Help Where You Least Expect It

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The gang finally met up with Alejo and Luis' mother, Dona Dolores, for lunch. "Looks like for once we actullay get to grab something to eat before Shag gets to it." said Demon pulling out a chair for Cleo. "That reminds me, where ARE Shaggy and Rath. You'd think he'd have caught him by now." said Daphne. "And I did." said Rath coming into view with something over his shoulder. Nefertina had immediately burst out laughing. "Told you he'd catch him, Cleo." said Starchild. "Like someone want to untie me!?" cried Shaggy who was wrapped tightly in a cocoon of what Cleo guessed were the bandages that covered her brother's body. "So you can run off again and someone ELSE has to go after you!?" asked Demon. "I will say, he runs faster than I thought he would." said Rath sitting next to Cleo. "That's Shaggy for you." said Velma as Armon sat Shaggy in a seat. "Hey man, like how am I supposed to eat if I'm tied up!?" asked Shaggy. "I'm sure Catman wouldn't mind leanding his assistance. You two ARE sitting right next to each other." said Cleo cocking a brow. "I prefer to do it with my own two hands." said Shaggy not realizing how harsh that actually sounded. "Shaggy!" gasped Cleo. "It's fine, Cleo, really. I wasn't hungry anyway." said Catman getting up and leaving the table. "Norville Rogers you ought to be ashamed of yourself!" scolded Cleo getting up and placing her hands on her hips. "Even I think that was a bit uncalled for." said Rath as Cleo stormed off after her friend. "Seriously, Shaggy, what did Cat ever do to you?" asked Spaceman causing Shaggy's face to heat up and slouch in his chair. 

"Cat, wait up!" called Cleo walking as fast as she could. "Save it, Cleo, I don't want to hear all about you defending Shaggy's actions, I'm not in the mood." said Catman. "Cat, it's not what you think!" said Cleo. But the drummer only ignored her and literally flew off causing Cleo to sigh. What was she going to do about her friends? Cleo rubbed her temples. The only way she was going to get those two to make up was if she could prove her theory that Shaggy might be carrying Catman's icon. Cleo needed help but she didn't know how without keeping Shaggy's secret. Unless... A smile came to Cleo's face. Maybe there WAS a way but first she needed to get back to the dining area so she could get her purse. And dare she say it, she was going to need her brother's help. Cleo walked briskly back to the dining area where everyone was still eating. And by the looks of it, Alejo and Luis just got back from somewhere. "I take it you weren't able to get Cat to come back, Cleo?" asked Starchild. "No but I might know someone who can help. Just need my purse and to burrow these two." said Cleo putting her purse back on and grabbing Shaggy who was now untied and Rath by the backs of their shirts. "Why do you need me!?" cried Rath as Cleo dragged him away from the table. "I have a feeling I'm going not going to like whatever scheme Cleo is cooking up now." said Shaggy. "Call it returning the favor for getting Demon and I together." said Cleo with a smirk. "I was afraid you'd say that!" cried Shaggy. "Yes, and while we're at it, SOMEONE can catch me up to speed is it?" said Rath. "The only reason I'm in need of your assistance is because your far better at magic then I. Plus I'm not exactly sure how to summon the spirit of someone from a certain object." said Cleo. "S-s-s-spirit!?" cried Shaggy. "Yes, Shaggy, a spirit, but not just ANY spirit." said Cleo. "Like meaning!?" cried Shaggy. "We're going to see if with my brother's magic and my mother's ankh we can call Fox back into the world of the living." said Cleo with a smirk. "An animal? Your going to patch up a friendship with an animal?" asked Rath in annoyance. "Not an animal, brother dear, Shaggy's cousin, the drummer of KISS before Catman." said Cleo. "Like way to open an old wound, Cleo!" yelled Shaggy. But the glare Cleo shot him told him to be quiet which he did. "Why can't people in this modern world ever have normal and regular names?" sighed Rath as Cleo let go of Shaggy so he could open the door to the small house he was staying in. "Funny, I often think the same thing when mother named you." said Cleo with a smirk as she followed Shaggy inside. "You know insulting me ISN'T the way to get my help!" yelled Rath following his sister and closing the door behind him. "Alright, Shaggy, hand it over." said Cleo holding out her palm. "Two questions, one, like why do we need your brother and two, like why the ankh!?" questioned Shaggy. "Because if my brother really CAN bring your cousin's soul back, we may need his help for as long as it takes for you to make amends with Catman, we'll need my mother's ankh to ensure he doesn't go back to where ever my brother summoned him from." said Cleo. "My sister IS correct. Ankhs were the symbol of life back in my day." said Rath crossing his arms. Shaggy still didn't look convinced. "Shaggy, do you wish to make up for the harshness you said earlier or not?" asked Cleo crossing her arms with a glare. "I know! I just....I don't want anyone to know about my secret crush on Catman!" cried Shaggy. Cleo quickly shot Rath a 'say a SINGLE WORD about it and this time I WON'T stop Mother's wrath from hitting you!' look. "Wait! Like before we do any magic whodoo voodoo, maybe we should check, you know,  just to be safe!" said Shaggy with a nervous smile. "And just WHAT are we checking for exactly?" asked Rath. "Oh, I'll tell you later, we'll just be a few minutes." said Cleo pushing Shaggy into the bathroom and locking the door behind her. "Alright, Shaggy, shirt first." said Cleo crossing her arms. Shaggy gave an innocent smile before slowly taking off his shirt. "Like I don't see anything, do you?" asked Shaggy looking over his front side. "Indeed I do." said Cleo cocking a brow as she circled around to Shaggy's backside. "Huh!? WHERE!?" cried Shaggy twisting around to look at his back. "Right here on the back of your shoulder." said Cleo pressing on the icon on Shaggy's shoulder blade. "Brain, shutting down, heart dropping into stomach, slowly losing consciousness. Night night." said Shaggy swaying slightly before passing out face first on the floor.            

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