol."

Spottedpaw's heart sank at the thought of battle training. She still wasn't very fond of it.

"Okay. Yeah, thanks."

Before she could go find her friend, Featherleaf padded up to her. "Spottedpaw!" She smiled. Spottedpaw nuzzled her mother.

"How are you doing?" The gray she-cat asked. "I hope your training is going okay."

Spottedpaw nodded. "It's fun! I like hunting and talking with the elders. I'm glad I'm an apprentice."

Featherleaf gazed at her daughter. "Oh, I'm so glad you're enjoying it. My only kit, growing up!" She purred. Spottedpaw flattened her ears.

"I need to find Redpaw. Do you know where she is?"

Featherleaf pointed with her tail at the apprentice's den. "I think she's taking a nap."

Spottedpaw brushed against her, then smiled. "I'll talk to you later, mom!"

"See you!" Featherleaf dipped her head and walked away.

Spottedpaw bounded towards the apprentice den and peeked her head in. "Redpaw!"

The reddish-brown she cat raised her head. "Yes?" She mumbled groggily.

"Wanna go explore?" Spottedpaw asked. Her friend stood up and shook out her pelt.

"Of course!" She exclaimed. Redpaw stepped out of the den. "Where are we going?"

Spottedpaw was about to open her mouth before Sandtalon, a warrior, stopped her.

"Now now, you know apprentices aren't allowed outside of camp by themselves." She meowed. The golden warrior stretched, her long claws glinting in the sunlight.

Redpaw tilted her head. "Tigerlily said we are!"

Sandtalon shrugged. "That's what Reedblaze said. I'd ask him to go out, if I were you." She leaned closer to Redpaw. "Though he will probably say no."

Spottedpaw nodded. "Thanks!" She meowed. When they walked away, Redpaw leaned over.

"Isn't that Reedblaze's sister?"

Spottedpaw nodded. "I think so. Why?"

"I feel like she'd be a better deputy than him!" Redpaw laughed. Spottedpaw snorted.

"Rainstar chose him for a reason, I guess. Look, there he is!"

Redpaw looked up at the Meeting Stone, where Reedblaze was talking to Rainstar. Their leader looked angry.

"I don't care what Featherstar says! He isn't expanding that border. We need the territory more than he does!"

Reedblaze unsheathed his claws. "I say we go attack them right now!"

Rainstar gave him a look. "Now hold on. We can't just go invade right now. Shadowclan would definitely have the upper paw."

The two apprentices sat at the bottom of the rock, glancing at each other.

Finally Spottedpaw spoke. "Maybe we shouldn't bother them right now." She whispered.

Unfortunately, Reedblaze finally noticed them. "Hey! What are you doing down there? Eavesdropping?"

Redpaw stood up, her scarlet tail kinked over her back. "We aren't dropping any eaves." She laughed. Reedblaze rolled his eyes.

"What do you need, then?"

Spottedpaw tilted her head. "Can we go out and explore?" She asked. Rainstar narrowed his eyes.

"Of course you can. Why did you even ask?"

Reedblaze shook his head. "No! Shadowclan might attack them!"

Rainstar sighed. "Reedblaze. I'm sure that Shadowclan is devoting all of their time and energy to trying to defeat us, but these apprentices can handle themselves. Maybe you just don't go near Shadowclan?" He smiled.

Redpaw nodded. "Of course, Rainstar! Thank you!"

The leader dipped his head, then turned to Reedblaze.

Spottedpaw didn't stay and listen. She looked at Redpaw, who was bounding away.

Her friend turned around. "Come on!"

She followed her outside of camp. They soon approached the river. Spottedpaw stared down at the running water.

"Woah! Look at this pebble!" Redpaw gingerly whacked a rock out of the river with her paw. It was shiny and silver.

"You should take it." Spottedpaw meowed to her. "To decorate your nest with, you know?"

"I think I will. It's nice." Redpaw picked it up with her teeth and set it down next to a berry plant.

Spottedpaw sniffed at the greenery. "Did you know that this is juniper? It helps with stomach aches." She meowed to her friend. Redpaw glanced up at her.

"You're not thinking of becoming a medicine cat apprentice, are you?" She asked the calico cat.

"I-I mean, Hawkfall thinks it would be a good idea." She thought back to the gray and white tom. "I mean, I'm really good at herbs and stuff..."

"If you want to. I wouldn't want to be stuck in the medicine den all day, though. I want to hunt and fight for the clan!" Redpaw flashed out a paw and hit the water, sending silver droplets flying through the air. Spottedpaw nodded glumly.

"Yeah. Fighting for the clan."

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