New Beginnings

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"Where were you two?" asked Fred as Shaggy and Cleo found there friends with Alejo's mother and wife. "Oh, just Shaggy expressing his concerns about something. Nothing to worry about." said Cleo. "But like, where are Catman and Scooby?" asked Shaggy. "Beats us, Scooby ran over here and grabbed Cat before running off somewhere." said Spacman. "That's not like Scooby." said Cleo. "Yeah well Shaggy hasn't exactly been himself either." said Demon. "Demon!" warned Cleo. "Forgive me, but it's time for us to honor the dead and we would like for you to join us." said Alejo's mother. Everyone stood near the grave of Senior Otero as they placed gifts down for him. "My, that buzzing sound is awfully annoying." said Rath. "Ugh, no kiddin, how do you expect us to respect another person's tomb with that buzzing!?" asked Nefertina. "Hey, I hear it too!" said Armon. "Buzzing sound?" asked Daphne. "Yes, I hear it as well, it's loudest over here." said Cleo who was standing next to Luis. Before anyone could go any further, a "spirit" came out of the grave they were standing at claiming to be the ghost of Alejo's father. The spirit was telling them that they should sell the land because it was cursed. "This looks and sounds nothing like my father! Pease! Someone is playing a trick on us!" said Alejo as everyone gasped. "And I think I know who." said Starchild. "If it gets rid of that thing then lead the way." said Demon pointing to the "ghost". "Glad you asked." said Starchild leading everyone to a stone building and opening the door. There was someone wearing a skeleton's costume holding a remote control in there. "Really now, if you going to try and buy land off these people, at least attempt to speak their language!" sighed Cleo making the skeleton turn. "Pay no attention to the skeleton behind the curtain!" he said. "Might as well give up, we can already see you." said Demon rolling his eyes. The skeleton tried to make them go away by closing the curtain but Fred walked over and opened it. "Shall I deal with this one?" asked Cleo whose eyes lit up. "Oh no, WE'LL handle it!" said Rath ushering everyone outside. "No peaking!" said Armon shutting the door as Scooby and Catman walked up. "Scooby Doo! Where were you!?" asked Shaggy as screaming could be heard from inside. "Uh what's going on in there?" asked Catman. "Oh, brother dear and his friends are just helping catch someone who could very well tie into the mystery." said Cleo. "Like, OK, but if they're doing that, how do you explain HIM!?" cried Shaggy pointing up to the top of the church. "Oh dear, here we go again!" said Cleo. "El Chupacabra!" cried Spaceman. "RUN!" yelled Fred as everyone ran off in different directions. 

(Starchild is hiding under the bench with Daphne. While Shaggy and Scooby are eating, Catman's running past them. Fred and Velma are still on the stage. Spaceman is the one who throws the pumpkin and not Velma and Cleo and Demon are the ones hiding behind the gravestones with the locals.)

"They caught the monster!" cried Alejo's son, Jorge. "The monster might be a little strong." said Fred unzipping the costume and the museum lady was shown to be the one inside. "Oh look, it would seem as though brother dear caught our second culprit." said Cleo as Armon came over carrying a man with red hair tied up in bandages. "Is it me or does he look familiar?" asked Spaceman. "He should, we were hanging off his billboard when we saw a skunk in the middle of the road." said Demon. "Oh right, Mr. Smiley." said Spaceman. "Uh gang, like I'll be back!" cried Shaggy as Catman pulled him away from the group. "Where are you two going!? We haven't finished yet!" called Fred. "Looks like you'll have to do it without me!" called Shaggy back. 

Catman continued to drag Shaggy farther into the cemetery until he figured he was far enough and let go. "OK, like should I be worried right about now?" asked Shaggy. "Why didn't you say something earlier?" asked Catman crossing his arms. "Huh?" asked Shaggy scratching his head. "About the fact I'M the one you've been crushing on this whole time." he said. "ZOINKS! Who told you!?" cried Shaggy. "Scooby." said Catman. "Scooby Doo! When I get my hands on you!" cried Shaggy trying to make a run for it but Catman grabbed his collar before he could get anywhere. "No you don't! You're not going anywhere until we talk this over." said Catman. "Like OK! You got me! I like you! A lot! I've been trying to show you how much I actually like you since the incident at the hotel but you ignored my first attempt with the painting!" said Shaggy. "That was you who painted that?" asked Catman. "Like yeah....I asked Cleo and Rath to keep a secret because I didn't know if you returned my feelings or not. And like believe me, I totally get if you want to put this behind us and just remain friends! Nothing wrong with being friends!" cried Shaggy nervously. Catman raised a brow at Shaggy. "How long have you liked me exactly?" asked Catman. "Like I don't know. Since our trip to Egypt. Maybe longer." said Shaggy. "Wait a minute, your telling me when that crazy Hotep guy was walking around saying how in love we supposedly are...." began Catman. "Like no! I really did almost faint that time! It wasn't until AFTER we left that kooky place that the idea crossed my mind! Like I swear!" cried Shaggy. "And you didn't bother to say anything to me?" asked Catman. "Like you were against the idea and I was afraid you'd reject me if I asked you!" said Shaggy. "Only because I thought YOU were against the idea!" said Catman. "Like hold up! You mean you like me too and I went through all this trouble and scares for nothing!?" cried Shaggy grabbing his head. "Looks it." said Catman. The two stood there awkwardly for a few minutes until Shaggy spoke up. " how bout it? Wanna grab a pizza with me or something when we get back home?" he asked nervously. "I'd like that. But seriously, no more hiding things." said Catman. "Like deal!" said Shaggy. "Well now, that seemed to have gone better than expected." said Cleo leaning on a tree. "Zoinks! How long have you been standing there!?" cried Shaggy. "A good majority of the time." said Rath crossing his arms. "Cleo, like your supposed to be my best friend! You don't spy on me like that!" cried Shaggy. "Oh? And if I recall correctly you and Scooby did the same thing to me did you not?" asked Cleo cocking a brow. "Some friends you and Scooby are!" cried Shaggy. "Oh come off it. Now, if you two are done, we've wrapped up the mystery and about about to celebrate with everyone. Are you coming or not?" asked Cleo. "Oh boy! I forgot about the free food!" cried Shaggy grabbing Catman's arm and running back towards the others. "He's worse than Armon, you know that don't you?" asked Rath. "Some would say they're practically related!" laughed Cleo going after her friends as Rath followed behind her.     

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