Me and Rias were walking through the school halls.
Rias:Y/N, today the club room won't be available, because it's going under cleaning until tomorrow, instead we are going to meet at Isa's house, if you want to come.
Y/N:Yeah, sure.
Mona:Hey! I want to go too!
He said in my bag.
Rias:Of cource you can come.
*Timeskip after school*
Me and the ORC were walking to Isa's house except for Isa who went to her house early because she said she had to clean her room, we arrive at her house and knock on the door and when it opens we see Isa's mom.
Mrs.Hyoudou:Hello, you must be Isa's friends.*looks towards Y/N*And you must be Y/n, Isa talks so much about.
Y/N:Really?*thouths*I hope she talks normal stuff and not perverted.
We enter the house and we say "hello" to Isa's dad but I noticed that he was watching me carefully almost like analizing and it didn't went unnoticed by Mrs.Hyoudou.
Mrs.Hyoudou:Don't worry Y/n, he is just worried about his little girl.
Mrs.Hyoudou:Come on, I'll take you to her room.
We follow her towards Isa's room and when we enter we see Isa quickly trying to hide something in her closet.
Y/N:*thouths*I don't even want to ask what she is trying to hide.
After that they started to discuss about their contracts and devil stuff while me and Mona were planning on going deeper in mementos, until Mrs.Hyoudou came with cookies and what I can assume a photo album.
Mrs.Hyoudou:Sorry to bother you kids but I thouth you could use some snacks, I also brought a photo album from when Isa was younger.
Rias:Well, I think we do deserve a break, so let's take a look.
Mrs.Hyoudou Was flipping through the pages until we saw one of Isa with an orange hair kid but what stand out most to me was the sword, it felt as if I had to be careful from it and I notice that Yuri narrowed her eyes.
Yuri:Isa, do you recognize the sword on that picture?
Isa:Huh? No, that guy had that sword in his house, I would ask him but he moved away a while ago.
Yuri:I see, well it can't be helped.
Suddenly Rias got a phone call, she answers and after a few moments he hangs up.
I just got a call about some stray devil we need to eliminate, I'll make the portal, everyone get ready.
We are currently standing outside of an abandoned building where the stray is.
Rias:Is everyone ready?
Rias:Yuri, Koneko and Isa I want you to go in there and try to draw them out, it'll be easier to kill them in the open.
Y/N:I'm going in as well.
I say while transforming and Mona tranforms to.
Mona:I'm going too.
Isa, Koneko, Yuri, Mona and me enter the abandoned building and it was dark but it was still visible, it smelled a lot of blood, I hear sounds and I turn around and I see what would seem like a defenseless naked girl until she changed into a bug like form and jumped to the ceiling.
I look at Yuri and notice that she was spacing out as the stray was aproaching us.
Koneko:Yuri! Stay focused!
Yuri:Right, sorry!
The stray fired acid towards us and it was about to hit Koneko until I create an ice wall with my new persona Lilim as it melts the ice.
Mona:Show your might, Zorro!
He says while summoning Zorro to fire wind attack leaving the stray disoriented leaving an opening for Yuri.
Y/N:Now Yuri!
But she was still spacing out almost unaware of her surroundings, giving the stray enough time to recover and jump towards Yuri as she went to bite her.
I summon Decarabia and use a fire skill to stop the stray.
Koneko:With pleasure.
Koneko kicks the stray upwards breaking the ceiling and getting shoked by Akeno's lighting in the air.
Y/N:That lighting is quite powerful.
Isa:I wouldn't want to get hit by that, let's go.
We head outside to see Rias already eliminated the stray and Akeno landed with us.
Akeno:It's a shame they end up like this.
Isa:Wouldn't wanna end up like that.
We hear a slapping sound and we turn around to see Rias had slapped Yuri.
Rias:Yuri, what were you thinking?! You put everyone in danger and almost got yourself killed!
Yuri:I'm sorry, It won't happen again.
Rias:What's wrong this isn't like you?
Yuri:I'm just having a bad day, nos if you don't mind, I'm going home.
Yuri started to walk away while everyone looked at her concerned and I have a feeling I know what's bothering so I try to talk to her.
Y/n:Yuri, please tell us what's wrong?
Yuri:This has nothing to do with you.
Y/N:Maybe but I want to help you and I'm sure everyone else also wants to as well, the peerage is your family and I consider you as family too, so please let us help you.
Yuri:Y/N, what is your purpose in life?
Y/N:To protect those that I love and care for.
Yuri:Y/N, I apreaciate your willingness to help but this is my problem! And MINE alone!
She runs off and I decide not to follow since I know she won't let me help right now.
Eventually we arrive home and I was currently in my room with Rias asking her about the sword in Isa's photo.
Y/N:Rias, do you remember the sword in Isa's photo?
Rias:You think it has something to do with how Yuri is acting.
I just nod my head.
Rias:You are right on that, that sword is a holy sword, probably the worst weapons to use a against devils and that one was part of excalibur.
Y/N:The legendary sword, and how does this relate with Yuri?
Rias:She was part of something called the holy sword protect.
Y/N:Holy sword project?
Rias:Children were made and rised artificially so that they could wield excalibur, Yuri nearly died from it.
Y/N:Yuri...we have to help her.
Rias:I know but we can't help her if she dosen't let us, she will come back to us when she is ready.
After school me, Asia and Isa enter the clubroom and see how incredibly clean it was.
Asia:Wow, the floor is really shiny.
Isa:I'm kinda surprised it's this clean.
Y/N:I agree.
We enter the living room and see Koneko and Rias inside and everyone takes a seat.
Y/n:Yuri hasen't returned?
Rias:Unfortunatly no.
Isa:Y/N explained us that Yuri has some conflict with that holy sword but I didn't understand very well.
Rias:As you all know Yuri is the survivor of the holy sword protect but there were several other children involved, being raised to wield an excalibur.
Y/N:You mean there are more than one excalibur?
Rias:As of now there are seven other holy swords by the name excalibur. Pieces of the original excalibur were scattered during the war. There were seven of them and it was the church's job to find those pieces. Then they used alchemy yo create seven new swords.
Y/N:And Yuri can wield those sword?
Rias:No, she never fully adapted to the strength of those swords. In fact Nobel of the children ever could. The project failed and those in change decided to dispose of Yuri and the other children.
Y/N:*thouths*Yuri, please let us help you.
The door then opens and Akeno enters the room.
Akeno:Good everyone is here.
Rias:Akeno, why are you so late?
Akeno:Well I brought some guests.
Sona:Thank you for having us.
She says as she walks with Tsubaki.
Akeno:They said they have somethin important to talk with you.
Me and Asia are walking Isa towards her home and we were by the door we feel a holy presence and hear Mr.Hyoudou and Mrs.Hyoudou voices along with two diferent voices I've never heard.
Y/N:Do you feel that?
Isa:Yeah, let's go in.
We walk inside and when we arrive at the living room we see Isa's parents and two other girls, one with blue hair with a little green and the other with orange hair.
Mrs.Hyoudou:Isa you are home and you brought Asia and Y/N, I'm sure you remember Irina Shidou.
Mrs.Hyoudou opens a photo album and shows the picture of Isa with the orange hair kid.
Isa:Wait! You were a girl this entire time?!
Y/N:*surprised*You really thouth she was a girl?
Irina:It's good to see you again Isa.
As Isa and Irina were chatting I noticed that the other girl was glaring at us and I see the source of the holy presence but is wraped around cloth but judging by the shape I could assume is a sword and maybe an excalibur.
Y/N:Well it's getting late, I think it's time for me and Asia to go back home.
Blue hair girl:We sould be leaving as well.
Irina:But I finally reunited with my best friend.
Blue hair:You will see her again tomorrow.
Y/N:Well we'll see you tomorrow in class Isa. Let's go Asia.
Me and Asia exit the house as well as the two girls, we were about to walk away when the blue hair stoped us.
Blue hair:So you are devils huh?
I stoped and get in front of Asia.
Y/N:Well I am not but if you want to harm my friends, I'll do whatever to protect them.
Xenovia:My name is Xenovia and as you already know her name is Irina.
Irina:And we have no conflict with you if you devils do not interfere.
Y/N:My name is Y/N and as long as that may be, for now you are not my enemy.
Xenovia:Very well but let me warn you if any devil scum gets in our way then we will eliminate it.
Y/N:I think we have finished here.
Xenovia:I agree.
Asia and I walk away as the two exorcists walk the opposite way.
Y/N:*thouths*I feel like a big battle is about to happen, why did it suddenly become cold.
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